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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. 1 hour ago, Le Tout P'ti FC said:

    They can potentially use the general Wembley events licence for any overspill. Provided Wembley has space for that event within its own limit.

    All games should then be played with the 90k capacity.

    Some councillors had pushed for the capacity to be restricted to the 61k capacity of the new White Hart Lane to ease the impact on local residents. Seems to be going down badly in the local community.

    In the event that they cannot get a licence for a 90k game there is unlimited number of events which can use the 50k lowrer tier licence.

    I don't really get the 'impact on local residents' bit. I'd imagine you either bugger off for the day or don't leave home at all when there's an even on so does it really matter whether the area's clogged up with 60k or 90k people? It may extend the impact a bit pre and post event but the core upheaval's basically going to be the same. 'Great, it's only a 60,000 crowd today so I'll get to Tesco no problem'. It's a bit like people buying a house near an airport then complaining about the noise.

  2. 59 minutes ago, perthsaint1977 said:

    Like others can see scobbie and mannus leaving to free up wages. Comrie, Gordon and hurst (gk) will feature more next season from the bench and to cover. We definitely need some freshness so hopefully three or four comes in. Wonder if there is any more like Alston in the championship ?

    Any inside knowledge involved in this or is it just your own thoughts?

  3. 33 minutes ago, Malcolm Malcolm said:

    I envy you

    I don't bother with any Scottish media because it's just all variations of succulent lamb. The only exception is the BBC Glasgow website as I like to see what propaganda I'm forced to pay for so that I can whinge about it.

    32 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    He works for the Daily Record as a "Rangers blogger", born and bred in Perth though.

    Enough said thanks. Basically, he's an attention seeker that's not worth bothering about then.

  4. 2 hours ago, Zen Archer said:

    Willie Miller trotting out the usual shite about Hibs and Dundee United needing to be in the top league because they're 'BIG' clubs.

    f**k off you dribbling imbecile.

    They've both just demonstarted in a football-less game exacty why they shouldn't be in the top league. They simply aren't good enough, a principle Willie still won't understand.

  5. 1 hour ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

    Talksport is to radio what the most downmarket tabloid is to newspapers. It used to be alright, but over the past few years it's plummeted into the depths of clickbait radio. Desperately trying to be edgy and draw in plenty of calls to cover the fact that nobody is really interested in it anymore.

    Pretty embarrassing how raging it's got everyone. It's an irrelevance up here, and designed for armchair London area, white van driving English Premier League fans thickos.

    That's more like it.

    I can't believe anybody gives any sort of credence to what Durham comes out with. More fool them.

  6. 1 hour ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    They are nothing to do with either of them. It's Scottish self flattery that allows that perception. It's been established a thousand times over, no-one in England cares or wants anything to with them.

    Agreed the English don't want the bigot brothers to join their league set up but that doesn't mean that numerous decades ago there wasn't an Old Firm influence on local sides, especially given the number of Glaswegian and Irish workers in the industrial cities. Despite playing in blue Staleybridge were apparently named to attract 'Scottish' supporters to games, Stockport fans sing a version of The Sash and despite knowing nothing about West Allotment it's surely more than coincidence they are called Celtic and play in green and white hoops. 

    Anyway, I didn't mean to start a debate about this. It was really just a throwaway line. Enjoy the City game.

  7. 19 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    Now, now. I've been known to go to West Allotment Celtic games. Stalybridge got postponed, so they remain on the Celtics to visit list with Farsley. Went Macclesfield who won 2-0. They now have Tranmere in the semi-final. Can't seem to upload phoaties.

    Could never go to a club that is an extension of the bgiot brothers I'm afraid. 

    10 hours ago, Rab B Nesbit said:

    Went to Dunfermline 1 Queen of The South 1 last night. Far from s classic. Should have went to Berwick


    Rab, you're a bloody teacher!

  8. 56 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

    the others appear to have copied his excitement when goals go in.

    That's just the latest trend. All goal descriptions have to be OTT so they sound good in promotional soundbites. Hearing radio journos who for years have reported normally suddenly making every goal sound like a world cup winner is toe curling stuff. It's unlistenable to when they string a few together.

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