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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. 1 hour ago, Stu said:

    Might have to tune in tomorrow's episode, especially if Chick Young is on it. He'll be an absolute seething mess that we've sacked his pal. Add in the fact he doesn't like fan ownership and it could be gold.

    1 hour ago, stuthejag said:

    He still sticks it into Thistle at any opportunity after we sacked his mate Gerry Collins in 2003.

    Nah, I just don't believe this. There is absolutely no way Young has friends.


  2. 2 hours ago, CityDave said:

    It looks a bit exposed, but I think a visit to Forth Wanderers Kingshill Park in winter could be interesting.

    btw that ball there still hasn't come down. 

    Image result for forth wanderers fc

    Image result for forth wanderers fc

    Arctic tundra below

    Image result for forth wanderers fc

    There's a few more, Neilston in the West Juniors looks like a baltic place in winter and Islavale (Keith) and Buckie Rovers (Buckpool) in the North don't have a lot of shelter.

    True. Looks a tad chilly but at least there are trees on the side away from the changing rooms and crowd hemming it in. Carluck's is just an expanse of nothingness! I can't see how you'd get any sort of atmosphere there especially when it's a multi use sports facility with a dreaded running track rather than a fitba ground. Having to see past the backs of everyone in the badly placed dugouts is just the icing on the cake.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Rab B Nesbit said:

    Ha ha :lol:

    On a serious note the area behind the Anfield Road end was largely cleared a few years ago so I think it could happen pretty quickly. 

    Rumours the Kop could be extended too but one thing at a time. 

    Surprised at them thinking about doing anything to the Kop let alone extend it. Obviously a money winner for tourists but won't the Kop regulars be up in arms?

  4. 10 hours ago, bud1876 said:

    Are there any houses to be bought at knockdown prices to complete this phase?
    Or have Liverpool already purchased them.



    They're probably waiting for them to be devalued further. The homeowners might still be able to get some equity out of it. Give it time.

  5. 1 hour ago, Worktheshaft said:

    The sooner Sevco and Celtic die the better. What the f**k is this?

    We got 50% of that wish coming true but sadly our clubs couldn't wait to get the zombie up and running. Bottom line is Scottish football will never, ever be rid of the scum and we're on the way to having even more of them. The fault lies with the small minded 40.

  6. 3 hours ago, realmadrid said:

    How much, if anything do Rangers get fined each week for not speaking to the BBC.

    if the other clubs (All 40 of them) had any guts they should wait until say 15 minutes into the early kick off and then 1 by 1 tweet that due to the lack of respect or coverage given to the other games this week they will not be cooperating with the BBC and providing any after match interviews or passes for open all mics this weekend.

    The embarrassment for Sportsound come 2.55 when they probably plan to start talking about the other games would be superb.  

    The only fly in that ointment is that the BBC would care. They'd rub their hands with glee and just do even more bigot brothers stuff.

  7. 4 hours ago, Gaz FFC said:

    I asked myself many times what were sky thinking having 2 massive games up against each other. 

    Quite simply, because they don't, otherwise they wouldn't have done it.

    List of priorities - Manc Derby, Sky 1. Greatest game in the world that will have a global audience stopping the planet to watch it, Sky 2. No more need be said.

  8. 2 hours ago, The Master said:

    I remember a few years ago that this derby was being played on the Sunday but it was the first thing discussed on Sportsound at 2pm on the Saturday. They went on for about 40 minutes at which point Richard Gordon read out a text from a listener who wanted to remind them the game was tomorrow and that there were 20 games being played today that deserved coverage. Said listener was roundly ridiculed - even from Gordon himself who is usually quite level-headed in these matters.

    A few years ago I was in a car going to a game with a friend and his mate who was up from England for the weekend. The mate was quite high up in 5Live at the time and he couldn't believe the Saturday pre-match coverage for a game being played on a Sunday. Reckoned he'd be out on his ear if he tried that for a high profile game down south. It's disgraceful it's just normal procedure for Scotland.

  9. 1 hour ago, Malcolm Malcolm said:

    The issues we talk about on here are invariably created by the idea that Scottish sports journalism is sniffing out sensationalistic and often bullshit stories about the Old Firm or confirming the idiotic prejudices and fantasies of the supporters of Rangers and Celtic. A good writer with half a brain would probably not be particularly comfortable with that.

    This is why I have no respect for any journalist or broadcaster covering the Scottish game. If there is any genuine ability in them they've sold it to the devil for a career based on basically promoting sectarianism and two teams at the expense of the Scottish game. If they are allowed some criticism of them it'll be minor and brief and will soon be followed with twice as much praise to counter it. If they were genuine professionals they'd be desperate to get stuck into the true stories of bigotry and corruption but they don't. They just toe the party line in exchange for a quiet life and presumably decent remuneration. Sod the lot of them.

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