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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. So if we are to conclude that the crowd were to blame 


    We are saying some of the Liverpool fans were a contributing factor, not that they were to blame. There were obviously a number of factors to blame, the fans behavior being one of them. To totally absolve them of all blame is wrong and stinks of a political sop for the cover ups that have gone on over the years.

  2. If you watch footage of the events, and read witness accounts, you'll find that folk were trapped by others arriving swiftly behind them and could not control where they went. Indeed there are accounts of folk being lifted off their feet and being carried by the crowd.


    People in a rush to get to the game as they were late and desperate to get in. It's understandable but doesn't mean you can just act irresponsibly and use a 'nobody stopped me' excuse. 

  3. The thing is you can blame the fans until you are blue in the face but it doesn't detract from the failures of the police, the FA and the football club - it was a disaster waiting to happen.


    I think you could have phrased that better.

  4. I thought it was interesting that both Richard Gordon and Tom English pretty much undercut everything they said when they were discussing the interviews with Gordon pointing out that all the clubs who have won trophies wouldn't agree and English correctly pointing out that it was simply the "Rangers narrative" now. Both sounded utterly weary of the whole thing. Indeed English went on to say that in his opinion the ex-OF players they're wheeling out have absolutely no idea what's going on in Scottish football (again, it's hard to argue with that).


    I'm very pleasantly amazed to read that.

  5. Had the misfortune to read Davie Provans column from Sunday in work today.

    Apparently our league has resembled the Dog and Duck over the past 4 seasons and EVERY single club has suffered because of Rangers imploding. Tho Provan doesn't see it that way....Rangers were kicked out out of spite, when apparently a points deduction would have done.

    Mental that people actually believe this nonsense.

    I for one can't wait for normal service to resume and the OF to win every trophy. A small price to pay so we can gain the respect of the English....oh what's that they dont care.


    It's actually amazing that in 2016 the Scottish media get away with what they do, even allowing for Scotland being somewhere few non-Scots outwith it give a toss about.


    What goes on is more than just the big teams getting the most media coverage. It's blatantly disproportionate and year after year they feed everyone total lies and disinformation aimed at promoting the Old Firm whilst undermining all the other teams and the game in general. Making it worse is that our publicly funded, national broadcaster is one of the worst, breaking every principle of its very existence.The most damning factor of all is the blind eye turned to the blatant sectarianism these clubs are built on and the actions of their fans.


    Even China would be embarrassed to put out such a blatantly manipulated agenda yet bodies such as the BBC Trust and the Independent Press Standards Organisation let it happen. It really is soul destroying and it's just going to get far, far worse.

  6. Undoubtedly the last few years are going down as Scottish football's darkest days. History will be manipulated to show that things got so bad after Rangers were cruelly demoted we had the ignominy of tiny little St.Johnstone, Ross County and Inverness winning trophies and, even worse, two of them representing us in Europe. It's probably the most embarrassing point of Scottish football since 9-3 at Wembley or 1-1 with Iran. Thank goodness the world's most successful club has returned to get Scotland back to it's rightful place and every supporter of the game north of the border is delighted to have them back where they belong.



  7. Durham is a first class wind up merchant who must be complimented on the seething mess he gets the idiots daft enough to take him seriously into.


    Talksport is a shocking station that only exists to make money for its owners. They do this by appealing to the lowest common denominator audience and this means the bigot brothers in Scotland. Anything 'Scottish football' related is Old Firm and they have always been an extension of Rangers Media regarding Rangers and Rangers International's standing in the Scottish game. The only thing shocking about their output would be them telling the truth now and again.

  8. The Bridcutt tackle aftermath is starting to bug me, if it was done on some other Danish no mark it wouldn't be such a big deal but because he plays for Celtic the media outlets and guys on these kind of shows are making this into a bigger issue than it really is. 


    They forget to mention a minute previously the big lump of wood had a swipe at Bridcutt on the touchline.


    I see that the Celtic player is calling the tackle typical of Scottish football. That's the tackle from Bridcutt, the Englishman who's played all his football in English football and this game was the first time he'd played in Scotland. Must be interesting Scotland training sessions then.

  9. You have to wonder how these articles come about. Presumably Latapy didn't get pished and phone the Beeb up in a stupor to complain about his difficulties in finding work.


    A story by a black, ex-Rangers player that wants to play the race card is the stuff of wet dreams to the BBC. Their only disappointment would be he was straight.

  10. Going to take in the Bolton v Burnley game on Saturday. Has anyone been to the Macron (Reebok) before and if so where is best to sit, best pubs near by etc?

    As Rab says its not great for pubs but its got a big barn of a lounge for pre match beers at the ground. Loads of big screens and usually some sort of entertainment at some point. Amir Khan's held fights there. Might be a bit stricter on entrance with it being Burnley. If you've home tickets should be fine though.
  11. Heading down for the PNE v QPR game in March, really looking forward to it.

    Where else is good for a match in that part of the World? Preferably lower league.

    Theres always Wigan. Going well at the moment under Caldwell. Great view everywhere. Wont be too expensive. Big lounge at the ground for beers and about 15 mins walk from town centre pubs.
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