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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. 4 hours ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

    To be fair to the BBC, the European fixtures are always kept separately (just as they are on betting websites and other sources such as Sky Sports) and it is the same for English fixtures when there are European games on. 

    Can't say I've noticed them do it before and the Euros are in with the Olympics, Women's football and the Irn-Bru Cup tonight. The way it should be, all fixtures in one place.

    Well, when I say the way it should be, that's not totally true. The way they list the fixtures on the main site is a disgrace and shows the English total disdain for Scottish football. Instead of doing the sensible English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh order they obviously grade them meaning you get the Scots Prem after the English Championship, then the rest of the English leagues, some non leagues, any English Womens fixtures then the other Scottish games. It's a total insult but they don't care one bit.

  2. 9 hours ago, XIII said:

    The wankstain should just hand in his notice. He's done nothing but sell the game short to the detriment of 40 clubs.

    Should start a petition calling for his resignation

    You miss the point, as has already been stated. The other 40 clubs, our clubs, must be happy with the way things are going as they employ Doncaster, and Regan too.

    Do not forget they effectively promoted Doncaster to his current role after his 2012 disasters instead of appointing a new public puppet for the SPFL. Any petitions should be aimed at our clubs as they are the ones with the power but are happy not to use it while sitting back and playing second fiddle as long as the money keeps coming in. This is the most soul destroying aspect of Scottish football. It's run by small minded individuals with no vision and no ambition that are obviously happy to ignore sectarianism and coast along with the hand outs it produces whilst ignoring their fans wishes for a level playing field. It really is getting harder and harder to give a f**k about it all.

  3. 6 minutes ago, dogmc said:

    I'm exactly the same but just as much for the dire news journalism as the sports coverage.

    Count me in too. There's also the principle that actually you're buying yesterday's 'news' when I've already had today's delivered to me by the internet. 

    What I can't understand is why non-Old Firm fans buy or read anything produced by the so called Scottish football media, especially when it's from the red tops. We all know what they're about and what they're going to come out so why put yourself through it? I stopped ages ago and only sometimes check the BBC website as I'm forced to finance it and I'm on it for English football anyway. Even at that the tablet comes close to being thrown away every time I'm on the so called impartial broadcasters so called Scottish football section.

  4. On 7/20/2016 at 09:27, shull said:

    Accies sign a player. 

    Why the massive TV, Radio and Newspaper publicity? 


    23 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    A quick line to say he's signed for us, followed by multiple paragraphs about Ra Selick.

    Got to love sports journalism in this country.

    Caught this on SSN. It was the utter disgrace you'd expect. Cursory mention of Hamilton then quickly on to his Celtic days, his love of Celtic, his Celtic tattoo, he shows you his Celtic tattoo and then in the piece de resistance the interviewer asks him that as Hamilton are playing Rangers at Ibrox in the first game of the season would he be showing the tattoo to the crowd.

    The whole piece was as nauseating as it sounds and was a microcosm of everything that's wrong with the Scottish football media. What goes on is far more than just playing to the biggest audience. It's a genuine, deep rooted belief that it's only the bigot brothers that matter. It really is soul destroying stuff.


  5. 2 hours ago, Ya Bezzer! said:

    I've had several back and forths with people at the BBC about the quality of information on their Scottish football websites and every time they say they are reliant on the Press Association for their information which is bought in and that they will report back complaints to the PA.  To be fair the BBC can only exercise quality control over its own content but on the whole journalism across the board is in steep decline with smaller and smaller staffs going huge amounts of work.  Very little is checked or verified due to turn around times for content and when people use the internet as a source you are always going to have problems.

    I do believe there is a shoddy attitude at the BBC concerning Scottish content but there is also bigger problem across the whole industry.

    This is the BBC we're talking about. They sent 17 journos to cover a quick news briefing in Brussels and 83 people from BBC Wales to the Euros. To listen to their tales of hardship I didn't think they even had 83 people working in BBC Wales let alone allow that number to go off on a jolly and still function properly. I suspect the real reason for their shoddiness is they just don't give a toss.

    Good on you for hassling them about their service though. Keep up the good work!

  6. Actually, must congratulate the BBC. Not only did they mention St Johnstone in their Old Firm Gossip Column, they had a picture of David Wotherspoon as the story was about him, there was an accompanying photo that was actually David Wotherspoon, and in a Saints strip, plus they spelled his name correctly. Combined with the Scottish Cup win, I can't believe I've lived through such historic times.

  7. On 7/17/2016 at 06:20, resk said:

    Looks like whoever at the BBC was responsible for reporting that score couldn't even bother to acquaint themselves with the structure of the competition they're reporting on. No surprise there. The radio coverage is still pretty good (focus on Rangers and Celtic aside, I think we're stuck with that) but the shite they put on their website is fkin awful.

    Can see both sides of this but have to agree with you. If it carries your brand, you're ultimately responsible. 

  8. That obnoxious little shit is the epitome of what's wrong with Scottish football coverage and the BBC in particular. It's a total disgrace the sniveling little c**t is employed at all let alone gets to pick when he gives up.

    He probably thought that come the Euros his club would have just completed their first season in the Pemiership as champions so he could go out on a high. Instead, as they've just been promoted, he'll hang on a bit longer. 

    BBC 'Scotland', Scotland's broadcasting shame.

  9. I thought that the Scottish media's desire to pander to the OF knuckle draggers that can actually read had bottomed out with stuff like 'Rangers players says Rangers manager is great' and 'Celtic player says Celtic player is awesome' but they've managed to do the impossible and lower the bar even further with... 


    Rangers midfielder Joey Barton is jealous of Celtic because he wants to play for them, according to former Parkhead captain Tom Boyd. The Englishman made headlines last week for his comments about Celtic captain Scott Brown, but Boyd reckons Barton would "rather be pulling on the hoops than a blue jersey".(Various)


    'News' now includes a middle aged man resorting to the playground level of argument used by spotty teenagers on the internet. You're just jealous. Really? Good grief. In the balanced world of bigot brother reporting, expect a 4 page 'exclusive' to appear shortly with Terry Butcher declaring that his dad's bigger than Craig Gordon's.

  10. Please refer to my previous post about fans being unable to control their movements in the crowd once enveloped within.

    Crowd control wasn't what it should have been? It was practically non-existant!

    Maybe if you read some witness accounts that would help.


    I have read some of the reports by the Liverpool fans. Ok, we obviously need to just agree to disagree on this as we're about to start going round in circles. 

  11. Crush at the turnstiles started well before kick off- failure of crowd control. One of the other conclusions the jury reached was the failure of the authorities to delay kick off and allow everyone in safely,  a major contribution to the disaster. As pointed out above-large crowds need to be managed. That was a failure of the authorities' 'duty of care', not a failure on the part of the fans.


    The crowd control obviously wasn't what it should have been but what about the responsibility of the individual not to add to a crush? Where's my duty of care to the folk in front of me just because I want into the game?

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