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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. It's hard to believe that someone who has spent the vast majority of their working life in an industry dependant upon fitness would let himself get into such a state. He's so bad I wondered if it was due to a health issue but you never hear anything about it so it must just be down to him being a slob.

  2. Tom English is generally good, but he's guilty of one of my pet hates of Scottish broadcasters. Before the first leg of the Maribor tie he said "We don't know much about this Maribor side" and "We don't know what the standard of Slovenian football is like" - well Tom, it's your job to find out. In the digital age it wouldn't take much to find some Slovenian journalists on Twitter, ask if you can have a chat, and find out more about the side that whichever Scottish team is due to face.

    The same goes for the "I'm not even going to try and pronounce that name" patter - once again, it's your job to find that out.

    Yep. And if they are all far too busy to do their homework then there are such beings as researchers that could prepare a briefing for them to glance over before opening their gobs and admitting their ignorance. There really is no excuse for it.

  3. What I see is St Johnstone fans celebrating a Scottish Cup,


    It's still a novelty. It probably always will be.

    As many of you know I love my Scottish Football and going to games over the last few seasons has given me a new perspective on the game up there and the old firm in particular.

    I hear fans down here saying things like 'its a disaster for the Scottish game that Rangers are in the lower leagues' or 'Its a disaster for the Scottish game that Celtic did not get to the Champions League group stages' and 'its a disaster for Scottish football that Hearts and Hibs got relegated'.

    What I see is St Johnstone fans celebrating a Scottish Cup, Aberdeen fans celebrating a Scottish League Cup, Raith beating Rangers in a cup final. Inverness top of the Premier League. Dundee and Hamilton playing in the big league. Queen of the South getting their hands on some silverware and giving three of the so called big boys a run for their money in the league at the start of the season.

    Am I right in thinking that its really just a 'disaster' for the old firm (and their Edinburgh cousins) and the rest of you are loving every bloody minute of it?

    I know I am. Scottish Football has rarely been this interesting.

    Glad you have finally opened the trap door and got some sort of pyramid organised as well. That has been great for the lower leagues in England and will do the same in Scotland if you have the balls to stick with it. Football should always be a meritocracy not a closed shop.

    Superbly put sir/madam*. Fans in England repeat these phrases as that is all the media feed them. The satellite and commercial channels only care about the OF buck so continually spout disinformation to keep them happy whilst trying to recruit new followers. It's usually an ex-OF player coming out with it too. The rest of us have no chance. The BBC of course don't give a f**k about Scottish football or Scots living in England and are now promoting English woman's football and have promoted the FA Cup Sunday League teams rounds above it. Thank goodness there are a few free thinkers like yourself around. There are a couple at my work but most are of the brainwashed 'Scottish football = pub league' types unfortunately. My hat is duly tipped. :cheers

    * delete where inappropriate

  4. When it all goes tits up at Leeds, as is inevitable, I hope the Football League sue the f**k out of the QC that overturned their verdict that Cellion wasn't a fit and proper person. Much to their own amazement, lawyers don't know everything yet are increasingly involved in events they should be nowhere near as they milk their gravy train even more than MP's.

  5. Spence and his constant OF-trolling is like that guy at school who likes to get wide to the teachers. It's funny at first but then he keeps doing the same thing and you realise he's just an immature tryhard crying out for attention.

    I can't believe you ventured as far east as Edinburgh to go to Uni.

  6. Sky sports reporting David Hockaday is the new coach.

    The YEP was reporting it was going to be announced the morrow that he was the new coach as Reading wanted £500000 for Dolan.

    It makes sense. With Salts Mill being so close he can keep his exhibitions up to date easily enough too.

  7. Could be a bit of a bill heading the way of the S*n ... attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1402605543.391269.jpg

    I'm sure that after sending out 22,000,000 copies the postage on even a few thousand returned stampless isn't going to bother them. It's also very good use of a charity's funds.

    I didn't think the Scousers could get any more cringeworthy but writing The Sun as The S*n really is Primary 1 stuff. Dear God.

    Ed says sorry, but guess what group jump on the bandwagon to demonise him


    The Cult of Hillsborough Handbook's getting a good outing on this one. It's unbelievable. I hope Ed gave the correct type of apology or he's curtains. Mind you, he's what passes for left wing these days so should be ok.

  8. I'm well aware of the facts of the case wisbit.......what we are arguing is "points of law" in which a negligent act by one party resulted in another negligent act of another party which was the cause of the deaths. Without one act the likelihood of the other reduces.

    Somehow highlighting this seems to get misconstrued as defending the Police for their negligence and subsequent cover up.......which of course I'm not.

    You must remember that Hillsborough is a total 'if you're not with us you're against us' situation. You are not allowed to have balanced views of a neutral observer.

    Also, as has been stated on here before, the fact supporters were pushing to get into the ground and causing pressure on the gates was not their fault. It was the polices fault for letting them do it. Duty of care does not apply when you're late getting in for the fitba.

    That's if any pushing occurred in the first place. It didn't apparently. That makes this game remarkable for being the only one played around that time where everyone waiting to get in behaved impeccably, waiting patiently in turn to reach the turnstiles. How the police managed to manufacture such a build up with everyone behaving responsibly is baffling but they did it.

  9. And Kelvin Mackenzie was working as some sort of rogue operative was he?

    This was part of the Sun's agenda in the 1980s. It demonised working class communities (hence my reference to the miner's strike) and pretty much acted as a mouthpiece for Thatcher's government.

    I think you misunderstood my point about the apology. My point is that the fact it was a front page spread does not convince me (or the city of Liverpool) that the Sun is being run any differently to the way it was in the 80s. Times have changed but their agenda is just the same.

    In some ways he was, as, being the arrogant shit stirrer he is, he's the sort of person to do what he wants and bugger anyone else. It's been reported he was told by colleagues not to run the offending front page but he did it anyway. True Mackenzie. He will have seen the opportunity to stick the boot in to the riff raff whilst satisfying personal and corporate agendas. The Sun's political stance is well known. Always has been. Mackenzie was an ideal appointment for them as he was and still is as despicable as the Sun itself. It's basically how he earned his crust although it's finally caught up him.

    I didn't misunderstand your point about the apology. You stated that their full page apology was for business reasons, suggesting it wasn't because they were actually sorry for what was written. Of course they still have an ultra right wing agenda. Why would they change that to suit the Cult of Hillsborough? Presumably if they now had a centre or left wing stance the apology would be deemed genuine. Obviously only those making the apology would know if it was genuine or not, like all apologies. It suits the scouse agenda not to believe it of course.

  10. You never hear of the ticketless fans from that day being quite so vilified.....

    That's disgusting. It didn't happen. More lies to sully the good name of the faultless scousers. Apologise, but make sure it's the right kind of apology. JFT96. Don't Buy The Sun. YAWN.

  11. The Sun also printed an apology over the lies they printed about Scargill supposedly stealing money from the miners - but the apology came about ten years after the event when the fight was long gone and it mattered not a jot. Their apology was a small insert that was barely noticeable.

    In the case of Hillsborough the public opinion of the country had swung so far against them that a front page apology made business sense. There was also not 'one' person responsible - it was part of the culture of the organisation.

    A truly despicable rag.

    The original article was down to Kelvin Mackenzie.

    Scargill has nothing to do with this. However most newspaper's apologies are hidden away somewhere, not given a full front page as the Hillsborough one was. However this being the wrong type of apology is right up there with trains being cancelled because of the wrong type of snow as risible excuses.

    I'm sure there must be a 'Cult of Hillsborough Handbook' for all the believers to follow the party line re beliefs and terminologies to use.

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