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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. Colin Murray played both cup final songs on TalkSport this morning, according to some boy on United Mad. Apparently the United number came out on top.

    Sorry TRS. If it helps, Colin Murray used to play the Darkness on his old Radio 1 show, so the guy is obviously a cloth-eared simpleton.

    The song unfortunately got slaughtered as being a dirge that was all about a woman rather than football. They preferred singing along to poor covers of cheesy 70's songs. It was actually Perry Groves and Sam Matterface that were the critics. To say the whole thing went over their heads is an understatement.

    In fairness to Murray he said it was unfair to judge it on a clip and that you could write off Sunshine On Leith on only hearing a few seconds of it. He then said he liked the snippet he'd heard so I wouldn't really blame him.

    As I type the've just chosen their cup winners and Groves has changed to Saints due to 'mega honey' Eve Muirhead being a fan whilst Bob Mills has also gone for Saints thanks to Tommy Wright's Ardiles story. Murray's gone United I think so he is a c**t after all.

  2. Who are you trying to convince ?? Your mob have had the better of us all season, you have a top notch striker and a well organised team. From guide would suggest you are in the driving seat. United are more than capable, but just depends on how quickly we get out of the blocks. We were a bit sluggish to start with vs The rangers, and allowed them to press us in midfield. If we do that tomorrow , we'll be in trouble.

    Nah, we've been lucky. You absolutely tore us apart then we beat you when you played most of the game with 10 mean followed by a lucky win at Tannadice thanks to a freak own goal from your keeper. In the recent 2-0 win you were obviously playing well within yourselves as part of your cup final strategy.

    Our luck must surely run out tomorrow. You are clearly the better team and if I was a United fan I'd be grossly disappointed if you didn't win against little Saints in our first ever Final.

  3. It was the same for the semi-final, although I saw Aberdeen advertising packages on their website I'm sure. There were Saints fans in the second tier at the semi-final on these packages but clearly they are invite only or something.

    There was a guy on WAP said he bought his package through Celtic though.

    Seems to be they were indeed basically invitation only by Saints, to lounge members or something like that. Celtic were, and are, directly advertising and selling other packages. This annoys me as they obviously get to rake in even more cash than just a stadium hire fee. You should only be able to buy from Saints, United, the SFA and those corporate hospitality rip off jobs at a push. Can't have the bigot brothers missing out on even more money though. Don't tell anyone though. It's a secret.

  4. Take that north stand capacity with a pinch of salt though.

    I'm not sure how many Aberdeen actually sold there, because we had 43,000 overall but take away say 7,000 in main stand and just under 13,000 in jock stein, that leaves 23,000 sold in North stand (and remember there was no segregation) not 27,000. That figure included corporates aswell.

    Desperate to watch a game that the whole of Scottish football didn't want? How strange.

  5. I don't have a problem with it.

    It would be great if everyone was let in free, but I don't think £35 is excessive for a ticket, regardless of whether an adult, child or plant pot sits in the seat.

    In context with other sporting events it's not bad, for example the absolute cheapest concession price for the FA Cup final is £35, and majority of tickets are much more expensive than that.....

    You might have a problem with it if you were going and also taking your wife and 2 or 3 kids.

    Yesterday's Welsh Cup Final prices were Adult £8, Senior Citizens £5, Under 16's £1. See, I can do ridiculous comparisons too.

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