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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. You couldn't get an honest report on Hillsboro' 25 years ago because of the political and media pressure to absolve the police of any blame. And you wont get an honest report now because of the political and media pressure to absolve supporters* of any blame.

    All police forces, all clubs and all supporters at the time accepted overcrowding, poor stadiums, violence, trying to get in without tickets. The police had the attitude that all supporters were hooligans and treated them that way. Supporters were fed up of police treating them like animals, so paid no attention to their attempts at crowd control and the clubs just didn't give a shit. the more people in the ground the better. A disaster was going to happen (again) It was just a case of where and when.

    The taylor report addressed all these issues and has turned it all round. At the time we thought it heavy handed. But it changed everyones attitude and we are now at the point where some tweaks could be made. e.g. safe standing.

    * I'm not talking about the supporters that were crushed. They were in the unfortunate position of getting in early and taking their place.

    100% spot on especially the bits in bold. The rewriting of history has begun.

  2. Liverpool fans to blame for this as well eh? Your all a bunch of bitter twats. Hate for the sake of hating. Dont you get the fact real people lost real loved ones here. how would you feel eh? Would you just let them cover it up and blame the fans knowing full well the facts are very different. Imagine it was your daughter, your son , your dad or mother who didn't come home that day all because of the polices inability to cope . The stadium was a disaster waiting tom happen. Like heysel. Heysel would of happened regardless of what english club were playing there. Hooliganism was rife in those days and that wall was going fall.

    A Crash happened at hillsborough a few years before at the leppings lane end. Liverpool fans fault aye?. BOLLOCKS IS IT.


    Hook. Line. Sinker.

  3. We can take Rotherham a bit more seriously than we did last year given they've just had their second successive promotion and are now in the Championship. They've a cracking new stadium too and I must admit the atmosphere at their play off game v Preston was excellent. They seem to be the next Bournemouth rather then Yeovil.

    However, they are unlikely to be able to afford May even if they annihilate their previous record fee. Evans is obviously starting the self promotion and game playing by releasing to the media he's going to the game to watch him. I'm sure there will also be a few others there who have said nothing.

    Anyway, Liam...

  4. An interesting little exchange retweeted by our splendid unofficial twitter account earlier. Robert Thomson's from the Sun though so I doubt he knows who St Johnstone are but it's interesting never the less...

    Liam Craig going back to St Johnstone would have happened regardless of Sunday's result at Easter Road. Good player, wrong club.

    Scott Gordon@duckfundee 6h

    @robertthomson55 What do you reckon the chances are ?

    @duckfundee Eh? Obviously I think it's going to happen.

    @robertthomson55 @stjohnstone1884 well said rab I knew this was gonna happen was told on day of semi final

  5. The wording was that hes apparently free to find another club

    To free him, they'd need to come to an arrangement on the rest of his contract.

    Right, got it now thanks. It's basically Hibs wanting shot of him but not wanting to pay him off. It could still lead to an interesting situation if Craig doesn't get a suitable deal elsewhere. Cheers.

  6. Dear Scottish media. Thanks for a lifetime's coverage in 4 days but lets get one thing clear...St Johnstone were deserved winners of the Scottish Cup. Full stop. Not St Johnstone were deserved winners of the Scottish Cup, but they rode their luck, but if United had taken their chances...

    Yes, we had a couple of moments of luck but after far too many years of watching football, I've yet to see a ball rebound from the woodwork, hit the keeper and go in the goal at a game I've been at. I've seen it hit the woodwork and be cleared numerous times, just like what happened on Saturday. Somehow though it appears United were robbed of a goal by two pieces of ridiculously freak bad luck when the ball didn't hit Mannus and go in.

    Similarly United missed all the chances to take the lead and then get back into the game. Apparently we only had one chance, Spoony's magnificent run.

    Lets get a couple of things straight...United got lucky at 0-0 when Spoony's net bound shot was blocked by Gunning sticking a leg out and a ball that could have gone anywhere ended up in the keepers arms.

    They were also lucky that they weren't a couple down before Dow's excellent flick. By the way, did Captain Dave get a little head flick on Robertson's cross as it headed into the box? Lucky it fell perfectly for Dow if so. Apart from Spoony's shot mentioned above, it's been overlooked that Saints missed an absolute sitter when it was still 0-0 after Spoony's corner fell to the unmarked Wright a few yards out and he just couldn't control it to repeat his Rosenborg goal. Lucky for United that it didn't fall to eg MacLean who would more than likely have buried it.

    It's also been overlooked due to the spotlight on May's handball that another absolute sitter had been missed. Stevie should have buried Wright's nod on but mistimed it allowing Cierzniak to stick a hand out and luckily paw it away. The free kick that started that move came from Paton's two footed revenge lunge at Dunne would have been a straight red in any other game so instead of being 2-0 down with 10 men for the last 37 minutes United stayed only one goal behind with a full team. They could have ended up getting thumped 4 or 5 but they didn't. Lucky them.

    As for the amount of patronising, condescending crap about Saints being a team of aged pro's on their last chance of a medal...dear God. I'll not start on that.

    Only two media folk that I experienced spoke the truth and that one of them was Billy Dodd's sums up the rest of the one eyed cliche merchants. The other was in one of the numerous Sunday papers I read but can't remember which. They were the only ones to come out and give an unqualified 'St Johnstone deservedly won the cup as they are a good team with good players and a good manager'. No buts. Just the way it should be. The way that the vast majority of non professional media observers saw it.

    PS - Talking of of patronising, condescending crap about Saints, I have yet to see a piece as bad as this. It is undoubtedly the worst piece of journalism I have ever had the misfortune to read.


  7. I think I've finally caught up on tv coverage, papers and websites. My initial feeling of goodwill to one and all has diminished a tad. Time for some rambling opinions I think.

    First up...Campbell Fucking Ogilvie EBT WATP. He still took prime position to hand Saints the winners medals despite him fully expecting it to be his own team after all the effort he'd put in to ensure they won it this season. I'll give him his due though. He held the tears back well, at least when the cameras were on him. Again no 'name' to build the occasion up, just one of the great anti Christs of Scottish football looking after himself and not giving a toss about anything else. he should be cringing in the shadows with shame not basking in the moment.

    BUT...that wasn't enough. Who did he get to hand over the runners up medals? His wife. Mrs Campbell Fucking Ogilvie. His fucking wife. Dear God. Not even another blazer for whom it would have been a huge honour after x years of service. No, his fucking wife.

    The guy has no shame what so ever. Not one, single iota.

  8. I'm still in a bit of a daze about it all if truth be told. I just never, ever thought I'd see the day we won the Scottish Cup. I don't think it'll really sink in for a while yet.

    To do it and be such worthy winners just makes it even more special. I thought Fraser Wright was immense. What a display. I'm actually glad Stevie May didn't score as it helps prove we're much more than a one man team.

    Tommy Wright was brilliant. There was a quiet confidence about him all week. The wily, experienced head certainly put one over the young promising one, even telling McNamara what his team would be a couple of days before hand. He just got everything 100% spot on. And what a gentleman.

    The whole day was just superb. A great atmosphere in the bars pre and post match. The United folk we met were quality, some going out of their way to congratulate us. It really was the way it should be.

    Non football folk will never understand but days like this really aren't that far behind a wedding day or birth of a child when it comes to special occasions. What a day.

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