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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. Yup! Got three-quarters of it done. I know roughly where it's going, apart from the middle-8 section (before the final chorus). I've asked for opinions on WAP so I'll open that discussion up on here as well. Should I name-check any players or would supporters prefer me to avoid that and make it more of a song which is primarily about the club as a whole? The WAP posters are swaying towards the latter, and I think I agree with that course of action.

    I take WAP will be demanding Pack Rule Ya Bas as the chorus.

    Even although it's a cup final song I'd go with club as a whole. A named player might miss the game. If we win you could do another one to commemorate it and include names in that one.

    Shit... OK, I'll write another song.''f**k Dundee, I'm a hater who hates Dundee' can be the B-side instead, I guess.

    Ah, B-sides. :wub: I remember B-sides.

  2. I've received a positive response from the club. The aim is to send them a rough demo in the next couple of days, then go ahead with recording it at a studio (next week, at some point) if they approve. Ultimately, I'm hoping it would be released before the end of April (or 1st May at the very latest).

    Please please please don't have the words hate, Dundee or haters in it. Please. Please.

  3. If Leeds go tits up with the new guy I hope the Football League sue the QC that overturned their decision for every penny he has. I'm sick of about every decision made in life these days ending up in the extremely lucrative hands of the legal profession when somebody doesn't get what they want.

  4. There is a severe lack of imagination when building new stadia about how you shut off areas of the ground for smaller crowds.

    When I win the euromillions I'll be building a mirror image to the east stand where the shed is at tannadice then I'll put in something high tech like metal roller shutters that pull down over the top tiers when we need to reduce capacity.

    Sadly, you are not alone! I've wondered about this but rather than for Saints, for the likes of Dundee and Edinburgh clubs for semi final venues outside Glasgow. It would be great to have a top tier that could be stylishly shut off so as not to not create the white elephant effect for run of the mill games but then opened up for semis. However the SFA still wouldn't use it. Can't have all that game day money going outwith the Glasgow economy after all.

  5. What the hell is that long part meant to be?



    Shops. Comes over as a triumph of design over substance. Having a long straight line of retail outlets may look good on an architects graphic but tough titty on the shopper that has to go all the way back to the end shop if they forgot something. It's one reason most of these shopping developments are L shaped or rectangular layouts. But sod that. It looks good from above.

  6. When I said shite state of affairs, I was meaning more the market that we have to compete against. The fact that Southend are a relative nonentity in England but would be a big Scottish club tells enough.

    The odds in Scotland are stacked against us by the sheer scale of England alone, never mind with the backing they get from Sky/BT/BBC.

    Anyway, to get back on topic, Clydebank look to be moving in the right direction with the recent announcement that the council have a fund available for redevelopment of sports facilities and will be working with the club as part of this. Sadly we have no fancy graphics or indeed much in depth detail as it stands....

    Right, with you.

  7. Which would leave them challenging Dundee Utd as the 6th/7th best supported team in Scotland by average attendance. Shite state of affairs.



    Not really when you consider populations. Southend would be Scotland's 4th largest town/city. Let's not get bogged down on this subject though as we all know where the thread would end up if we did. The subject's been raised so it might even be too late... :eek:

  8. Is the Molineux thing not quite odd?

    Must have built those stands within the last 20 years and now they are going about tearing them all down again (all at eyewatering cost no doubt as nothing in construction seems otherwise these days), and then building new stands in their place.

    I know Wolverhampton is a big place and Wolves won't envisage themselves in League 1 for long, but 40k to 50k capacity also seems pretty optimistic?

    It is quite soon admittedly but the first time I went there I was disappointed in how cheap it looked compared to the image that came over on tv. Mind you it is in the West Midlands so basically what looked like a grade or two up from painted corrugated iron cladding would've been considered cutting edge architecture.

  9. Interesting. Seems barking mad to demolish a stadium less than 30 years old, but money talks.

    It does in theory but it looks a lot older than that and has old fashioned pillars holding up all the stands impeding views. It appears to have been built on the cheap,£2.5m according to wiki, which was virtually half of what McDiarmid cost a few months later. Looks like permanency was never on the agenda.

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