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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. Without even reading this thread this morning, I have enjoyed two Rangers tidbits.

    The BBC have a story about all the leavers, but the main event for me was the way Al Lamont sneakily brushed hid this bit under the carpet

    And of course the other fun story is the Caley awarding an honorary doctorate to Uncle Walter for services to banking bigotry football.

    Apologies if these have been mentioned already - I know how we hate going over old information!

    The Southampton website makes it clear. The cheating scumbags are not wanted!

    Saints have today revealed that Belgian champions R.S.C Anderlecht will replace Glasgow Rangers in this year's Markus Liebherr Memorial Cup, due to the well-publicised circumstances surrounding the Scottish side.

    The decision has not been made lightly and has been reached with the integrity of the competition in mind....

  2. If you're voting a new club into the SFL then you can't be biased whether it comes in either good or bad form. They should be treated like any non-league club.

    What's biased about considering all the facts about a club? They will be using the size of their fan base as the main reason they should be admitted due to the financial benefits it will bring. You cannot therefore ignore the negative side of those fans. Their bigotry and violence far outweighs any positive aspect to their re-entry into the Scottish game and for that alone they should never be allowed to discredit Scottish football again.

  3. I'm trying to take the whole Rangers baggage aside and think of them like any other club (difficult, I know). If this was Queens Park who'd been liquidated (tricky for an amateur club with few enemies if any, but hey), would we be saying:

    1) "Well, there's another Glasgow club who've got a lot of history behind them plus a world class 5-star stadium - we'd better let SevcoQP12 back in."


    2) "Queen's Park are sadly gone. They had their time and now it's time to give another club their shot. A real shame I know, but that's football..." (as the Rangers fans shrug and say nobody will miss Glasgow's pub team)

    A no-brainer for me even with a club I admire and so I hope Sevco are wiped from the face of the Earth just like Rangers FC before them.


  4. I don't particularly want to see the whole club killed. A new start in division three seems reasonable to me. I think they'd get the votes for entry at that level, and probably steamroller the leagues on the way up, but it would provide a clean slate and a chance for the club to remove itself from the vile bigotry that accompanies it.

    Serious question SH, have you been to any Rangers games?

  5. Brown will today seek talks with fans' groups.

    But he insisted: "Since no one from the Rangers regime has had the balls to do, as a former Hamilton and Dundee player I want to apologise on behalf of my club to the whole of Scottish football."


    For that alone i'll give him kudos. An apology has been long overdue and if they had started this carry on with that then we all might not have been such c***s to them.

    Brown obviously realises there is still at vote to be won to get into the SFL.

    Why have 'we all been c***s' to them? Wanting the rules properly applied is not being c***s to them.

  6. Normally listen to TalkSport in the morning but today Alan Brazil is just proving how little he knows about football north of the border.

    He said to Ray Wilkins earlier that now that rankers are looking like they will be out of the SPL they will probably pull out all the stops to try and get into the english set-up.

    This was quickly followed by some fuckwit orc going on about how the original name of the club was The Rangers and that only the company is being liquidated, not the club, that they will keep all of their titles, want to go to division 3, WATP, and the usual pish about being penalised by not being allowed to play in europe for 3 years.

    Did Alan pick him up on any points? Nah, he just said "that's a great call."

    TalkSport will now only being going on between 1pm-4pm during the week.

    Alan Brazil -FANNY!!!!!!!!!!

    The blue big was magnificent though. He'd obviously saved every single one of the Daily Records A-Z of misinformation and was given the time to go through every one of them then ended up with WATP. There was a quick click right after that so he didn't get No Surrender and God Save The Queen out.

    Brazil's reaction was agree with him throughout the call then say how great the caller had been. He is proof of the OF bubble and they are indeed two cheeks of the same arse.

  7. One of the highlights of the whole caboodle is the fact that there will always be at least one Diddy in each cup final.

    As some posted dozens of pages ago - "this is for true fans who get excited when their team gets in a quarter final"

    Exactly. It'll breathe new life into them both. Celtic don't exactly appear in both finals every year so there's every chance of all diddy finals. Excellent.

  8. I understand peoples hatred of rangers on here but what i dont understand is why everyone is rejoicing and saying its going to be good for scottish football, it was awful as it was with a 2 horse race but now its just going to be a one horse race celtic will be out of sight come october the league will be even more of a laughing stock than it was before, i cant even understand why celtic fans are happy about this as the old firm rivalry is one of the greatest in world football and now its gone and you'se are all making it out to be a good thing, utter madness!! Celtic arent going to go bust either so it will be them romping the league and cups for ever more

    How many cups did Celtic romp away with this season?

  9. "I'm obviously disappointed but I think it's something that, as CEO of Rangers, that we have to deal with the cards we've been dealt and it's unfortunate that people have come out and made those comments when my understanding was that there was going to be a vote next Wednesday — but you know I can't control other clubs."

    Not any longer mate. Not with 11-1 going out of the window soon.

  10. I'm a little confused.

    As far as I had heard the following had said NO (GIRFUY) already:



    Dundee Utd

    St Johnstone


    We now add ICT (well done boys and girls).

    However ICT site names them as the fourth side - can anyone please let me know what is happening with this?? Afterall if this goes on any longer


    Saints have said nothing official, as per usual. Some nudge nudge wink wink but nothing official.

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