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Everything posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. What happened at Dingwall? Totally agree with the end of the above statement. Clubs that have been in the shit in the recent past have survived because the fans almost totally united in a common cause to save the club. If you continue to be split into pro and anti Massone factions, you're utterly and completely fucked.
  2. Has the forum's general cynicism over the staff wages been proved correct yet?
  3. Depends. If they're claims for £3000 or less, then they're small claims. As such if he knows he's going to lose and doesn't bother turning up in Court the only extra expense will be the small claim fee (£39 or at least it used to be) and whatever interest is claimed on the amount (8% as a rough guide). More than £3000, yeah it'll cost.
  4. Yeah just took it up 3 weeks ago. Been going along to net practice at the local leisure centre with the local club team. I'm not totally awful with the bat but i'd rate my bowling ability so far as: Having never played it at ALL before, i can only learn
  5. Christ what a farce Viv Richards must be going absolutely tits after seeing his name against such an embarrassment.
  6. 1. I sleep 5 hours a night on average 2. I've been pissed more in the 3 months since splitting up with the ex than in the last 3 years combined. 3. I'm addicted to Call of Duty: World at War 4. I havent shaved since Wednesday 5. I'm off work today and incredibly bored
  7. johnbell710 Only got Call of Duty: World at War so far. Feel free to add if you want a deathmatch on it
  8. Truly excellent. I've got it on DVD and never tire of watching it. Dont really have a particularly favourite episode, but "Why We Fight" is exceptional.
  9. After the heartbreak of have coupons burst on three successive weekends by ONE team, true humiliation came my way this weeekend with the following fails on a 9 match homes accumulator Chelsea Liverpool Burnley Dundee United Dunfermline Fucking dismal
  10. Decades - Joy Division What a fucking brilliant album Closer is
  11. It's a mind-numblingly boring shithole. I used to work there. One of those places that's depressing even on a warm sunny day. To be fair, the demolitionof the Queens Park scheme improved it a bit. However, it's still a haven for impossible-to-understand ginger single mothers of multiple children, junkies and generally inbred fuckwits.
  12. Mid 80's Whitfield in Dundee was utterly horrific. Dundee has improved a bit since then mind you. Worst place i've seen/driven through (quickly) was probably Port Glasgow. Other places worthy of a mention: Brechin Arbroath A dodgy scheme in Blantyre London Road, Glasgow
  13. Doubt it ... i was never a member at Monfieth, just played in the county youths there once and the 36 hole open a couple of times in the mid to late 90s. I play(ed) at Kirriemuir
  14. I've played it a good few times, both in Open comps, matches and also a few bounce games as my uncle is a member there. Not sure what its like now with the merged clubs etc, but ill most likely be joining The Grange. Monifieth's a good pair of courses, frequently tough Medal course and the piss easy 'Ludie. Looking forward to it
  15. Same shit, different year then. Defo joining Monifieth if i can be arsed with golf next year. My worst Monifieth moment was shan*ing a 3 iron off the first across the railway in the County Youths Championships many moons ago.
  16. Very true and one of many reasons why, when i start playing again next year my soft earned cash will be going to another golf club for membership. Monifieth most likely. Two courses, one of championship standard for around £400. And "my ex course" probably wont be a kick in the arse off that. And its shite. I havednt played since last year. What kind of condition has it been in this year, and have i missed much?
  17. Doomsday 1 out of 10. Absolutely fucking dire. Starts off REASONABLY but then descends into a half arsed attempt at Mad Max imagery in Glasgow, appalling dialogue and an ending that makes no sense whatsoever. Total pish.
  18. Are you referring to a certain Angus golf course which i used to be a member of?
  19. It might be a good idea to have a couple of lessons just to set you off on the right track, then put it into practice at the driving range. Any decent local pro should be able to help you out with the basics, so dont feel pressurised, they're there to help you. A 40 minute lesson with most pros should set you back anywhere from £12 to £20, a lot for a 40 minutes or so, but very valuable. If you find you enjoy it and want to stick at it, see about seasons tickets at your local muni. If you want to join a club, then use the following link. You can do an area search and many clubs have their prices/joining fees displayed on here, with info about courses, website links etc etc: www.golfcentral.co.uk Finally, if you decide to take up the game regularly, dont splurge a load of cash on the latest "name" gear. Get yourself onto e-bay / scot-ads and seek out some bargains there. You could easily fully kit yourself out with a bag and 14 clubs for less than £200. Oh, and let us know how you get on!
  20. It bordered on the hilarious. I watched, with an increasing headache and Nasser Hussain and Nick Knight tried to explain it. Whats wrong with simply signing one form to say you are a paid professional cricketer? *Edited for shocking spelling
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