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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. As I said last season, Gray is a dynamo, with great impact running forward from midfield, but still needs coaching to remind him he's a central midfielder, not a winger or striker, so he needs to learn to see and make passes rather than always try and do it all himself. He's a great individual talent, but it's a team game and a central midfielder's key task is passing the ball. If he adds that to his game, he won't be with us long.
  2. On Nathan Austin, he had a spell of about 5 minutes before we made 5 subs and changed system where he looked a bit more dangerous, but that was basically it. He's usually better when I've seen him. Lynas wasn't terrible and played well at times, but faded as the match wore on. Agree Shiels had his best match for us so far. Also agree on starting Ruth for Wilson with Hilton moving deeper to be more involved. As the season wears on and rotation kicks in, it may be nice to see what a worn in Wallace/Ruth partnership can do, but MacLean deserves his top spot just now. That Fife side would probably be more comfortable in the table if they dropped the petty gamesmanship and let their players off the chain to attack.
  3. Feels like justice done. We played the better football, though we made it hard for ourselves at times. East Fife were time wasting throughout and looked like they came for a nil nil. Ref was ridiculously weak.
  4. Some nice build up and lovely wee flicks etc (particularly from Hilton), but allowing ourselves to be doubled up on in the East Fife end and moves breaking down. Gray doing well with the long (Long) balls over the top to run onto, but tends to hold onto it too long looking to go on a dribble rather than play someone in. East Fife have tested Long 2 or 3 times with decent efforts on target. I'm liking Blair Malcolm more with each game.
  5. That Healy is a whinging, play acting wee shite. East Fife are ripping the pish out this ref and he's taking it.
  6. Reading through the team it looks like Long Lynas, creighton, durnan Shiels, Gray, malcolm, Wilson, young Jinky, maclean
  7. That's the way I see it also. Its clear the 3-5-2 was just something Farrell tried the other week and it paid off in spades, then worked again last Saturday. Not something that had been planned during the recruitment phase of pre season, so what we're running with is what we've got I'd imagine. Just need to keep plugging away as all teams will have injuries and suspensions throughout the season.
  8. This from the Trust? I've not received anything.
  9. 352, Blair Malcolm in from the start at the expense of Ryan Blair, MacLean in place of Shiels please, Stevie.
  10. Your classic "game of two halves". Fair play to Farrell, he changed the system at half time from 4231 to 352 (which I can't remember us using under him) and it was exactly what was needed. The subs were perfect too, with Malcolm dominating the defensive midfield, Jinky Hilton chasing lost causes up front and MacLean giving the Forfar defence a torrid time at centre forward. First half Forfar were compact and would repeatedly hit on the counter attack either down their left or through the centre and Dumbarton couldn't live with it and Forfar could have had 4 rather than 1. Second half it was a different dynamic entirely and Dumbarton could have scored 6 in the 2nd 45 minutes. Good win.
  11. Scrappy, but compact and awkward, which is effective. Well taken goal. Dumbarton being repeatedly suicidal at the back. Could be Forfar 4 at half time, but thankfully just the 1. Sons are disjointed going forward and humping it long too often. We started fairly brightly, but after some flashes of good play from Carlo and Gray early on, it's settled into Sons punting the ball to a midget and then trying desperately to block Forfar as they counter.
  12. What's gone on there? Injuries? Or just not enough players signed?
  13. Although the rain is off now, it was absolutely chucking it from about 3am until recently. Pitch will be some laugh.
  14. That Forfar lineup makes me think this will be a nil nil shitfest. Honestly considering necking my pint and buggering off back out the ground.
  15. What a strike that was. Genuinely one of the best goals I've seen in the flesh.
  16. I joined the Sons Trust last Saturday. When should I expect my decoder ring and secret handshake?
  17. You sound like my apprentice. Every second Saturday; "what's the weekend plans, gaffer?" Sons are at home. "It'll be postponed" It's August! *shrug*
  18. Dunno, a lot of the stuff we played last season was very offensive... to the eyes.
  19. Absolute nothing of a game. Like a yawn played out on the park.
  20. Sounds fairly positive. You're making the right noises. And kudos for coming on and making yourself available. That's admirable. I've done some work for the club and know that it's run on a skeleton crew, so very happy to see both investment and ideas put in. I'll readily admit that as a fanbase we're somewhat sceptical of trojan horses because of the seemingly endless stream of land deals and false dawns that have been presented in the last decade or so. However, the club is well supported for the level(s) we occupy and, as one of the country's oldest professional football teams, it's dear to the hearts of many in the local community, and the Dumbarton diaspora. With that firmly in mind, I wish you every success in building the club that we all love and hope that you'll remember that a football club is more than a limited company, a business or an "opportunity". I ask only that you keep in mind one thing before making any decision: "How would I feel if this were the club I support?".
  21. Buzzing for our new fly by night invisible temporary overlords.
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