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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Well, what's the verdict on tonight's meeting? I feel like I have a few questions unanswered, but appreciate the chairman saying he's open to future consultation. The statements about how DFC aren't exposed to any risk and simply won't move if it isn't right or will all resign their directorships if Brabco upset them left me more concerned than appeased. I'm also somewhat perturbed by the chairman saying he's only ever met 4 of the 6 Brabco members over the years. I'd have thought that the majority shareholders would be more familiar with the club chairman.
  2. Peter Jnr keeps pulling down my record player, but I don't want to rearrange the furniture.
  3. We miss you too, you're the bonniest Sons fan after me and the Auld Son. There's a thought, Thommo1690, i wonderif Dobs fancies a sensational return? Fleetwood Town? Who the f**k are they? Surely he'd be happier at the Stadio Del Rock?
  4. Does that mean you and your fella will be in opoposite ends?
  5. Confirmed in today's Metro that Kane is going back to Perth in January.
  6. I bet Dion Dublin knows that Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi were assassinated.
  7. Wish I hadn't made my tinfoil hat out of the stuff from the grill, it's making my head awful greasy.
  8. There's no need to apologise, I wasn't critiscising you. I was simply giving some perspective to clarify why the majority of us are somewhat suspicious.
  9. It's perhaps noteworthy that the few Sons fans on here who have spoken out in defence on Brabco are the older few who have some relationship with the Hosie family. Maybe if we were all friends with the Brabco chaps we would all be a bit more comfortable, but since the majority are perfect strangers with them, I'd suggest that being skeptical is a natural reaction when plans are afoot but no-one on the plan-makers' side has seen fit to tell those of us who aren't on first name terms with them just why they feel this plan is necessary.
  10. Anyone who is just happy to shut up and take what's given to them is plainly a bit simple.
  11. In an odd twist of irony, Ian Black appears white, but is actually an albino of West African ancestry.
  12. 7 out of 10. Didn't know "super Tuesday" or "Tuesday weld" and mixed up my memory of Norse mythology and picked the wrong one.
  13. Just got home and discovered my neighbour has popped by earlier and dropped off a bottle of bourbon for me.
  14. That's cool, I'd be fairly upset if you were into the same fashion as me.
  15. I got it exclusive pre-release That's one of the collaboration ones, with Berlin Groundet. 50 for the UK and 50 for them in Germany. ETA: bollocks to buying them off the bay or what have you, go for silly money on there. I saw an eBay listing a while back where someone had 10 of the different releases still with tags on and a buy it now of £1k.
  16. Contrary to political correctness, "Eskimo" is still the correct term to describe the native peoples of the Arctic regions. The confusion arose when a BBC researcher for a Ray Mears documentary asked a village elder who was acting as their guide what the collective designation was for his people whilst simultaneously failing to alert him that a polar bear was standing behind him. "I knew it!" screamed the village elder as the polar bear snapped its jaws around his neck, killing him before he could finish saying "would be the death of me working with you stupid b*****ds!".
  17. I like to think that the rusting Transit van engine outside the front door adds a "modern art / surrealist" feel to the place.
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