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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. He dropped 4 leagues to join them, so he obviously really wanted to be there.
  2. Some absolutely chronic patter on here at the minute. It's like Facebook.
  3. You'd need to clone 3 more of yourself to match my height and weight. It's your bird I'm more afraid of. Tiptoes.
  4. You've got the height, build and dress sense right. Only got the hair colour and hairstyle wrong.
  5. Glad I swerved it tonight to stay home.
  6. Bit of a task to stick a central defender at right mid. Maybe him in the middle with Love wide or a start for young Vata would have been my preference as I don't love what I've seen from big McLean since he joined.
  7. That bench is really the epitome of bare bones. The 2nd choice keeper, a half fit Ryan Wallace, Edin Lynch who was injured long term and even after recovering hasn't been able to force his way into the team other than a few recent sub appearances during an injury crisis, and a teenage midfielder who's played a handful of first team minutes since being moved up from the youths. Getting no joy with injuries lately.
  8. No Kalvin Orsi tonight. Looks like Ross McLean moves to the right with Russell MacLean taking centre forward.
  9. Not a stream, but there's 2 rivers there.
  10. I was up Whinny Hill and Kinnour Hill this morning and though boggy from previous rain, it never rained once. Only seen a light drizzle since getting back to G83. The game should definitely be on. It'll be a makeshift side again. Hopefully see Ross McLean up front again after his good showing against Stirling. Definitely offers more than his namesake up there. Probably see the same XI starting that did on Saturday, which is really the best we can field right now so fair enough. Forfar have had 2 wins, a loss and 4 draws in their last 7 matches, whilst we've had 3 losses, 3 wins and a draw, so neither team is sparklingly consistent. Every point in this division is a battle and League Two has the fewest points between the top and bottom side of any of the 4 leagues, with even 10th placed Rovers having 30 points, which is more than the bottom sides in all 3 leagues above. It's as tight as I can remember this division being and every side has a chance against every other. There are still enough points available that the likes of Stenhousemuir, East Fife or Annan could snatch the title if they put together a winning streak and Sons and Stirling collapsed, however the early season points generated by both ourselves and Albion, plus the respective way each of the aforementioned season's have gone thus far would make that highly unlikely, whether mathematically possible or not. Whichever team grinds out the most results will take the trophy and I expect it to be a slog from hereon in until the trophy is handed out.
  11. Had to have my dog put down on Saturday. Felt like a murderer carrying him into the vet.
  12. Found out my da has an aortic aneurysm. Also it's hereditary in males, so me and my son will need to be tested/monitored.
  13. Had one of those mini kegs of beer aged around 18. After a few pints you need to open the air bung in the top to allow it to continue to flow. Next day few pints left in it when my annoying mate popped round. Me and my other mate cracked cans from the fridge and knowing the annoying lad would be after poncing our beer, I waited until he was distracted, took the mini keg to the bathroom, pished into the air bung then returned the mini keg to the kitchen and invited him to "help himself to the keg". He had 3 pints and never complained once.
  14. Looks a risky one to me. But Rovers are better than Rose on my viewings of them both against Sons.
  15. There aren't any parallels; except that Dumbarton are in the 4th tier and in contention for the league title as the season nears it's end. No sir, no parallels at all.
  16. I'm currently raising $120,000 to buy a Roomba cordless vacuum cleaner to ride into battle on. I pinky promise all funds will be used for the betterment of Ukraine. You can trust me, I'm a Christian.
  17. Just said the same on the match thread. If he's going for a "prove the fans wrong" message to the players then he's way off base.
  18. Yup. The kind of dig that precedes the wheels falling off. If he wants to build an us and them siege mentality then great, but it needs to be the club v the world, not him v the fans.
  19. That's a weird comment he's made. This isn't the time to be trying to drive a wedge to fans he thinks have doubts. He needs to stop reading social media posts and do his talking through his team.
  20. Seems a few of the main US fundraisers for the Ukrainian foreign legion have been telling porky pies about their backgrounds, military service and where the donations go. https://t.co/ocf7exIJzn I mentioned this a while back and was accused by a US poster on here of being a Russian troll who's been playing the long game by signing up for this website in the early 2000s, so let me just state for the avoidance of doubt that I have no opinion either way, nor any preferred Eastern European nation. I'm simply intrigued by this story which has been unfolding piece by piece (mainly tweet by tweet) for many months now, which is finally coming together.
  21. I didn't indulge, but my colleague enjoyed a KY kebab pie. He said it was lovely, if slippery.
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