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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. And saying "skank pussy" proves that you're weak minded. c**t.
  2. Just threw together a quick pasta salad with teriyaki salmon and put some stuffed peppers through it. Love stuffed peppers normally, but these were too salty, presumably the cheese inside was saltier than usual.
  3. That's what I meant, yes. There's a line in the movie Lord of War where Nicholas Cage narrates that he's "mortgaged to the hilt, using one credit card to pay off another" and it got my tiny mind wondering. Can the banks / credit card lenders be beaten?
  4. If you took out a credit card and ran it up, then took out a second credit card and used it to pay off the first, then the first to pay off the second etc etc on and on, could you stay ahead of the debt, meaning all your puchases on the two cards were free, until you inevitably peg it and the debt dies with you? Would it only work for one lot of purchases ie. could you only spend the limit of the first card that first time, then the rest of the time just be endlessly transferring the same amount of debt back and forth between the cards to avoid paying for the initial splurge?
  5. Depends where you shop. But broadly, yes. They still don't taste as nice though.
  6. Only in a world where only one solution can be tried at a time. In an ideal world (which this isn't, because it's a fallacy) we'd be trialling a combined effort to tackle the multiple root causes. But I'm still not sold on the notion of full decriminalisation, regulation, taxation. Purely on a personal level I mean. It's all about opinions innit.
  7. Yeah! And make bevvy a health drink and fruit smoothies give you liver disease! And make all the birds lez off in front of me!
  8. That's just a photo of you making the wee one's bottle. That Cow & Gate powder gets everywhere.
  9. Aye the degradation standpoint doesn't necessarily ring true. There are always exceptions to every rule I suppose. Guy I went to school with and was pals with in early to mid high school was from a well off area, happily married parents, lived in a house rather than a council flat, etc etc. But for some reason he always seemed to want to ingratiate himself with the neddier kids. After school he tried his hand at being a full blown tracksuited ned, then was sentenced to five years for dealing smack.
  10. Alright then, how many people do you know who do coke on the reg? It's a lot. Now, if coke was suddenly legal, you'd soon find that the folk you know who don't do it regularly or at all would soon be into it, too. I'm certain of it.
  11. Just had a pot of mixed fruit and it was shite, especially the melon, which is bowfing stuff. Why can't the nice things be good for us and the shite things be bad for us? Why can't I have five a day of Twix?
  12. Coke's definitely become a part of drinking culture.
  13. Said it already on the Twitter thread. You'll need to sharpen up, son.
  14. Have you ever had intravenous morphine, D? I can assure you, that if it were legal, I'd be very tempted to get some. But I'd never willingly take heroin.
  15. Pity those poor fools who likely earn more than me for doing less work and having some degree of associated glamour. The poor b*****ds.
  16. I'm honestly not sure how it's medically categorised now, beyond my amateur description above. Chemical dependancy wouldn't need to be called anything else, would it?
  17. I'd say so. I remember being fascinated that some guys in my school class had tried coke one weekend, we were more used to the much more common £5 a gram speed. Nowadays you never see suplh, but coke's everywhere. Same with hash and weed. As a kid, weed was rare and an expensive luxury. But we could always get resin. Nowadays soap bar is rarely seen, but green is easy and cheap to find.
  18. It's definitely been debunked. Think about it like this; the theory of the addictive personality excuses personal responsibility for one's own actions, or one's own free will. That surely can't be right. And it isn't.
  19. Yes, but your spreadsheet (shit hot though it is) doesn't show the Glasgow Effect, it shows nationwide annual drug deaths, which form a part of the whole
  20. I'd guess so, too. You'd imagine that in the 1950s the government had far more to worry about with the 2nd World War having just ended, ratikoning being a major concern and several other smaller conflicts ongoing and probably weren't noticing patterns before then.
  21. My understanding of it is that it's nowadays based on the idea of chemical, physical and emotional addiction. I was never fully convinced of the notion of the pot luck tombola of having an addictive personality or not. Just never felt right. But I'm by no means an expert on the subject, only speaking from personal opinion.
  22. Scotland's mortality rate apparently wasn't of note until the 50s and gathered pace in the 70s, so there's a definite timeline for cause and effect in there.
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