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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. The addictive personality theory was debunked a few years ago.
  2. The other problem politically is that I find most elected parties only want to engage in actions which can be carried out during a four year term, nobody ever seems to want to start a process that won't show results until well after they've left office. Short termism.
  3. The point from the Glasgow Centre For Population Health about not feeling secure in one's environment from early childhood creating a toxic stress which affects frontal lobe development leading to chronic ill health in life is an interesting one. I can honestly say I don't entirely trust my environment, nor did I as a child. It's a grey, poor, ugly, concrete jungle, and it was as a kid, too. Thankfully my kids are too young to have noticed it yet, but my son's not far from starting to realise that the people he sees coming and going are scar faced, staggering, reeking, junkies and drunks and feeling unsettled by that, as I did when I was young. That kind of exposure to danger or harshness from an early age surely can't be healthy.
  4. Looking at the theories posited for the factors that cause the Scotland Effect and the Glasgow Effect is like reading a shopping list of theories, without very much in the way of proferred solutions. Broadly, if the various theories were correct and were a clustered cause, then to combat it you'd need to rebuild social housing to a higher standard, offer jobs and mental health support to a wider number of people, distribute vitamin D and magnesium supplements, provide parenting coaching classes and education, redevelop all derelict land to provide a more positive landscape, dig up the earth to test for and remove pollutants in the land, increase the feeling of security among the populace, reduce stress levels among the populace and reduce the number of premature or low weight births (to name but a few!). Some of those are so vague as to be unactionable, frankly. Ultimately, only with a gradual increase in quality of life, education, employment, civic pride and healthy lifestyle choices will we see some of those be countered as time passes. But it won't be a fast process, it'll be glacial and will happen in pockets rather than across the country.
  5. Not enough in itself to stop people dying. They'll still accidentally overdose during chronic use. There's a variety of factors at play, myriad in their number, that add up to a very unhealthy whole. There's no binary solution here.
  6. It's a bit of the Glasgow Effect really. It can be tracked with stats, but no single key issue can be identified as the root cause and then solved accordingly. Never knowingly met someone who later died of drugs use, but several kids from my street became smackheads, and I know a large number of other recreational drug users. Attitude and an ingrained culture definitely feels like a good fit, but can't possibly be the whole reason.
  7. Loving these videos. Some change from the old regime where we could go months without the club ever putting info online, bar the bare minimum of ticket info.
  8. Got £30 off the cost of a night in some place in Dumfries a few years ago because I found an empty shoebox in one of the drawers in my room.
  9. My da would always take us round MFI in Inverness of a Saturday and help himself to wee decorative touches from the display kitchens, the sit them around the cornice of his own wall cabinets at home, mostly glass bottles filled with coloured water. He was also fond of taking the salt & pepper shakers or glasses from that American themed restaurant in Inverness that had all the memorabilia (read: shite) on the walls and ceilings (sure there was a branch in Aviemore too). He must have ten sets of salt shakers at home. Must be where I got it from.
  10. A man after my own heart. I'll take an extra branded notepad and box of hankies for you.
  11. Completely in favour of it. Given how costly and unreliable the trains generally are, I consider it fair game. A victimless crime. I consider any free trip, whether it be from Singer to Dalmuir, or Balloch to Belgrade to be a personal win.
  12. Petty theft. Helping myself to the cup-a-soups in the yard which are supposed to be for punters, eating some c**t else's biscuits out the work's kitchen, taking a salt shaker or a side plate home from a restaurant, I just love completely uneccessary petty theft. Brightens my day no end. Especially if it annoys someone by inconveniencing them in a minor way. Today's was taking the wooden coffee stirrers from the self service bit in Greggs at lunchtime and leaving none for anyone else. Going to a country house for an overnight at the end of the month, I'm going to fucking rinse the place.
  13. As a ***, it's by the far the mildest offence you're guilty of. The tip of the iceberg.
  14. Not really bucking the trend though. For guys of a certain age, it's very much glory hunting to be an Aberdeen fan from outwith Aberdeen, just like the same way there's folk in their 40s in Oxford and the likes who've grown up supporting Liverpool.
  15. I still drank for a time afterwards, but haven't recently. Haven't missed it. Only on the inside.
  16. "snowflakes"? You getting your patter from alt right Reddit threads now? You'll be calling people cucks and libtards next.
  17. I've had nandos sauce from the supermarket and it was pretty great, but never eaten their food. Justin Bieber has some cracking songs on the radio, and some shite ones. I'm getting splinters from this fence.
  18. Sending unsolicited nudes via the Internet to complete strangers is weird no matter how you try to dress it up as lads bantz. If you did it on Facebook messenger it'd be weird, but it's not weird in a private message through a football forum? He's a creep. He's always been a creep and this is exactly the kind of behaviour that marks him out as a creep. Send that to someone who you know so that you can know in advance their likely reaction. Not to strangers who didn't ask you to.
  19. Throbber has been sending private messages of a cock gif? What a weird wee c**t.
  20. There are folk reading this who literally have no idea what it refers to. Like how Madeleine McCann jokes won't make sense to folk who are 4 today when they are 30.
  21. Your finger is right on the pulse of current affairs.
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