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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. The Kilt stuff was made weirder by the fact that his kids were aware of the stuff he posted on here.
  2. Arguably the nadir of his Pie and Bovril creepy posts career. Those three incidents (vt, itzdrk and the other one) perfectly highlight the fact that the man is genuinely obsessive and dangerous.
  3. Belter. He looked up my last name through a mutual Facebook friend once and threatened to come to my work for a straightener because I mentioned his Firhill / Saint Sam antics some years back.
  4. You're like one of those odd folk who idolise murderers, write to them in prison, insist they're misunderstood and then marry them in a jail ceremony.
  5. You seem to be labouring under the illusion that I was making an accusation, possibly in an attempt at humour, and that you can offer other suggestions. You are incorrect. I was stating a fact.
  6. That fake hot drink addiction drives me fucking loopy. My parents-in-law are terrible for this. They will literally say they can't do whatever it may be (getting the shopping out the boot, walking the dog, opening the post, wee everyday nothings like that) until they've gone through the ritual of making and drinking a tea or coffee. Also, anyone who has ever said they really need a tea/coffee should be thrown into an active volcano. This kind of pointless behaviour must be stopped.
  7. My bird said to me recently "it'll be good when you pass for getting to away games". Aye hen, because I want to DRIVE to watch that shite sober.
  8. Exactly the same as me. Always lived within walking or commuting distance of all the places I've worked, various leisure pursuits etc. Only doing it now as it helps the wife out with the kids.
  9. Coming through Bankieville yesterday from the very bottom of the town up through the town centre I saw a junkie offering an immigrant a square go, a family shouting at each other in the street, an alcy couple drinking cans of white cider in a lane and loads of feral kids. It's comforting in a way to know that though the town looks very different from decades past, it's still fucking grim.
  10. I did a crude MSPaint picture on Facebook a while back that had the Welcome to Clydebank sign and I'd added "at least it's not Drumchapel". Everyone agreed that it was very droll and much mirth was made.
  11. In fairness, is he not from the East Coast? Aside from a few pockets in Lothian it's much more of a West Central phenomenon than elsewhere that kind of behaviour. I have seen sectarian bigotry in North and South Scotland, but never to the same extent.
  12. Yeah, there's a whole culture of that in Drumchapel. There was a Catholic church there and it was like Rhourke's Drift. The priest had to get private security and survival training from ex-military. They taught him how to always carry coins in his pocket to chuck at attackers. He told me all about it when he was drunk once. His primary aged niece was in the church house garden one day when a grown man climbed the wall and started calling her a "****** bitch". It's like Larkhall but in Glasgow.
  13. I'd paid for a block of lessons before the first one as well, so had the choice of listening to his bile for a few lessons then moving on or saying goodbye to my dolla dolla. A genuine fruitcake. I said to him straight away "I bet you're from Drumchapel" and I was spot on. They're all like that in the Drum.
  14. I'm not known for being a patient sort, so it was astounding to me that after that lesson I didn't hit him. I think it was only shock that prevented me. And during the lesson I was driving so didn't fancy crashing for the sake of punching a fat, racist, bigot.
  15. I changed instructors recently. The first c**t refused to write my name the proper way in his appointment book as he said my way is "the Catholic way", wouldn't take lessons certain evenings as they clashed with his lodge meetings, called another driver a "nigger" during one of my lessons and shouted and swore at his ten year old granddaughter over the hands free while I was driving. He also spent most of his time talking about his junkie daughter, the army, Rangers or how Gary Glitter gets a hard time of it, rather than actually teaching me anything about driving.
  16. I have one, as does the wife. It's just that I find driving to be purely functionary and therefore boring.
  17. Yeah it was a play on words, "getting a first" / "that's a first". Absolutely raging at myself for that. It's like a Michael McIntyre joke, like I've been replaced with dad humour. Need to go and make some edgy jokes to compensate. I didn't learn to drive when I was 17 because I was into birds and pubs, not cars. Cars are dull. As is driving. I've always preferred commuting, walking and drinking.
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