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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Terrible news, so sorry to hear of your father's passing. He contacted me a few seasons ago to invite me for a beer and it saddens me that we never got around to it.
  2. Ric was an oddity. He added me on Facebook a few years ago, when he was still on here, and would comment instantly on literally any status I posted to argue that black was white, no matter what the subject or context. Comment after comment of arguments below anything I put on Facebook. This went on for months until one day he deleted every single comment under every single status and deleted his Facebook account. It got to the point where me, Breaking Decency and FFCSAM would just tag him in any random comment without explanation purely to irritate him for being such a weirdo. A strange character.
  3. Good idea. Any more marriages and the government would start thinking you were handing out passports.
  4. You'll be married again by then. And, like, 50. So about 6 months from now.
  5. Mind when you posted on here that your wedding day "was a sombre affair"? [emoji23]
  6. Is Dmitri Sychev still playing? If so, where?
  7. Only 3 feet? He'll still not some training before he's ready for me then.
  8. The way a hand job works is that YOU hold ME. Hold my junk I mean. With your hand.
  9. I was, but took a job books in for convenience. I still have self-employed interests additionally though.
  10. Just discovered that I'm off work Monday, so I've got a three day weekend.
  11. Indeed. Or at least that's what my step-father told me in between laughs.
  12. He was an advocate of the UK adopting US style firearms laws. Unless I'm mixing him up with LichtieForLife, who definitely was. Maybe they both were.
  13. To my utter shame I did this once when I was 18. We were visiting relatives in Fife and I saw the town sign and said "Burn-tiss-land? Weird name for a town". They live in Burntisland.
  14. Pot calling kettle, do you read me? This is kettle, go ahead: Pot: "you're black".
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