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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. The Radnor's too good for the likes of you. That was one talented dug, in fairness. Mine can't find it's own arsehole with it's tongue, that one could open a bag of crisps in a beer garden and happily snack away. Likely smarter than most humans in town. No surprise at all that you'll continue to stick to the tim pubs, even after I've shown you the light. You should just go ahead and change your team on here, we all see through your Bankie charade.
  2. I'm in the office drinking a cold beer with the tunes blaring, since it's Friday. It helps that the office is in my house, but still.
  3. It's art imitating life. That character's wardrobe (and behaviour) were based on real people. That was, and for a small group still is, haute couture, and a perfectly acceptable way to behave.
  4. My aul fella always drank in there. Sums him, and it, up perfectly. Ageing hardmen with moustaches, stonewashed jeans, white socks, slip on tassled black shoes and golf sweaters. And that's the better ones. More and more it seems to be just the utter dregs of the neighbourhood (which isn't saying much admittedly) who drink there. All haggard and old looking (regardless of what their real age may be) and shambling about stooped over, mumbling to themselves as they enter / leave the pub. A fucking hovel. Atlantis much the same, except with some regulars who're not as old and with loads of wasted space since it's a cavernous building only using a tiny bar. The Radnor is where the cool kids drink.
  5. I'd rather get bummed by a ghost than drink in the Cleddans.
  6. That tears it! I'm not having a Pars fan, an inbred, sub-human, sister shagging, Fifer b*****d, tell me to shut it. I'm setting up cameras around the house. Motion detectors, infrared, night vision, the whole Yvette Fielding bit. I'll show you. I'll show you all!
  7. As for zero evidence, do you want me to show you my fucking bread, still lying on the kitchen floor?! Is that what you want?! Well tough, you can't. I picked it up immediately after the event and it's since been eaten.
  8. What bed thing? There is no sleep paralysis. None of this has happened when we've been asleep or in bed. And I'm not un-chill.
  9. "We'll be fighting in the streets, with our children at our feet" indeed. Dirty b*****d. Hopefully the judge won't get fooled again.
  10. Hundred Reasons' first full length album = good. Molestation = bad. Just use the Pete Townshend defense and say you were researching a book. Actually, that may have been that actor boy whose name escapes me.
  11. It's a crib type thing on wheels with shelves under it for storage, the NHS ones I'm talking about look a bit like an incubator but with an open top and are used for all new arrivals at NHS hospitals. With this being our second we've actually both been pretty relaxed and sleeping relatively well. These bumps aren't always in the night either, otherwise it'd be easy to attribute them to timber swelling and shrinking, beams cooling etc. Generally, these things happen whilst we're awake and up and about in the house, rather than hearing a bump from our bed in a half sleep. That, my *** friend, might be the perfect theory.
  12. Hi, I'm Steve. I have 5 friends on MySpace and I'm waiting on approval from a 6th.
  13. I got my son into Teen Titans Go and Adventure Time early in his life, so don't have to watch Cbeebies shite anymore.
  14. Sugna, you're my best and most loyal friend, but you've earned my contempt once again.
  15. Ideas Above Our Station still sounds as good as ever after all these years. Great record.
  16. Hi Sugna, Sweet Pete here. Yes, a small dog. The small dog was not near the bread at the time, nor in fact was it even in the kitchen. No-one was. The mystery of the flying loaf of Warburton's Toastie remains unsolved. Warmest regards for the season, Yours etc. Edit to add: Entire occupants of the estate of S.Pete Esq are as follows: Lord of the Manor Lady of the Manor Master Pete Miss Pete Hound of the Baskervilles.
  17. Yes, my wife, Rosemary, is a great mother.
  18. Few weird things in my house lately. My wife's voice calling my name when she wasn't there, a ball being kicked against a wall when there was no-one to kick it, heard a thump from the empty kitchen and went to investigate to find a loaf of bread had removed itself from the bread bin and was lying in the middle of the kitchen floor about a metre or more away, my wife felt two tugs at her shirt in the kitchen at night when she was alone, various bumps and thumps and often things moved, like doors opened, shoes not where we left them etc. Even more bizarre given that we have lived here nearly a decade and this only started within recent months. I'm a total skeptic naturally, but do find I can't explain these things. Starting to wonder if my infant daughter is linked in some way to it. The night she was born, me, my wife, the midwife and our daughter were all in the labour suite at the hospital, about an hour after she'd arrived, and the hospital bassinet at the other end of the room moved in front of us all of its own accord, rolling very slowly and steadily about a metre and then stopped again. It was on a completely flat vinyl floor, had been sitting there without moving for over an hour previously, and none of us were anywhere near it. The midwife was pretty freaked out. Recounted that tale to my mum days later after the wife and wean were discharged from hospital and she replied "what time was this at?" which struck me as an odd reply. Turns out, she was at home, in bed, awake, at 1am that night and felt someone sit on her bed, she says she instantly believed it was my late step-father and that he was there because he was happy at the baby's arrival. The moving bassinet happened an hour before across the city at midnight. Hard to pinpoint an exact date on these phenonema, but they've been happening for around 3 to 6 months and my daughter is three months old. Don't know what to make of it, but as a skeptic my natural instinct is to try and find some rational explanataion to it, though I'm admittedly struggling to. My son is nearing four and has recently decided he's afraid of the dark in his bedroom too, despite never having been before. But that could well just be normal 3-4 year old behaviour. Odd.
  19. Exactly the same as me, hence why I started taking my son to watch Clydebank. I just never had the patience to type it all out.
  20. Eamonn Brophy and Brad Spencer have signed. Three years and one year respectively.
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