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Everything posted by btb

  1. Well as I've said before Ayr haven't beaten us in the Scottish Cup since the last time there was a global pandemic (Spenish Flu - 1920) - what can go wrong?
  2. Live in Ayr, just been on the phone we've sold out all tickets for the Main Stand and there are only tickets for the terraces left (where I was going anyway) and have sold around 1200 with 1600 left - just popping out now as soon as I turm off Sabbath!
  3. Ayr Utd. are having a training session across the road from me (7-a-side game) the Acadamy bus is outside but if so then it contains some mighty mature youngsters.
  4. Given how he handled EM's gentle lobs on the BBC interview I think he'd be better off choosing Option 2 rather than facing a sharp & hostile Yank lawyer - who knows what self incriminating gaffs he might let slip out in these circumstances?
  5. For me it's a smart move - who in Scotchland is not gonna vote Tory over this little spat and it makes them look less of a "branch office" than Scottish Labour or Lib-Dems.
  6. I see the Grauniad is reporting BJ is not being invited to the Scottish Tories spring conference - ouch!
  7. Certainly seem to have stirred up the Greek Chorus which dominates this thread, in truth I'm probably not so far off some of your views and have stated previously that Covid is now endemic and we have to change the way we deal with it. In particular I've also stated that the Scottish Government restriction have been too severe recently. That doesn't mean to say it's over, as the government figures demonstrate and I'm confident that the replies which I haven't read (subsequent to @Elixir's first) have been crass in the extreme. Special mention to @oaksoft who was the biggest doom-monger on BAWA back at the start but who has re-invented himself as the reincarnation of Che Guevara on P&B - there are none so fervent in their views as a convert.
  8. Yeah, I remember you saying it was all but over back in August 30,000 deaths ago (with a funny gif to boot) - happy to be a clown if the criteria is I'm not you!
  9. In what universe does 398 people dying with Covid yesterday and 16,000 people in hospital mean that it has essentially gone away?
  10. Smart move, Boris is toast, there's kudos to be gained by bsing the first to acknowledge this and saying so. Still strange to see the Scottish Tories doing more to disprove therir branch office statue than Scottish Labour. ***************** Typed less than an hour sfter having my eyes dilated so it's all a bit blury.....
  11. Come on folks, we've all been to some lame parties, I'm sure if someone had wheeled out a Karaoke machine Boris would've rumbled what was going down and called a halt to it - heck the police might've even realized something was shady....
  12. Work with a guy whose sobriquet is Hairy Hauns...
  13. Does anyone else have a first word they always use - I use OUNCE as it has three vowels.
  14. @Arch Stanton Now that was an interesting draw!
  15. Time was Ida put my fightin' boots on but I've mellowed and I realize these days it's down to personal taste, the one point I'd like to make is I think that the importance of Punk is over-rated, many of the bands associated with it were muzos hitching a temporary ride The Clash (I remember the tears spilt when they signed to CBS)/The Stranglers, not really punk at all The Jam, Elvis Costello, wannabe popstars like Adam & The Ants & Billy Idol/Gen X or pretty mediocre X Ray Spex and Jilted John (first played on John Peel's show, so no revisionism). I enjoyed some of the cartoon heroes like The (sic) Pistols who coulda been contenders if they hadn't been so easily manipulated by their manager MM & The Ramones. Across the pond the scene was different the NY bands like Patti Smith & Talking Heads coming from a completely different musical source. I suppose the biggest contribution Punk made was to kick the doors down and make releasing music easier for subsequent non-punk artists (2 Tone) but I remember 1977 and musically the angriest album of the year remains Animals by Pink Floyd - the truest punks of all. The reason punk rock seems so influential is that it's a catch all for most of the new bands from 76-78, even Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers were lumped in by some folk.... What connects TP&TH with Ultravox who were also described as being punk in some quarters - other than when they released their first albums but musically they have little in common. Oh and punk died roundabout 1978 whatever bands like Green Day are they're not punk - I'd say they are to punk like The Yardbirds are to the blues!
  16. This, the Royal Family's "work" is being figureheads for charities and military regiments and I don't see either queueing up to be associated with him - even if Giuffre's case is dismissed the best he can hope for is to be sat somewhere near the back at Chuck's coronation but either way he'll never be at the Top Table again.
  17. He certainly looks to be sweating in this photo taken in, erm, 2001... +5 Lawyers for Prince Andrew's accuser are demanding he hand over any documents which explain why he doesn't sweat - his alibi for never having met her. He is pictured at a Trump nightclub in 2001
  18. What questions on the social front did you get wrong?
  19. As it says on the tin there are plans to film the books and Disney (!) have acquired the rights to the series. In a way I'm pleased to see this as the books are a class above many of the fantasy series that have been filmed in the wake of LotR's success. It will be interesting to see how the difficult opening scene upon Covenant's transition to the Land will be filmed. Potentially 10 books to be fillumed.... The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant - Wikipedia
  20. Missed this first time around but watched the repeats this week and have a few thoughts to add.... As a sometime longhairdo and metal fan I always thought the case against him was pretty weak. It's not a requirement of a polemical programme to be even handed.
  21. Bringing Jamieson back would put a bit more pressure on our current strikers in terms of being automatic picks, it's our weak area and I understand the need to manage expectations but I'd bring him down.
  22. I suppose but if, as I expect, he settles out of court he can forget about getting the Admiral's uniform back on - in public anyway!
  23. I remember a lot of excitement about Gavin Galloway who had won international caps at each age group and him being touted as one to watch in one of the national newspapers - he came into a poor team and soon became the scapegoat (at 19?) then left to go down a division or two and disappeared fairly quickly after that.
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