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Everything posted by btb

  1. Reminds me of an incident with (old) Airdrie fans whose young team ambushed the Saints support afrer a match at Love St. only to realize they were heavily outnumbered, cue a hasty retreat followed by a return to shout abuse once half a dozen polis arrived to block the exit and "prevent" them from getting to us.
  2. Well yeah, the convention that a minister wouldn't lie to the House would resign when it was obvious they had lied is now a thing of the past so why should the other half remain? The question is would what you're suggesting be effective or should the SNP group as a whole leave if Blackford repeats his accusation and is thrown out again altho that would have been more impressive if they had done so yesterday spontaneously.
  3. My gut instinct too altho I imagine the current 1 puzzle per day will go...
  4. Unless Tory MPs get bombarded with emails calling for him to go over the next 24 hours then Johnson'll likely stay. PMQs tomorrow will be interesting, Blackford should be back (IIRC the suspension is normally just for the day), will he call him a liar again?
  5. Erwin choosing to stay is surprising, IIRC his contract is up at the end of the season and a downwards move to a Championship club looks his most likely option - I'd have thought a chance to show what he's worth at Thistle would've suited him.
  6. Overall I'm happy with the business done yesterday which was more than we normally see on the last day and didn't leave us with McGrath going and us left to find a gem in the out-of-contract market - always more miss than hit. Overall I feel we're going into the "second half" of the season stronger especially if Goodwin continues with his post-split tactics - looking upwards with an outside chance of a Top6 finish.
  7. I'm happy to have got Picasso "my head's not in the right place" McGrath off the wage bill - £100k is a bonus!
  8. It seems unbelievable that 54 Conservative MPs won't send in a letter annonymously to the 1922 Committee after today's performance.
  9. It's obvious how this is going to play out 1) Not enough in the Gray report to justify removing him 2) When the Met doesn't fine or prosecute anyone BJ will claim total vindication I'm normally a cock-up man (oooh err missus!) but on this occasion I reckon conspiracy!
  10. I feel Boris will be taking another ex-Liberal leader, Jeremy Thorpe's, advice ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his friends for his life’ I fully expect a few minor flunkies to go in order to prove Boris has dealt with the situation.
  11. Wigan have had financial problems over the past few years, 2/300k might not be pocket change to them.
  12. A "pittance" would be better than having a disinterested player for the rest of the season...
  13. A bit more serious now, he'll be a stalking horse allowing the more serious candidates to go a bit further in their "non campaigns" for party laedership.
  14. Not sure if this is the correct thread for this but for those staying in tonight cult horror flick The Abominable Dr. Phibes is on Talking Pictures (Sky328) at 9.05pm. The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) - IMDb
  15. Kidney stones, woke up in agony the morning after we beat Ayr 6-2 in The Great Escape of 2017, fortunately this was alleviated in hospital with a morphine suppository, the nurse was mightily relieved when I informed her I'd manage to get it inside myself. One minute I was in agony the next I was drifting along to my inner soundtrack of Pink Floyd...
  16. All the best Tony, remember meeting him outside the new ground while wearing my Saints/Ramones T-shirt which featured his name.
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