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Everything posted by btb

  1. Is Wordle getting harder? Is Wordle getting harder? Viral game tests players after New York Times takeover | New York Times | The Guardian At one point I began to doubt whether I would get today's.... Wordle 240 4/6
  2. Saddest thing of all is that this season will be 37 in a row.
  3. Watched Forbidden America, Louis Theroux's newest offering about the the far-right in Murica last night - most of the suspects were the kinda cartoon charachters (Baked Alaska, Bearson Beardly) that can be ignored but one, Nick Fuentes, was a lot cuter and probably wouldn't need too much smoothed off at the edges to appeal to a sizeable portion of the US electorate which could be significant especially in the current voter "identity" laws pass.
  4. Ach, we'll just have to pinch Imrie, cut 30 miles a day off his commute!
  5. Thompson - soundbite for the Kelty fans, I'm surprised anyone even listens to mangers interviews anymore.
  6. Wordle 237 3/6 Wordle 238 4/6
  7. So you're saying Ferguslie Mill wasn't in Ferguslie - I always thought Ferguslie extended past Canal/George St. to the old mill site & cricket ground which are both beyond the West School, but I'll bow to your local knowledge.
  8. I have Fitzy & Gunni on my Ramones stylee Saints T-shirt - I even bumped into TF outside the new ground while wearing it once!
  9. Should her successor come from within the force, it's not as if he/she will be going out on a dawn raid kicking doors down and messing up any possible conviction by reading out a suspects rights wrong. If it's someone from within the force then there's really only one option....
  10. Kinda reminded me of Harold McMillan's "Selling the Family Silver" speech in the mid-80s, it made little difference as the Conservative Party had moved on from his tenure and it's moved on again since Major's tenure - the "b*****ds" are now running the show.
  11. The point of Brexit for him and his ilk was always to create a low regulation economy on the edge of the EU which they could exploit for their own benefit. Still it's nice to see the petty xenophobia peddled by Murdoch (& the other newspaper oligarchs) continue, another Great British tradition - long may it continue.....
  12. I see there is some disquiet over the potential for conflict of interest for JRM in new role as Minister for Brexit Opportunities given his 12% holding in Somerset Capital Management (now partly based in Dublin!), I guess it's inevitable that these accusations can (and will) be made against super-rich Tory MPs, but this appointment does seem particularly tactless.
  13. Well yeah half the Cabinet have publically endorsed BJs Savile smear that "the buck stops with Starmer" (with varying degrees of enthusiasm) and less than 15% have sent in letters to the 1922 Committee asking for him to be removed so it is as you say "behaviour that the Tory Party is willing to accept and not just a Boris thing".
  14. Low key PMQs with MPs on holiday after tomorrow for 10 days, with BJ now in complete thrall to the "raving right" of the Tory party I can't see any serious threat to his position until at least the local elections in May and they'd have to be pretty bad to force the issue. Once the Met report there are no criminal charges to face after partygate BJ will say he's been vindicated and that he's already made the changes required to meet whatever Gray's report recommends, the party at large will repeat this line along with the "got the big calls right" mantra - for the moment it's Long Live King Boris!
  15. I feel it's as much of a must win for us as you, ultimately last season was a disappointment to me, and a home win against a team struggling to get it's act together after a poor "first half" of the season is required to maintain momentum and avoid the possibility of the season sliding into one where we're looking over our shoulders.
  16. I'm not so sure, it's not just this issue, I feel she might be straying into Margaret Thatcher Poll Tax era, her political nous seems to be far less atuned to the public mood than it has been for the bulk of her tenure - with the next Tory leader likely to substantialy less of a pantomime villian than BJ she'll have a bit of work to do to to regain that position. As an out&out natter I hope the next Tory leader is that well known supporter of UK cheese Liz Truss....
  17. Goes back to a post about which managers are looking secure atm and whether or not Nielsen should be in that category....
  18. I'm sorry to keep banging on about this but with yet another Minister defending the smear and calling it "a fair, reasonable point" it can't be called anything but "fishul" policy, it's been supported (with varying degrees of enthusiasm) by most of the cabinet and endorsed by inaction by the bulk of the parliamentary Tory group.
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