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Everything posted by btb

  1. .....and to add insult to injury reactions to the match will prob'ly be on our BBC webpage for months.
  2. Used to cover St. Mirren games for the PDE - it's been all downhill since then....
  3. What's Quaner done wrong - after a lay-off prior to joining us he was crocked on his first appearance and never looked 100% fit when he did make it onto the park, it was an understandable decision signing him it just didn't work out. ******************* On a more general note in the abstract it's been a decent season but we didn't do enough in the three big games - I'm out till July/August or whenever.....
  4. I don't see that being other than the lunatic fringe, not the mainstream of the Independence movement. The debate about independence could do with being toned down, but you're not the one doing it.
  5. Let's not kid ourselves that any diddy team would've done different.
  6. The King George's originated from Hanover and I can never resist a mis-spelling joke...
  7. Ever so slightly Off-Topic, I see the UUP are looking for a new leader too. Steve Aiken resigns as Ulster Unionist leader - BBC News
  8. The first Independence referendum was agreed by Westminster on the back of 45% of the popular vote in 2011 and a majority in favour at Holyrood, we can trade opinions on what constitutes a mandate (it really comes down to whether you're a Yes or a No) but like I've said elsewhere if Johnson had the balls and nous he'd go for an early second referendum - it's going to happen anyway and prevarication and demographics will work against your cause. Brexit can't happen twice, the power grab by Westminster would be part of the next debate and if you won that would really defeat the Independence movement for a generation or as @BigDoddyKane says above more likely forever.
  9. The impression I get is that the younger generation of Labour politicians like Monica Lennon are far removed from Oldskool ones like Baillie on the IndyRef2 issue and see the damage circling the wagons with the Tories (& Lib-Dems) in 2014 has done to the party up here. Sarwar kicked the can down the road during the campaign by stating no IndyRef2 in this (Holyrood) parliament but I think it's a question of whether he can hold his MSP together when the debate comes up - as it will do.
  10. No my basic point is you said "referendum" when perhaps you meant something else because you were involved in too many individual arguments to retain consistency and since then you have been trying to deflect from this - the trail of posts is clear to see for anyone who cares to look although I'd advise them not to. Meanwhile we can continue to make fools of ourselves with this tedious argument - your move!
  11. You said "referendum", un the relevant post I quoted "referendum" - what you might have said elsewhere is irrelevant. Like I said it's not my fault if you can't post in a consistent manner...
  12. Yup it's clear to see which of the Yoon parties has come out of this tactical voting lark smelling of roses...
  13. That'll be Sir Keir taking full responsibility then...
  14. But you did say referendum - it's hardly my fault if you make inconsistent posts within minutes of each other....
  15. Erm on you said "‘Historic mandate for a referendum, clear and settled will of the Scottish people etc etc’" - the two posts are on the same page....
  16. Well yeah there is because who has the real mandate is up for debate the only solution is a second independence referendum.
  17. The only Labour folks who gain from their anti-Indy stance are career polits like Jackie Baillie, they're on course to lose seats, percentage vote and most importantly credibility.
  18. Technical/Schmecnical, they hang together more often than not.
  19. Famous last words but the news coming out of both camps has left me feeling optimistic....
  20. So it's looking like another SNP/Green alliance, I think if Johnson had the balls and the nous he'd go for a second IndyRef ASAP refusing one will be counterproductive and even though folks get more conservative as they get older and maybe less likely to vote Yes I think the demographics favour Yes the longer it is deferred. I think AS/Alba are a busted flush now which "sleepy cuddles" aside is a bit of a shame as I think the theory was sound - still optimistic about a referendum within the nest Holyrood parliamentary term as I sense commitment to the Union is less secure down South than before the 14/16 referendums -and remember Johnson is the man who said "There will be no border down the Irish Sea… over my dead body".
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