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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Decided I'm going to the ABC Can't wait for the sonic equivalent of being sandblasted
  2. Presumably the irony of pot being involved in his conception (probably) was lost on them.
  3. Is this friend Kirk Broadfoot? http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/scottishnews/4073678/Gers-ace-Kirk-Broadfoot-has-another-KB-baby.html
  4. Height: 5' 2" Weight: 6 lbs She's well suited for modelling at least.
  5. 1. Vs. - Pearl Jam 2. In the Pit of the Stomach - We Were Promised Jetpacks 3. The Midnight Organ Fight - Frightened Rabbit 4. The Bends - Radiohead 5. Origin of Symmetry - Muse
  6. Ashley buying into Rangers to get (a highly unlikely) six games worth of Champions League exposure when he owns a team that plays in the most televised league in the world which again this week is making noises about playing games in foreign countries? Come on.
  7. To turn this thread onto profitable discussion, absolutely not. Lionel looks like an actual human, Cristano is far too image-centric for me to consider him attractive.
  8. I base all my opinions of footballers on their last four games.
  9. I've dug my calculator out (original battery since 2008) and I can type A B C D E F M X and Y on it. Maybe they were setting people up for a hardcore version of Countdown. When I did higher maths the school sold the calculators we needed but I didn't get one from there (for some reason I think an auntie bought it, but anyway), I thought it was the same as the others, looked the same, but it had a bunch more buttons on it, including bring able to convert 44 different measurements to something else. I mind one time in a class we had to follow all these instructions to convert something from some measurement to something else, then I just press two buttons on my calculator and did it automatically. Further proof that maths is a complete waste of time.
  10. One of the best hours you can ever spend:
  11. Not at the rate Newcastle are going currently and the recent trend of anyone in the boardroom at Ibrox taking out far more than they deserve "Disgusting does no one at ibrox ask what school did you go to anymore? " :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. What sort of financial implications would there be if Rangers failed to get promoted this year?
  13. 1. Head Rolls Off 2. f**k This Place 3. Square 9 4. Backyard Skulls 5. The Oil Slick (HM: Fast Blood, My Backwards Walk (live as of 2012 where it starts with just Scott before the full band come in), Holy, Dead Now, Be Less Rude, Home From War, Things) (apologies for being too thick to bypass the filter for #2)
  14. Holy f**k, that's an actual real headline.
  15. You seem like an intelligent, well-rounded person.
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