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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Cricket is a fake sport enjoyed only by the English and places England has colonised. And they're bad at it. I don't think this answers the question but it's worth pointing out.
  2. You're very knowledgeable of the forum for someone who only registered in January.
  3. He was a scab who switched to the new stuff.
  4. Still not knocking I see, Malcolm. Oh sorry, it's an old habit from my time in the Haitian death squads.
  5. Discovered earlier Threads is only an app and you can't use it on a browser. Hopefully Elon kicks Zuck's head in when they have their public sex exhibition.
  6. Mission: Impossible III (2006) Several things spring to mind. Tom Cruise makes films so he can kiss women. Tom Cruise makes action movies so he can kiss women and then talk about women at inopportune moments when the action is happening. Philip Seymour Hoffman is a tremendous loss. This is the second JJ Abrams film I've seen where he takes a popular, career defining franchise and makes a new instalment which pretty much copies the entire plot from the original. This was originally supposed to be directed by David Fincher and that would have been much more entertaining.
  7. You can apply this to pretty much every part of the news. How does this affect you? Do let us know your thoughts. Blame the internet for letting random punters think what they have to say on every matter is the most important part of the world. Sports coverage being generally terrible and populated entirely by idiots doesn't help this.
  8. I may have Mandela'd this or may be thinking of a different bit but I'm sure he looks at a pile of these books being destroyed and says something like "what we're seeing here is dignity" and every time I see Rangers fans on Follow Follow discussing how they should respond to their enemies and mention their dignified reputation this pops into my head.
  9. tbf 99% of all the times in my life I've ever heard Bobby Sands mentioned has been from Rangers fans saying f**k Bobby Sands or Celtic fans saying yay Bobby Sands, so I could understand this.
  10. Alternatively, if AI can create matches with Rangers triumphing over Celtic to become champions of the universe and vice versa we can just let their fans watch that all day, then leave real football for the rest of us.
  11. I don't think I'd seen any before. I don't think I'll be rushing to the cinema.
  12. Mission: Impossible 2 (2000) The world's most charisma-free man and the world's most boring woman fail to build any chemistry for an hour before lots of shooting, rubber masks and extremely drawn out roundhouse kicks. Nonsense, but boring nonsense.
  13. WRC 8 (PS4, 2019) Last year I spent six months playing WRC 7. I didn't write it up for two reasons. The first is that I finished everything the game had to offer after around 200 stages. The following 800 I drove were to finish all the in-game accomplishments for the trophies. By the time I was done after driving the same stage 800 times I never wanted to think about it again. The other reason is that, hideous compulsion towards completionism aside, there wasn't really much to write about. I don't have that much to say about WRC 8 either, but I enjoyed every aspect of it a lot more than 7, so I want to tell you anyway. WRC 8 is the official game of the 2019 World Rally Championship season. For some reason the older WRC games get reduced to very cheap prices when there are sales on the PS Store nowadays. I definitely approve. Rallying is something I've always enjoyed more in video game format than the televised competition itself, but on a week by week basis I can feel my interest in Formula 1 drifting, so I might need something new to fill that motorsport void. Either way, the fact this is a seasons old game doesn't matter because it's still fantastic to drive. Career mode feels properly involving, if a little sterile. You start out picking a team to drive for at Junior WRC level. You don't just drive though, you're your own team manager too. Competing in rallies and optional events unlocks points you can spend improving your R&D department. It earns you money to pay for your repairs and hire new staff members, like a better mechanic to perform repairs faster or a better agent to have a better range of events to take part in. From Junior level up through WRC 2, WRC 2 Pro and eventually full WRC the career expansion definitely enhances the experience. The sterile aspect comes from a lack of an actual human interface. I've just realised the voice of the tutorial woman telling you what each part of the menu does is the only human communication all game. The rest of your team's headquarters is seen through a top down view that looks like a slightly more boring version of The Sims. Even after several seasons there are parts of the Crew I never understood. You can hire a Meteorologist to tell you weather forecasts. You can unlock upgrades so you can see the full three parts of a forecast for each stage you drive. Can't you just check the weather on the internet? Like the other Crew members they can be tired and need time to rest after rallies, why? They're looking at a screen and telling you what they see. Maybe they're holding their hand out of the window to see if it's raining. Ultimately it's all a waste of time anyway, because I'm pretty sure at least 80% of every forecast ever made was wrong. Not even a little bit wrong, I'm talking Biblical storms when it was apparently 0% chance of rain. While the game's faults become more apparent the more time you spend with it, they're only ever minor inconveniences, and things which only stand out after spending several seasons with the Career mode. The driving itself does more than enough to make up for it. I played with a gamepad and every class of car is the perfect blend of intuitively controllable yet ferocious, barely tameable beast. Moving up through the classes I had to really adjust from front wheel drive to four wheel drive, properly adapting the way I approached each stage. After spending a bit of time grinding mileage out on one stage at the end of my time with the game you can really see how you can push the limits. As with real rallying (or any motorsport I suppose) there's a fine line, a limit you can push to and then the inevitable punishment when you go a bit too far. If I ever get around to writing a review of Dirt Rally 2 there will be screeds of me telling you how much I hate the co-driver, Phil Mills, but here all the actual rallying details are perfect. The game looks and sounds great too. Visually it does the big and the small things well. Seeing the weather turn over the course of a stage is dramatic and almost makes up for the terrible crew member who didn't warn you of it. Night stages are as terrifying as they should be. Even small details like having to turn your wipers on every now and then because of dust even in the dry just makes it feel like the struggle against the elements it should. The cars all sound great to me, and even the sound of the weather and the brief flashes of cheering crowds as you blast through a forest add life to the game and make it all an experience. The biggest criticism I have is probably a symptom of playing six seasons through the various categories back to back. The fourteen locations of the WRC are here. At WRC level a rally consists of six stages. The actual choice of stages per location isn't very large though, so it can get repetitive quickly. You might have Stage A, Stage B, Stage A and B combined, Stage B reverse, a shorter closed circuit SSS then Stage A and B combined reverse. I think some locations have more options than others, and I understand why this limitation exists, but the lack of variety is really apparent at times. Each location brings extremely unique challenges which is good, you might just tune it out a bit as you're doing it. I ended up saying more than I was expecting. I think I just wanted to complain about the weather forecasts. If you're looking at sales and fancy a bit of off-roading, this is an extremely good place to start.
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