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Everything posted by printer

  1. He's not going to meet any of those deadlines, well at least not in full. Except maybe the 3rd Dec one. [emoji19]
  2. Good for the SFA. Hopefully they will dock some points from this odious club. It's partly their own fault, of course, for allowing an individual like King into the Scottish game.
  3. Indeed, but that doesn't mean players need to run from deep every time they have ball in hand. There was too much of it yesterday IMO.
  4. This is the key thing for me. We have vastly improved as a competitive force in the last few seasons, both in quality and depth.
  5. Really enjoyed the SA game. Clearly the first half was top notch with cracking tries - the first Scotland one being a classic. It's good to see SA with a very strong side. World rugby is better when both they and NZ are strong IMO. Russell was poor yesterday. Both he and Hogg should have cleared their lines several times when they tried to run it. Townsend will have learned quite a bit about some if his players, as will they, and that will be something he can look to build on with the Six Nations coming up.
  6. O'Sullivan v Trump in the NI Open final. First time I've said this, but 'C'mon, Ronnie!'.
  7. There's a lesson there, m8. Never watch anything with Michael McIntyre in it.
  8. FTFY I've got a top like Giovanni was wearing. I wear mine when I go cycling; under a couple of layers.
  9. Your second reason could be right. Ranger's shares are worth nothing as an investment. I think the main reason, however, is simply he's an arrogant c*nt who has always done as he pleases and has no respect for the law. It's an ego thing. He's stringing this out in the hope (belief?) that it will go away. I think he is very much mistaken. As with the Sports Direct legal cases, none of this benefits Rangers - everything is just to suit King as an individual. Certainly re SD, his actions are harming Rangers financially - legal costs, executive time and, in particular, depressing the flow of cash from shirt etc sales into the club. ETA I'd be surprised in Rangers weren't footing the bill for the legal costs in the takeover panel court hearings.
  10. Yes, interesting comments from Goody about the pitch. We'll see if the dimensions are changed back. What continues to be very encouraging is that we are at least matching most teams and sometimes outplaying them, yesterday being a good example of the latter. Yes, we are well organised and the defence is solid (with a top leader in big Andy), but we aren't JUST going out to frustrate the opposition. In fact we are a better side when we get the ball down and pass it about. The way Flanny and wee Kev are playing they would hold their place in pretty much any team in the league. Up front continues to be the weakest area in the team. Partly that is down to confidence - how did Greig miss that headed chance or Trouts even set him up for it when a shot was on - but, of course, scoring goals at this level was always going to be the most difficult thing. We should have too much for Edinburgh City, but it's a tricky tie; they are winning games. Would be good to get to another semi and take it from there.
  11. I see that Wee Kev is now on 282 appearances for the Mighty Wasps, meaning of course he is only 18 more from making his 300th. The legendary Vally was the last to make it to 300, I understand. If Kev keeps fit and avoids lengthy suspensions (both likely I reckon given his history) then he should get to 300 sometime in March/April 2019. I'm sure the club and SC will mark the achievement appropriately.
  12. Please get rid of Raj or Ranj or whatever his name is.
  13. You've got a point, SD, but looking at it from an Alloa fan's point of view I think Oweny is articulating how most of us feel. OK there's a bit of hyperbole in what he says, but this year is a free hit for us and we are delighted with the team generally, so we are going to enjoy it as much as possible. [emoji4]
  14. You been reading my post in the match thread? [emoji6] Seriously though, couldn't agree more. On the two players you talk about, is there a team in the league that big Andy or Flanny wouldn't enhance? Also, are there many/any goalies that you'd swap big Parry for?
  15. I think no matter how you pronounced either of them, they'd still rhyme.
  16. In Dunfermline town centre this morning, spotted a handful of serious biker types with their bikes at the end of the pedestrianised area. Wondered why they were standing there, then saw they appeared to be manning their own poppy selling stall. WTF is the connection there? [emoji53]
  17. Well, no it doesn't. It tells you something about the honours system though. Although nothing new.
  18. The general way he has behaved throughout his career since the early 1970s. I could be wrong as well, mate - but that's the way I see him.
  19. 'bear after bear after bear' [emoji28][emoji28] 'bears with restricted mobility' [emoji28][emoji28][emoji28] So that's getting on for 1/2 a million £ costs for no benefit? What an imbecile King is!
  20. As long as that principle isn't the rule of law. Peter Hain has always been a twat.
  21. It's my duty to say Peter Hain is as big a w*nk as Philip Green.
  22. The writing on the website is an embarrassment.
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