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Everything posted by ICTChris

  1. ICTChris

    The Sopranos

    The FBI continually investigating the mafia isn't unrealistic at all. Every single mafia family in the US is under constant pressure from the FBI, all the time.
  2. Just did my first exercise in a month after a bad back. 45 minutes on the shitey stationary bike in the flat and some weights with my dumbells. Will probably venture back to the gym this week and then jiu jitsu next.
  3. I was training quite hard until about a month ago I played football for teh first time in a year and absolutely f*cked my back. I was in absolute agony, it took me half an hour to get out of bed and phone into work. It improved a bit and then last week I was hoovering (macho injury alert) and tweaked it again, cue four more days of horrible pain. Not sure when I'll be back to the gym or jiu jitsu
  4. A mate of mine's brother works on teh door in an Edinburgh nightclub. He refused a guy entry once and the guy started giving him abuse, ending with a promise that he was going to "come on your kids faces in the night" Strangest thing was he came back the next night with his girlfriend to apologise
  5. I very much doubt there's a connection but you are right, no need to be rude. We don't get them very much but if we do I just say no thanks and put the phone down. Same with the 'chugger' guys on Princes Street, I just keep on walking and say no thanks. The rudest I get is ignoring them completely. If I ever got one of the scammer "you have a virus on your PC" calls I'd probably tell them to f*ck off though but they are crooks not people doing a job.
  6. I bought Ripley's Game by Patricia Highsmith, thinking it was teh second Ripley book but it's actually the third. I'm assuming it'll be OK to read out of order, any P&Bers confirm?
  7. YOu have a job there though don't you? Not like some of the sadacts who stay on to hang around the union until they are balding 34 year olds
  8. ICTChris

    South Park

    Old long Johnson...
  9. That's what most of the contract workers in my place (and most other similar companies) do but I am a company man so that avenue isn't open to me.
  10. The ammount tax I pay on my bonus. Any tips on avoidance for next year?
  11. The guy who posted racist tweets about Muamba has been jailed for two months.
  12. I have to say I'm quite surprised to read about boring, boring County. Are County really a boring, long-ball outfit? It's funny, as back when we won the First Division first time out, County were the ineffectual, tippy-tappy, pass-the-ball-about-in-the-centre-circle-but-never-score team. Especially funny to hear Billy Reid moaning about boring football Do County fans think that you will try and stick with teh current squad for the SPL or will you make a lot of changes?
  13. Russell Duncan was a great servant for us. COuld be that he just didn't fit into County's XI this season. Who normally plays central midfield for you?
  14. The first paid work I did after leaving Unversity was a bouncy castle attendant. Great days. Or day, as I only did it for one day.
  15. I can't be bothered organising my favourites or anything like that properly so for some reason David Hampton's wikipedia entry is stored in my History. Every time I go on Wikipedia, I go to teh David Hampton page. In case you are interested:
  16. I've only had half a shag cozza that fucking gimp. Tonights episode looks like a fight in the chimp enclosure.
  17. Everytime I have seen that programme (my wife likes watching terrible television) I feel like I need a shower afterwards. Just awful, horrible people.
  18. Everyone should follow @uselesshibsfact Kevin Nicol's surname is an anagram of Colin Nish's first name #FACT #Hibees #gloryglory
  19. Depends whether you were talking a load of shite or not
  20. Is it hugely unusual for this sort of arrangement in business, ie the use of money from within the club? He is clearly a lying wee scrote though.
  21. I heard the Five Live debate this morning, they had some professor on saying that they needed to think about safeguarding jobs at Rangers. How many people to Rangers actually employ? Closing them down and opening a big Asda at Ibrox would probably increase the number of jobs in Govan.
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