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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Watched this at the weekend and really enjoyed it. It was amazing how events started to unfold round about the making of the documentary.
  2. Is Neil diamond one of these alt rights then?
  3. There was a story earlier of an American tourist in Germany throwing out a Nazi salute. He got the shit kicked out of him by some locals.
  4. No one watches Natalie to listen to what she is saying though.
  5. Did we not cuddle Hitler into committing suicide then?
  6. You wonder how many of those weirdos have actually been in a real army. Or do they like to go home after playing'sodjies'
  7. Were they not commenting because of the state of the artificial pitch at Rugby Park? We're told that these pitches are getting better and better all the time yet the ones that we play on in this country are piss poor.
  8. Driving a car into people is not the logical end to anything. You can f**k off with your peaceful gatherings as well. Nazis shouting about faggots on the street is not peaceful. Oh wait you got banned for using that word on a football forum,I forgot you don't have a problem with it.
  9. Why didn't someone in his family or community tell the authorities this terrorist had been radicalised?
  10. If you need a bunch of toy soldiers who have a gold card at the local army surplus store to come and defend you,your probably doing something wrong. For a country that places such high esteem on Veterans, its strange that you'd let people hero worship the very beliefs that seen so many Americans die fighting against.
  11. The militia wandering around with enough automatic weapons to start a war and not be breaking the law is fucked up. Only there to defend the Nazis though.
  12. Absolutely acceptable when dealing with a vile racist.
  13. Trump and trumpfox news struggling tonight. They didn't struggle as much when calling out Obama for not saying 'radical islam'
  14. They've got that the wrong way round. I always got the agony after the ecstasy.
  15. It keeps her 'trending' which seems to be what her and her wee clique are all about.
  16. Fan? I've been to more Scotland games at Ibrox than he's been to rangers games.
  17. Even his wife managed to condemn today's nonsense before him. Gorka claimed they couldn't comment on the Mosque bombing because they couldn't be sure who did it.
  18. Video of the car attack on twitter. President Trump has his first terrorist incident on home soil to deal with. Hopefully he doesn't ignore it like the mosque attack last week.
  19. BREAKING: Vehicle plows into a group of counter-protesters at a white nationalist rally in Virginia; injuries unknown.
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