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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. People wonder why i detest the old firm. I should save this and send it to anyone who asks. oh and "Hail Hail"? f**k off you absolute clown. Probably your average celtic idiot who spells boys with a H and pretends to be irish.
  2. Just got around to watching the first episode of the new series, quite liked it. Just felt like a regular episode, nothing different despite the massive gap. Had some funny moments and a unexpected serious one. Good to see it back. Onwards to episode 2, which i hear is the better of the 2 so far.
  3. I disagree, the last thing she is interested in is equality. Based on her logic that in order for there to be equality, we should prohibit one group til we have equality. Then we should be immediately stopping anyone from a ethnic minority from joining the NHS. http://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/SN01156 "Currently around 6% of Members of both Houses are from an ethnic minority background. This compares with 13% of UK population. The share of non-white population is the most proportionally represented in the Civil Service (11%), whereas the NHS has the largest share of ethnic minority staff (18%)." So based on her approach we should curb Ethnic minority staff until they are at 13% That is a ridiculous position to make.
  4. I should correct myself a little, she didnt directly laugh at the concept of male suicide, but she laughed at the idea that men have issues that should be discussed, but she did later on joke about the higher male mortality rate on twitter. She is absolute scum. Oh and women make up 40% of MP's in Labour according to her, so the situation isn't as dire as she make it out to be. "During a parliamentary committee meeting on Thursday, Conservative MP Philip Davis suggested: “I thought that in the spirit of gender equality, it would only be right to have a debate to commemorate International Men’s Day,” which is on the 19th of November. Explaining that; “Not only do we already have International Women’s Day, we also have women and equality questions every month in the chamber, which we don’t have for men, so the opportunity for men to raise issues that are important to them is very limited.” At this point, Jess Phillips, the Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley, interrupted proceedings by loudly busting into laughter, covering her face with her hands. “I’m not entirely sure why it’s so humorous,” replied Mr Davis as he paused for the interruption to pass, before going on to list the specific issues he proposed discussing during the debate: “Such as men’s shorter life expectancy, wider men’s health issues, many of which go unreported because of embarrassment,” he said, as well as, “the high suicide rate amongst men, the propensity for violence against men… the underachievement of boys in education compared to girls,” and “the issues around father-child relationships.” Mrs Philips immediately derided the suggestion: “You’ll have to excuse me for laughing, but the idea that men don’t have the opportunity to ask questions in this place is a frankly laughable thing,” she scoffed. “As the only woman on this committee, it seems like every day to me is International Men’s Day,” she added. “When I’ve got parity, when women in these buildings have parity, you can have your debate. And that will take an awfully long time.” When Davis questioned her, she said: “In the fight for equality, I’m not sure the men on this list [of people who want to see the debate take place] necessarily have that much to fight for.”" She then later tweeted User Actions Follow Jess Phillips MPVerified account‏@jessphillips Jess Phillips MP Retweeted Vic (@SpaceMidget75) Apparently we don't die as much, hands up who is immortal #highlander
  5. http://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/labour-should-ban-all-men-from-standing-in-byelections-mp-jess-phillips-says-a3367131.html "Labour should ban men from standing in all future by-elections until half the party’s MPs are female, Jess Phillips MP has said." "Her comments came as Mr Corbyn, Conservative Party Chairman Patrick McLoughlin, SNP leader Angus Roberston and Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron were quizzed by the cross-party Women and Equalities Committee in the Commons as part of their inquiry into how constituency changes will impact on women." "Mrs Phillips, the new chair of the women’s parliamentary Labour party and committee member, said: “I think the Labour Party has to make every seat an all women shortlist until we get equality."" f**k sake, that woman is a cancer. She is the same twat who was heard laughing at a committee meeting when a member brought up the alarmingly high male suicide rates in the area.
  6. If men didn't have access to porn she would have already been forgotten about
  7. Salmond's "dogs breakfast" joke sunk like the titanic there.
  8. Pamela Anderson on the telly advocating that wives shouldn't allow their husbands to watch porn, that there is a dark side to porn, that playboy is objectification of women. This is a woman who's only noteworthy quality was her tits and when people got bored of them the sex tapes happened.
  9. Steam player base is regularly hitting under 500 active players. To put it into context, more people are playing Mafia 2 on average than NMS.
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37606485 "Vodafone and EE have suspended replacements of Samsung's Note 7 phones amid reports that new "safe" models are still at risk of catching fire. The Three network is also not currently offering exchanges, while O2 said it was still not selling the smartphone. Samsung has cut production of the Note 7 after several reports of replacement models overheating and emitting smoke." f**k sake, might this be the worst handset release in the past decade?
  11. "I say dance, you say dance" Getting fed up on hearing that shite song on YouTube adverts, it seems to be the only advert they have at the moment, well on my YouTube at least.
  12. Found out this week my Gran spends a quarter of her pension on the Lottery every week. Tried to talk some sense into her but it's obvious she is addicted "But what if my numbers come up a week I don't put it on?" This plus the £50 a week she spends on Cigarettes it's no wonder she is always skint.
  13. It's to stop people buying up keys at a cheap price to sell for a profit after sales
  14. Got a box for our 2, it looks disgusting and the cats hate it. Strays outside dont seem to mind.
  15. Someone explain to me this logic? £7.49 for the Game + the upgrade or £19.99 for the upgrade alone if you already own the game???
  16. Should be in the gameplay options on the pause menu
  17. It sounds like Survival to me TBH bud
  18. Are you playing on survival?
  19. I think one of the big reasons for the Hype is because there almost wasn't a new series. After season 6 and the cast fall out the show basically died a sudden and very quiet death. Its not like the show was losing its charm or it was due for being cancelled or anything, it was in its prime and some really great comedy was being made then it was gone. People are definitely excited for new Still Game, but they are equally as excited that there is new Still Game.
  20. Thats modern day activism for you tho. Completely missing the point
  21. Daft page came up on my facebook feed, Basically photoshopping Nick Cages face onto other people for the sake of a laugh. Pretty stupid as idea's go, but this one did amuse me.
  22. Absolutely should have offered to help her with it.
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