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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Slaney always comes across as a poster child for the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome. That's probably a significant portion of their target demographic right enough.
  2. Players can sign pre-contracts these days so waiting until the close season to build a squad can be a case of leaving it too late. That's why having somebody in pronto to retain the players that are already there that are worth keeping was important. There's still the League Cup as a possible trophy this season so the season isn't completely over in competitive terms even if it's difficult to work up too much excitement over that.
  3. Possibly, think that's just best practice at entry level but the licensing committee could still add it as an extra stipulation.
  4. Beith have no floodlights so no club licence.
  5. Right now it isn't possible to drive vehicles across fields due to mud by all accounts so possibly so.
  6. The committee did seek other applicants for the job so if they concluded Ian Little was the strongest available candidate after doing so and after seeing how the squad responded to him being in charge that's fair enough. A lazy appointment would have been handing him the job straight away. Wasn't going to post it on here at the time but he was very experienced to be taking an assistant manager's role at this level so he always looked like the plan B waiting in the wings if the decision had to be made part way into this season that Max Christie's time was up. One of Dalbeattie Star and Edinburgh Uni will likely still be around next season along with Gretna and an Open Goalless Broomhill so seriously doubt relegation will be an issue next season. If Beith win the WoS there is a very good chance the EoS champion will be promoted by default this season with no playoff. Having the most likely EoS champion around would generate more interest again, which wouldn't do any harm in terms of finances for when the LL will be stronger than it is now in a few seasons time.
  7. The DUP need to still be the largest Unionist party to be in line for the deputy first minister's job and to be able to veto things. If TUV moves beyond 10% they are sunk because that means TUV reaches the quota in Unionist majority areas and starts electing many more MLAs. At that point most TUV votes no longer transfer to the DUP under STV, but if they turn into a TUV clone to prevent that from happening the DUP will start to bleed support in a similar way to the UUP and possibly even the Alliance party to a certain extent with the same sort of electoral consequences. No easy answers for the DUP in other words but SF didn't get the catastrophic hard Brexit they needed to push for a Border Poll with some pragmatic former Unionist voters reluctantly deciding UI was now the rational way ahead. NI as a statelet may still have plenty of life in it yet once the electorate adjusts to the new semi-detached reality. Despite the DUP's moronic approach to the Brexit issue over the past decade or so there is still a rational case to be made for the Union by having a foot in both camps.
  8. Twitter seems to know what I'll be interested in: Hopefully the beginning of the end for this nomadic bunch of chancers. Without the Open Goal crowd they'll be back to friends and family of the players again with no BSC Glasgow angle to help fund it.
  9. Only 29 votes against. There is zero chance this is getting reversed and Liz Truss may well be right that it's also all about making divergence from the EU by the rest of the UK more difficult. Even many Brexit voters can now see that as soft a Brexit as possible is the way to go and the likes of Farage and Rees-Mogg were delusional. NI has a big opportunity to use having a foot in both camps to its advantage. Problem is the electorate needs to stop voting for the constitutional politics obsessed extremes to be able to move forward with that.
  10. Also a lot more directly critical of Vlad than he used to be:
  11. ...but if the Club 42 playoff rules can't be modified because the HL and LL won't sign off on the changes they will have moved to a standalone reserve league in the process because the HL and LL champions will still be playing off for the right to play against the bottom placed League 2 club for SPFL participation in the following season.
  12. Ukraine reported as having hit the main railway junction in Crimea with drones:
  13. The guy who said that is the TUV rather than DUP leader and the DUP will find it difficult to move to a more moderate stance because losing even 5% of the electorate to TUV likely is the end of them as the largest Unionist party. Meanwhile back at the ranch, Westminster has made a sovereign decision that the best way to deal with Brexit is to leave NI semi-detached in EU single market terms. The best way to avoid having this scenario happen was to vote Remain so I am finding it very difficult to work up any sympathy.
  14. Brexit supporters find they don't actually like the consequences of what they voted for:
  15. Not sure what to make of this: Guess you can argue that it can probably be loaded with more explosives than a drone. Maybe the Russians have to stay out in the open more to spot these coming where you can target them better by mortar etc? This still looks like people with way too much time on their hands though but with self-driving car technology maybe you don't need a deluded suicide bomber dreaming about 72 virgins these days to do some of the truck bombs that caused so much carnage in Iraq and Syria?
  16. 0-0 and now into the second half according to twitter:
  17. The Club 42 playoff agreement is a legally binding document. All of the SFA, SPFL, LL and HL need to sign off on any changes to that so if the "Conference" is a separate legal entity from the SPFL nothing is happening on this without LL and HL approval. Today's tweet doesn't conclusively prove it but is still a reasonably strong signal that such an approval from the LL is unlikely to happen.
  18. Is it possible that the Daily Record journalist has simply misunderstood what the indicative vote was all about? Was it not over 23-24 participation in the LL given that has to be approved on an annual basis?
  19. Think this ICC thing means Vlad had better avoid travelling anywhere in green on this map especially if Ukraine gets around to ratifying (that's why it is in yellow): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court Would be easier to take the whole process seriously though if Western leaders like Richard Nixon had ever been subject to an arrest warrant when they similarly lost the plot in international law terms.
  20. Think the window of opportunity to get in at tier 6 was only when Bonnyton Thistle did it when the WoS was first set up.
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