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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Decent level of experience as a manager including time with Berwick Rangers before they were relegated to the LL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Little_(footballer)
  2. If it involves a change to the Club 42 playoffs then presumably yes, but if the conference league is part of the SPFL then maybe they could just turn club 42 into club 52. One question I would have is whether this means the new conference league is as high up as the 6 B teams can go and whether they have to be accomodated by the HL and LL and their feeders as well if they don't reach that far. The other would be whether the non-B teams have to be champions and/or runners up to be promoted out of this Conference League because that's how they could try to close the trapdoor.
  3. That's about as subtle as a sledgehammer. Taking the absolute poko out of this situation.
  4. Far from clear whether they would get to decide. There were strong rumours that Gretna wanted to go to the EoS if relegated last season but they eventually tweeted that it would be the SoS they would wind up in "as things stand".
  5. Think Gary Jardine of Civil Service Strollers would be the ideal candidate but could be easier said than done. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Jardine
  6. Should have happened around this time last year but at least it means the next guy knows he will be given plenty of time and support to build his team and that should make it easier to attract someone good. The complication could be that Syngenta (the youth club side of it) just hooked up with Bo'ness Athletic but I think it's an absolute no brainer that there needs to be only one Bo'ness club playing out of Newtown Park.
  7. Most people in the west have forgotten that Bruce Lee played for Red Star Belgrade, but people in Serbia haven't:
  8. Only advice about Quebec would be that if you try to speak some French whenever spoken to in French you'll be treated much better by the locals.
  9. No idea hence the question. As for Buckie Thistle: ...there was a junior mentality. What sort of mentality were Fort William displaying when they refused to show up for last season's playoffs?
  10. Is it safe to assume Downfield won't be announced as having been approved for an entry level licence later this month pending a rubber stamp at the SFA AGM? That's the only longshot possibility that looks vaguely credible barring a spectacular collapse in form by Carnoustie Panmure. Maybe the HL are less flexible on that than the LL has been? Would need to check their constitution.
  11. There are some people who think missile strikes like this recent one on Melitopol involve a longer range weapon not used so much previously and others who think the Ukrainians are simply taking more risks where driving a HIMARS vehicle up close to the front line is concerned: Don't have a strong opinion either way on that.
  12. The whole we care more so we have slightly tighter nanny state restrictions on various low risk activities than they do schtick while all the time keeping the schools open was a complete farce and entirely driven by opinion poll ratings rather than the science involved.
  13. Still the League Cup as one last possible piece of silverware to aim for but doubt anyone is getting that excited about that.
  14. Maybe worth bearing in mind that Scottish society is only 30 years or so beyond thinking a certain chant about Jimmy Hill was harmless banter. Why did the collective brain trust behind that little ditty conclude it about him or was it just the immediate go to insult used in any and all situations regardless of whether it actually made sense or not?
  15. Probably more a matter for the SFA based on what's in the referee's report.
  16. Best not to fixate too much on the latest twitter rumours basically and stick to a quick daily read of the sources with a track record of being reasonably balanced and reliable. It is about to get very muddy by all accounts so maybe the Ukrainians were able to keep enough of a supply line open to be able to hang in there until the fields dry out again, by which time a lot of western tanks and infantry vehichles will have arrived. Time will tell. Think the interesting angle over the last couple of days is how far into Russia and occupied Crimea the Ukrainians appear to be able to strike now. This isn't exactly next door, for example:
  17. It's Scottish football so ideal scenarios don't happen only path of least resistance outcomes based on pragmatism and selfish self-interest. The SFA don't believe in rigid boundaries so it all revolves around what the clubs and leagues actually want moving forward rather than on some masterplan imposed from on high. The EoS don't appear to be keen on moving any further northwards so unless that changes Luncarty is as far north as the EoS is ever going to go. I'm skeptical whether the EoS would try very hard to hold onto Luncarty, Jeanfield, Kinnoull and maybe even Newburgh and St Andrews if they wanted to move into the Highland League catchment in much the same way the North Region were happy enough to let Montrose Roselea go, but no idea whether any of those clubs would actually conceivably want that. My understanding is that at one point the HL didn't want the Tayside clubs but the Midlands League happened (timing was ideal in many ways given the North region was about to become a feeder) so nothing much is likely to change unless Brechin City get promoted to the SPFL but then relegated again and even then maybe they've changed their outlook on the whole Club 42 relegation issue after their time in the HL...
  18. Even when NI and before that Ireland has always had a separate legal system from the rest of the UK just as Scotland does? If it has been OK to use that to push the DUP's more controversial conservative social policies over the years, why is it not OK to use that to give NI a big advantage over the rest of the UK on trade?
  19. They signed up to the St Andrews Agreement and governed with SF for many years thereafter until SF collapsed Stormont over Irish Language legislation etc. Jeffrey Donaldson and Ian Paisley Jr seem to be saying different things right now. Suspect a lot will depend on how it goes down with fleg protest types who are swing voters between the DUP and TUV.
  20. Think this was floated by Nicola Sturgeon at one point but was quickly shot down at Westminster for obvious reasons related to where the land and sea borders are in both cases. If NI starts to do well out of having a foot in both camps hopefully it will make more people think about whether a complete U-turn on Brexit would be the better way to go.
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