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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Aye, if Money doesn't tag him on the way in.
  2. There's no way a peak McGregor has the slightest chance against a peak Mayweather in the ring, in an octagon Mayweather is favourite until he gets caught in a grapple, I'm not convinced McGregor would get near him in either sphere. It's all pretty pointless now anyway as Money is an old man and old men eventually lose to a diddy if they hang around long enough.
  3. Of course it is, it's also my decision when I call someone out for blaming other people for their own inadequacies.
  4. Try speaking to anyone with a darker skin colour and see where they feel more accepted.
  5. We might as well start up a petition to prevent rUK nationals having a vote in the next one for fairness and balance.
  6. Fuck off back down the road then if it's that great.
  7. Listened to the show a couple of times, they should just call it Rangers Radio, DJ has went downhill badly from when I used to listen to him years ago, they'd be as well just getting Jim Traynor on and be done with any pretence.
  8. Good to hear, perhaps you and Toma should keep away from Broadwood for a wee bit, we need the patience of a saint when we're the supporter of a diddy team.
  9. You need to control everything to achieve your potential, the SNP control virtually nothing of note.
  10. Thank fuck Ayr have stopped using Motherwell for inspiration at throw-ins.
  11. But you expect Scottish voters to support an entity that stops Scotland from achieving it's full potential.
  12. I don't think they'll survive not getting the extra £6.
  13. I wish the Tories would get on with running the UK rather than worrying about this Brexit nonsense.
  14. I'll remember this post when we're debating after Nicola calls another referendum, you've just ruled yourself out of discussing iScotland's financial future with that guff.
  15. rUK's export figures to the EU and vice versa are virtually the same as Scotland and rUK, how can the media spin it one way for rUK under Brexit and another way for us under independence. Obviously stupidity of the electorate is another thing where England are following USA's lead.
  16. A chance for Murray to go more than 3000 points clear if he wins this.
  17. The big difference between now and 1986 is that back in 1986 Rangers upped their spend to a level considerably above the opposition, that won't be the case this time unless they intend to triple or quadruple their present budget(they can hardly pay the bills now), Butcher,Smith & Co must be off their heads if they seriously think Rangers should pump £20m/£30m a year more into their playing budget.
  18. They got £28m for Lukaku so I'm assuming they're happy to pay a % of lots of players wages that aren't in their plans in the hope that some return big bucks, I don't think it's the daftest business plan in the world.
  19. I'm quite sure that stats show that playing 5 setters in previous matches don't really affect the elite players performances very much.
  20. Whether you've fucked up your life or not is immaterial, it's the emotion you're attaching to your past, present and future that appears to be the problem. If I look at where I am and where I feel I could have been then I could feel that I've fucked my life up numerous times, I genuinely have no regrets in life, many of the better things in my life wouldn't have happened if the f**k-ups preceding them hadn't happened. I spent every waking minute looking for excuses to leave the house, now it's the opposite, I only leave the house when I need to and I like my own company as much as I like the company of others. I was more trying to find out if you were reliving your past through your dreams as I was an expert at selling my soul, I don't give it a seconds thought now that I've analysed my motives, character etc and dealt with some of the flaws. I don't know much about depression or similar but you really need to see someone who does, a serious look into self analysis and self improvement(a lot harder than people think) to take you forward won't go amiss either. Good luck
  21. Never suffered from depression or seriously contemplated suicide so I'm not going to comment on that. Are your nightmares related to things you've done to people in the past?
  22. I heard he likes a bridie or 2.
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