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Everything posted by PELE

  1. I heard a few weeks back that the 'deal was done' for Nisbet (to Dunfermline). Supposedly had a clause in the contract extension re leaving if Raith didn't go up.
  2. Most teams in the SPFL lose money. Also, if Kelty do make it to League 2, how many fans will stump up the much higher entrance fee? Kelty charge almost half what a League 2 team charge.
  3. Easton on £750 a week apparently, with some sort of non-playing work as part of the deal.
  4. How will Cove being in the league affect Elgin or Peterhead? Will Cove be a more attractive proposition for potential players?
  5. Surprised that Elgin haven't kicked on and moved up a league. I thought they would have had a bit success at some point. They look like they might be toiling in the lower half of the league next season.
  6. That's where he went wrong. Too late for good football now. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Adopt the Wimbledon style and launch it. Shoot at every opportunity. Let's have a goal fest. The players have been holding back until now. Why score one or two consolation goals in recent league defeats when you need them all in the last match? I think they have been hustling Cove and on Saturday they will show everyone how it's done. #Berwickhustlers.
  7. Forget that. It's too late now. Just get the keeper to hoof it and get half the team up front waiting on it. Shoot on site at every opportunity!
  8. Yep. It's only half time and Cove are one team that can implode. They are used to things always going their way. So, you never know. Berwick need to spend the whole week on shooting practice.
  9. Megginson misses the second leg with injury, Berwick surprise everyone and win four nil after a few Cove red cards. Berwick win on penalties. Cove claim the SFA are against them.
  10. Wumfw is the sound that is made when Coxy scores.
  11. Cannot agree more. It is so boring some times. I cannot even remember much about a lot of the games I have been to over the years because we play each other that often.
  12. Definitely. Berwick need to take a big support up to Cove. The Cove fans don't seem to make much noise. Berwick need to return to Shielfield in a reasonable position.
  13. If they rate any of these players, give them game time in the first team. If not, stop being so greedy and they can be with teams where they are more likely to play.
  14. My stupid phone like's adding in apostrophe's and I was too busy to come back and edit the post.
  15. Agree. We don't have a sensible plan. We just seem to copy something from other nations because they have a little bit of success. Two German teams reach the Champions League final and all of a sudden we think we should copy whatever they do. Too many dinosaurs involved. What hope did we have when the likes of Strachan had an input. According to him we should pick kids based on their height, not ability. Re the Dutch team. They finished 2nd and 3rd in two of the last three World Cups, made the finals of one of the last two Euro's and are in the semi finals of the Nation's League in a few months. Better than most other nations in the last nine years.
  16. Well done Rovers. Big game next week now.
  17. As mentioned, he will always be revered for scoring the winning penalty against East Kilbride. I think he is hampered though because he is so one footed.
  18. Yeah. Seems to be on the high side. They would need almost daily full bookings.
  19. Excellent result. Well done. Even Greg Stewart couldn't help Abersneckie today.
  20. Unfortunately, that's small beer in the lower leagues. That's why it is so hard for smaller teams to survive. I am genuinely not having a dig at Kelty. I wish you well, but I think it was a big mistake appointing your current manager.
  21. I know some who aren't happy. Not just fans. I wish Kelty well, but I don't see you making it further with him in charge. Good luck anyway.
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