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Posts posted by ayrunitedfw

  1. 26 minutes ago, Scott-ish said:

    This happened last season too but very often Chalmers and Mullen would swap wings during the match. That made a big difference and made them both more effective during games.

    I miss Mullen.

    Wouldn’t give him a three year deal due to his age which at the time I kind of understood but then proceeded to give Murphy and McGeady two years. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

    Might be so but he still isn’t worth the money it would take to sign him. If the likes of Dunfermline or Raith want to spend that cash on him next season they can. I don’t see how he returns enough to warrant it. 

    Aye those strong runners like Bryden and McKenzie are much better options. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Finlay21 said:

    And was picked for the SPFL team of the week 👏

    One swallow doesn’t make a summer. There is plenty evidence to suggest McAllister is not remotely good enough to play regularly at this level. If this is the calibre of player we’re going to be re-signing/signing then we’re in for another dross season next year. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, diegomarahenry said:

    I like Dowds and would love to keep him. But he doesn’t score a lot and I think a lot of the love for him is because he tries hard and is the only one scoring goals semi regularly. Also, the other players we have brought in haven’t been great. If he’d been at a club with another credible striking option, he’d probably have played a lot less. 
    If he can get more money to sign for another club, he would go with my best wishes but I wouldn’t be heartbroken.  I wouldn’t pay over the odds to keep him. 

    Pretty much my thoughts, Dowds is a bang average championship striker. I’d be happy enough for him to stick about next season however wouldn’t be overly fussed if he moved on. Reality of the situation is we need a massive clear out. 

  5. Just now, D'Jaffo said:

    The regularity with which injury updates are given suggests it’s easier than you are saying. I get the need for private information to be kept private in the workplace but a club is well able to say “X player is not able to play this weekend due to injury”. You won’t find a footballer in the country that would kick up a fuss about that. 

    The club have struggled with communication for the last few years. It got better when the team were flying but as is the case at most clubs, when the team is losing then everything goes quiet. It’s as if they are afraid to tell us anything whilst we are losing games. When the team were PT in League One we got a match preview that always outlined the fitness updates of players. There’s no reason why that can’t be issued in the same tweet as the one that has the link to the press conference. 

    This, communications is terrible at the moment. We got a less than two minute ‘press conference’ that you can barely hear. What’s the point?. Add that into the poor highlights package and poor social media presence it’s really not great. That simply needs addressed in the summer. I’d be looking at bringing someone in to purely focus on that side of things. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, F.T.O.F.1910 said:

    You seem to be gunning for a fight with anyone on here mucka. I'd normally say difference of opinion is perfectly fine and move on but I'm stating fact, not my opinion.

    Have you considered, the players may have choicen not to disclose medical conditions with the public, as is their right? And that the reason the club could not realise a statement is because none of the players had granted them permission to disclose medical information!? 

    I get the point your trying to make but football is a bit different. Providing it’s a football related injury it does tend to be normal practice to let the fans know what the injury is or at the very least an estimate return date, although in fairness McCall was always very guilty of undercooking the injuries and getting fans even more frustrated. 

    Given Willoughbys absence seems  to be non football related I can completely understand if there was privacy around that. 

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