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Everything posted by peasy23

  1. He's going to lamp somebody. With a lamp.
  2. Durham Police not exactly covering themselves in glory tbh. Their statement does drive a truck through No 10s denial that neither Cummings or any family member had spoken to the police, but it also proves they knew he was there and did feck all about it.
  3. Certainly not for a while. Hopefully we can get some played from late July onwards. I see howdidido are working on a mobile scoring system, biggest hurdle will be getting the relevant bodies to accept it.
  4. Definitely. If it's only going to be 2 balls for a while at 10 minute intervals it doesn't allow for a lot of members to get a game, never mind visitors.
  5. The Last Dance was brilliant, I know some folk have criticised the jumping back and forward in time, but I felt that put everything into context as to how everybody got to where they were. It was Seve week on Bunkered.com last week as he would have turned 70. They shared this story from the 1997 Ryder Cup at Valderamma.
  6. This is the crux of Johnson's problem. Huge numbers of grandparent's will be core Tory voters, and would have loved to have helped out if needed by their families. The guidelines specifically told them not to though, and they haven't seen their kids and grandkids for months because of the rules drawn up with a guy who didn't follow them himself.
  7. Schools were (and are) open for children of key workers, but the actual uptake of key workers sending their kids into school has been very low. Most areas have local hubs with both primary and secondary children in them, and a mixture of teachers. From what I have heard from a few folk who have had to send their kids in, it has been little more than a child minding service in some places.
  8. Heating on full blast, windows up, to give you the look of having a fever.
  9. It was the cheek of the c**t yesterday to be telling the press guys outside his home to make sure they were 2m apart, when it was obvious for weeks that Johnson, Cummings etc had obviously failed to do that very thing when they all ended up infected. Shapps going full Ben Swain has been priceless, but the fact is he shouldn't be there. All the senior members of government keeping themselves well out the way of any difficult questions, and leaving it to the little people to take the flak. It would be hard to write something like The Thick of It these days, you really couldn't make this stuff up. It is an existential crisis for Johnson though, he is fucked if he keeps Cummings, and fucked if he sacks him.
  10. Sunday's New York Times front page has a list of the names of 1000 victims of Covid-19, as their total deaths nears 100k. They also have a story online of a Missouri hairdresser who worked 8 shifts while sick, exposing 91 people to the risk of infection.
  11. Ours is gearing up for starting on Friday if Sturgeon gives it the go ahead on Thursday.
  12. I wasn't watching, but it might technically be true that they didn't speak to any of his family. As mentioned, the police said they spoke to the house owners. Edited to add the tweet from Kuntsberg, which is as good as getting it from Cummings himself.
  13. The thing is, from everything I have read, at no point did the police say they had spoke to Cummings directly. Their statement specifically mentioned that they had spoke to the owners of the house he was staying in, which I assume was his patents. More twisting of the facts by the Tory c***s.
  14. Wonder if he will go back to Taylormade? Got the email from my club too. Looks like 2 balls initially, I know they could let larger groups play if they are from the same household, but it keeps it simpler and more likely that groups will play at roughly the same pace if they are the same size. Course is looking great, will probably wait until the Monday before playing, let the initial rush go by.
  15. Should add that the Spectator have since stuck that article behind their paywall. It's a pity that all these "friends" who are now rallying around Cummings, couldn't have offered to drop him in some shopping when he was ill.
  16. There is a decent chance that Boris and co are misjudging this badly. I have quite a few English friends on Facebook and even his most die-hard fans are seething at this one. I haven't seen a single post from any of them supporting Cummings. Not seeing much support on Twitter either. Plenty of folk were unable to be at the bedside of a loved one, missed out on family funerals, haven't seen parents, grandparents or grandchildren for weeks, guys missed out seeing their babies being born, while this p***k has been breaking the rules which he helped come up with while lying to his back teeth. He wrote this in the Spectator himself...
  17. On the face of it, a 1 year, $1.5 m deal is a good one for the Jets to have an experienced back up to Darnold. There's almost always an if/but with the Jets though, and this time the question marks are about Flacco's fitness as he had neck surgery in April and is not expected to be fit until early September.
  18. Downing Street now saying the trip was essential as he was concerned that he and his wife would become too ill to look after their boy. Still doesn't get away from the fact that countless other folk managed to follow the guidelines in similar circumstances. If he was so sure he was acting within the rules, why lie about it for weeks?
  19. He did it because he is a c**t who thinks that rules are for the little people. Pure and simple. Plenty of families have had to abide by the rules and not leave home while they were symptomatic, and still look after their children at the same time. The public health advice has always been not to leave home if you have symptoms, with absolutely no exceptions. And if there was any doubt about Kuensberg's loyalty's, she has well and truly nailed her colours to the mast with this one. It's one thing for her to put out tweets from her "sources ", but to give answers to other reporters is a different matter.
  20. This was from Johnson's speech on 18th March. There are no ifs, buts or maybes, Cummings has to go.
  21. A parting of the ways for Justin Rose and Honma. Won his first tournament after switching, but has been very inconsistent since.
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