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Everything posted by peasy23

  1. 2010 into 2011 it was IIRC, games were off for ages. We were supposed to play Tayport at the end of November, it wasn't played until February.
  2. Yep, just come on to post the same. Andrew Benson saying it's all down to legalities at the moment but there is zero chance of it going ahead. I'm guessing they are trying to figure out who picks up the tab for everything. Gates open for spectators for practice at 10pm UK time, and they are queueing up to get in already.
  3. 3 putted from about 8 feet, you would never have thought that possible a few years back.
  4. Speith and Fowler were pretty grim viewing. I see Fleetwood got an ace on 17 yesterday.
  5. I can't see how this can go ahead after the pro14 have already shut down., and plenty of other things have been cancelled.
  6. No doubt it will be infinitely more watchable without the usual arseholes. Except for Paul McGinley.
  7. https://www.pro14.rugby/latest/pro14/guinness-pro14-season-suspended
  8. PGA Tour have declared that all events starting from tomorrow at The Players will have no spectators. That will be in place until at least the Valero Texas Open in the first week in April. The tournament in Mexico in 2 weeks time will be postponed due to the travel restrictions in place. Can I be the first to say, "baba boooeeeyyyy!"
  9. Well I'll believe the info I got from somebody who I would trust implicitly who was at the meeting last night.
  10. I wasn't at the meeting to hear it verbatim, but I'm told the veiled threat of legal action mentioned in one of the earlier West Region statements wasn't aimed at any clubs who might leave, but was in regards to Maxwell's 2 year old email stating that it was a certainty that the Juniors would be in at Tier 6.
  11. From what little I have heard, none of it from my own club reps. Basically, the WR are pinning everything on the Maxwell "done deal" email as being legally binding. The proposal is for the West Premiership to slot in at Tier 6, and be run by the LL, and allow any existing tier 6 sides (e.g. Threave/Bonnyton) wishing to join to slot in to that division. The West Region would still run tiers 7-9 below that. The obvious question is, if they thought it was legally binding, why wait almost 2 years? Gordon Ronney apparently at one point suggested that clubs should turn up on the steps of Hampden on Thursday in a show of solidarity and demand access to the pyramid. He wants all the clubs to stick together and to starve the new league of members, which (in his opinion) would force the LL to accept the Juniors plan instead.
  12. Not that strange tbh, club office bearers are hardly likely to run straight to post online without telling at least the rest of their committee first.
  13. And they wonder why they can't halt the spread of Covid19.
  14. And like most clubs should be doing, they will attend both meetings before saying anything further.
  15. It's a strange one. They were discussing it on Jeremy Vine at lunchtime and one suggestion was that it seems to hit smokers hard. Over 50% of the male population in China smoke, although it is much lower in females (About 3%). About 25% of the population in Italy smoke, while the UK is now down to about 14%.
  16. And these are obviously the "done deal" emails that the WRSJFA are pinning everything on. Which are absolutely worthless when combined with the existing playoff rules.
  17. You are wrong. The playoff rules are posted way up the thread, any changes need to be approved by the SFA, the LL, the SOSFL and the EOSFL. The SFA can't impose or grant anything without the agreement of the other 3.
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