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Everything posted by peasy23

  1. IIRC did the proposal not originally come from St. Anthony's, and it did mention the fact that Central clubs could drop 2 levels away from the Super First, while the Ayrshire clubs could only ever drop 1 level from there?
  2. It's a whole new set up, teams all start on an equal footing and there is no guarantee who will end up where after the first season of conferences. Even beyond that teams will drop down the way, of course they should have a say in what the overall set up is. The LL have made it clear that all decisions will be democratic, and it's one club one vote.
  3. I was never a fan of the 4 all in leagues in the West, imo it would have been better to split into regional divisions below the championship, whether that was on a North/South or East/West dividing line. I know that wasn't ideal with the old Ayrshire/Central mindset still to the fore, but with a blank sheet to start with it would make sense imo to go back to a regional split at Tier 8.
  4. But that has nothing to do with the new WOSFL, there is no sectional cup in that.
  5. Went to our local Aldi at 11.30 this morning, no queue to get in, although there was a security guard at the door keeping track of the numbers in-store. Only irritation was one family of 3 who kept blocking the aisle.
  6. https://images.app.goo.gl/rppWWRWHKLYpKpr47
  7. Yesterday I cut the front grass and did a general tidy up, today I'm going to paint the back fence. Closest I came to anybody yesterday other than family was about 10 yards, when one of the neighbours dropped a bag of shopping into the old couple that stay next door, which they just left on their porch. There seem to be a lot of people getting themselves seething about folk doing perfectly safe stuff. I'm at more risk out shopping or at work than I am in my own garden. Also seems a lot of folk have missed the bit that says it is ok to go out and help or care for a vulnerable person. There are also guidelines around that, if you do have to enter their house you should wash your hands when you go in, try and stay 2m apart, then wash your hands before you leave, and wear gloves and a mask if you can.
  8. Carlsberg don't do irony, but if they did..
  9. Not necessarily. Like us they applied long before the new league was planned, almost certainly on the basis that by the time the application was being judged, the Junior leagues would have become part of the Pyramid. Done deal etc...
  10. My brother in law works for a company that makes submarines and diving bells, from Monday they are starting to produce ventilators.
  11. Still working, as we've been classed as essential workers by the council as we maintain the vehicles for the home care staff as well as cleansing. There was only 7 or 8 of us in last week on the nightshift so plenty of space for us to stay apart. Actually quite glad to be still working as it's keeping a sense of normality. They have reduced our shift a bit and also changed the time so that the nightshift are away home before the day shift come in. Gave us all hand sanitizer, and I always wear gloves at work anyway.
  12. Think we'll all be hoping the same. Ask any greenkeeper and they will tell you the bane of their lives are the arseholes who don't replace divots, repair pitchmarks, or drag trolleys where they aren't meant to go.
  13. Saw Roy Essandoh on the TV last Saturday, BBC had stuck on some classic FA Cup highlights and the game he scored the winner for Wycombe at Leicester was one of them.
  14. Strange how Orkney and the Western Isles have no infections, but the Shetlands have the highest infection rate per 10k of population in the country. What's the difference?
  15. Yep. Arseholes. No need for it.
  16. 3rd episode of the Mandalorian now available to stream.
  17. Surprised that only a few Ayrshire teams have shown their hand so far.
  18. Saw the list of what they are allowed to do, some fairly stringent limits on the amount of times they are supposed to cut certain areas. How that would ever be actually policed is another matter.
  19. It was clarified through the SGU that ground staff were essential in terms of security and care of the course. We have 5 staff on the greenkeeping team. 2 of them have been kept on full time while the other 3 have been put on furlough with 80% wages through the government scheme, as have the bar staff. Would imagine it will be a similar situation at a lot of clubs.
  20. Anybody fancy volunteering for a clinical trial?
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