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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. What a bizarre post. It’s natural to be curious about your ancestors and it can be fun and interesting to find out what they did.
  2. The best option, barring a referendum that prevents it, is an exit from the EU that retains or expands freedom of movement, opts for restrictions on capital and kills anyone with a #FBPE hashtag on Twitter.
  3. Also lol at the implication that the FBI is incapable of focusing on more than one thing at a time.
  4. I can’t believe that olympic athletes are also interesting in shagging.
  5. Helen Lewis’s answer to the current British political crisis as she sees is it is an Emmanuel Macron figure based almost solely on the fact he gave a good interview on Andrew Marr.
  6. Trump will sign any old shit that’s put in front of him. Outrageous that people would hold him to account.
  7. Outrageously outstanding headline in the English edition of the Sun today.
  8. Harness the militiamen and bikers that are pledged to defend Baron Trump and extend that to all children.
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/02/15/florida-shooting-suspect-nikolas-cruz-guns-depression-and-a-life-in-free-fall/?utm_term=.a5fc23aa8768 That’s enough time to get his name and ascertain that he isn’t anglo-white.
  10. “It’s time for the ceremonial vote: do we take away the guns or keep em? I don’t know why we do this. Charlton Heston instituted it in the deepest throes of alzheimer’s and we have to respect that. The guns win. Every year. I sure hope no libs enlisted at the last minute to throw the vote!”
  11. Your best bet for anything relating to the kirk is Callum Brown.
  12. Trump and BoJo are two people I’m adamant don’t take their jacket off when they f**k. Apologies for the mental image lads.
  13. Were the early “Britons” around Ayrshire and the Rock not eventually driven out to Wales? It’s been years since I read about it.
  14. In Scotland, aye. The polling broadly suggests that there’s just as much chance of a Labour government at Westminster as there is of Scotland winning its independence at the next attempt.
  15. Gaelic is LGBT culture and banning it is homophobia.
  16. I can’t remember if it was Benedict Anderson or Miroslav Hroch that talked about the relatively novelty of Irish and Scottish nationalism largely being conducted out with their “native” tongue. I’ll have a look.
  17. What’s the latest RISE-related Twitter stooshie?
  18. That’s a lot of nonsense though as it’s not like pushing this issue to the side is going to have the reactionaries opposed to it cracking on with addressing more pressing human right’s issues. It’s a minor matter to some extent that doesn’t deserve the opposition it’s receiving and that’s on those opposing it.
  19. It is quite funny how Sinn Fein are repeatedly backing progressive issues in their red lines though. Surely anyone that isn’t a raging reactionary must see it’s not a good look to be tagged as the anti-Irish/ anti-LGBT/ anti-abortion party or coalition?
  20. It's probably the most sensible decision to take in response to England and Wales voting for Brexit.
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