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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Last paragraph aside, which I still think is a liberal fantasy that probably won't be borne out, I agree with what you're saying. It's immensely frustrating that a candidate with decent politics is being pulled into this constitutional issue that's going to consign Labour, rightly if they stick by it, to the history books up here.
  2. Related to another abject St Mirren performance? Not for this poster to say.
  3. Didn't realise the boys Tito and Stalin were forceful advocates and members of the European Community.
  4. If you were going to elect a cartoon character made into human form then you should've elected Vincent Kennedy McMahon then at least it would've been properly entertaining. At least McMahon will take a bump in the name of entertainment.
  5. I think in 20 years we will look back and give memes their due. Good thing the left in Britain are much better at generating memes for the Absolute Boy than whatever Rees nonce cringe the Tories are creating.
  6. Castilian settlement and the expulsion of the moriscos probably took care of the Andalusian Liberation Front tbf.
  7. Arguably an even bigger mistake was her attack on the alt-right. It united a disparate group of trolls, misogos, racists etc into the potent weapon it became for Trump.
  8. A Hillary Clinton stan (and Wings supporter) isn't allowed to play the misogyny card I'm sorry those are the rules.
  9. Fair enough. I used to watch myself but it feels like a waste of time and just an excuse to get pissed off for an hour. Much the same with PMQs. Even worse when you factor in audience members angling for a round of applause every chance they're allowed to speak.
  10. I can't see why Spain would suddenly acquiesce and allow Catalonia EU entry barring significant civil unrest. The UK self-owning with Brexit means it's not really a concern for us anymore if we don't shitebag next time but I would be amazed if Spain weren't completely intransigent in the event of Catalonian secession.
  11. What's your reasons for watching JLD?
  12. I usually spend half my time in the shower staring into space anyway so at least spending that time brushing is a productive use of time.
  13. So the only argument against brushing your teeth in the shower so far is because you can't rinse your mouth out afterwards (which you shouldn't do anyway)? Try it, lads. Ignore the scepticism.
  14. Julia Hartley Brewer literally is a highbrow Katie Hopkins for the Question Time audience.
  15. Can only go off my own experiences and the fact that Momentum seem much more organised than CfS up here. Tbf, I haven't said it's just the personnel either but there is a committed group of Corbyn supporters that are battling the established party up here but I'm 50/50 over whether they'll have much success.
  16. What's the argument against brushing your teeth in the shower? It's an excellent concept.
  17. I was equally pissed off with the SNP tbf when I was volunteering there. They really aren't utilising their membership base as much as they could and they were obviously coasting by the elections just gone. I think if folk like Wolfson win a seat then things will begin to change for the better but c***s like MacDougall still hold a baffling amount of influence.
  18. There's more continuity in American foreign policy than a lot of people want to admit. The major difference is that Trump is more volatile in his rhetoric and more publicly willing to cede his authority on matters to the military top brass. The problem there is that you're essentially relying on the other powers in the world to look past Trump's nonsense and trust that things will carry on as they are. It's domestic policy where people should be worried as he's both volatile, incompetent and vindictive. Which is a positive in one regard as it inspires a lot of reaction in people that normally wouldn't bother when it's done with bureaucratic efficiency and effective PR. Look at the numbers of people Obama deported without protest or Theresa May's tenure as Home Sec over here for example.
  19. The SNP's coopting of the influential groups within the Yes movement probably means it's going to take a heck of a lot of work to show that independence is larger than the SNP in the short term. That isn't a bad thing if the SNP can generate a radical and eye catching vision that they're threatening to do. The Greens obvs have their politics and I admire them but they're trapped in a bubble that means they're not going to appeal to the people that need to be won over. Scottish Labour at least going neutral on the issue and shifting the dead weight that's stopping a Corbyn's bounce up here could help but I can say from the limited engagement I've had that that's much, much easier said than done. I joined two months ago to try and engage more directly with my MP and I'm already pissed aff.
  20. The bookies had Remain at 1/4 or 1/6 the night before and we all know how that turned out.
  21. Aye no chance it's going to be anyone else surely.
  22. Tears of respect at jmo's claim (genuine or otherwise) that he went and consulted the rule books after getting repeatedly telt on the premier league thread at the weekend.
  23. Even better if there's some way to contain Will Self in a QT studio he can't escape from or be contacted with.
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