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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Talking Smack was decent for him and, like a lot of wrestlers, he has CFO$ to thank for an entrance theme that makes him more interesting than he is.
  2. Kid Rock and The Rock drafting foreign policy and swamps rebranding for the ride? Count me in!
  3. Even the best government that ever existed in Britain, the Labour govt of 1945, decimated our still existing colonies to fund the welfare state. We hardly willingly let go of our control over Egypt or Kenya either.
  4. Was aware of how much of the night the crowd didn't seem remotely seem into any of it apart from the Fatal 4 Way. Was just loads of audible chatter and some people focusing on starting random chants. Bit shite.
  5. Real smarks have went all in on Reigns at this point.
  6. You'd suggest a palace coup is imminent if the generals weren't already running things. The only positive about Trump is he's completely destroying the credibility of the presidential office.
  7. And avoiding spoilers would be a bigger pain in the arse what with there not being a general premiere time where pretty much everyone can watch it.
  8. It's just a big empty sandbox but can't knock the piss about value especially since it's free. Downloaded that and Bayonetta for the Xbox so a decent haul this month.
  9. Right. Except that isn't what's being said in the thing you've posted and it wasn't what Wings argued either. I'm gonna let this go cause you either don't get it or you're being deliberately wide and neither's worth the bother.
  10. "If he believes that the physiological reproductive equipment that a person is born with is a defining characteristic of that person's gender".
  11. I fully believe that Trump received that call but it was from an aide in the White House whose job it is to make up good news and praise for the Donald.
  12. Plenty of gay people are transphobic, you'd know this if you spent literally any time at looking at the LGBT movement. He's perfectly entitled to argue against gender being a spectrum and that a person's reproductive equipment defines their gender but that's literally the argument of a transphobe and if a duck quacks then... There's nothing hypocritical about calling these views transphobic. If Wings wants to publicly share views that are used to exclude trans people from the spaces they're entitled to be in and deny them the vital support they need to live then he can live with being called a transphobe. And I'm on the side of censorship over people's right to a public platform to repeatedly share oppressive views cause I'm not the alt-right but then that isn't even the argument here.
  13. Wings isn't going to be shut down when Campbell likely loses this defamation case. He'll make a pissy blog post, start another fundraiser and probably make record amounts from the yer da types that think every one of his critics are "Yoon trolls" or traitors. I'm happy with the current situation where people take the admittedly well researched data and quote it without attribution. The site does a good job of dismantling unionist nonsense but the project is so much an extension of the reactionary fuckwit that runs it that it's unreasonable to expect people to separate the site from the owner.
  14. Do you? It's clear that we're both referring to Stuart Campbell here. If you don't have a problem with people taking issue with Stuart Campbell then why are you telling people they have to consider their priorities when they're attacking him. His material is being overshadowed by his own incessant need to be an obnoxious dickhead on social media. If he wanted his material to be judged on its own merit he would reign in the edgy shite and tear stained breakdown blog posts when people didn't vote the way he wanted.
  15. Maybe if Wings didn't spend his time being a piece of shit to women, LGBT activists and anyone else that takes issue with the shite he spouts on a wide variety of topics people wouldn't feel the need to "vilify" him.
  16. It would make that scene where Gerard Butler tells them to get down right before every White House staffer runs directly into gunfire much more plausible.
  17. I had a gid time. Highlight was the lad next to me spending the entire main event greeting about WWE ruining Noam Dar. So much so he missed the moonsault in the crowd.
  18. I think a narrow subsection of the predominantly middle class commentariat might turn away from Corbyn over Europe because it's the first time politics has affected their lives but I doubt the rest of the population who can see beyond the European issue will realise his politics and policies are vastly different to the Tories. I don't particularly like or agree with Corbyn's position on Europe but faced with the choice of a genuinely social democratic manifesto or more of the same neoliberal scraps from the table we've been accustomed to the last 20 years it's an easy choice for me... Even if it means engaging with the abysmal Scottish Labour party.
  19. Nah, not Burnham. He changes his principles and opinions like the weather and the soft left are not the ones to bring about real change in a Labour government. I can see maybe Clive Lewis sometime down the line but I also don't see Corbyn going for a while yet.
  20. If the Tories persist with this tax haven hard Brexit then there's an opportunity for Labour to develop a reluctant Remain position that can see it stopped. The problem of suggesting that Labour need to shift Corbyn to become a pro-Europe party is that they owe their social democratic manifesto to him and they'll shed tons of votes, quite rightly, if they go back to the mess they were before the election.
  21. Ember Moon's finisher is class but that's about it really.
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