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Posts posted by Jambomo

  1. I've been living (unmarried though) for 11 years with the OH. We have separate accounts and are both happy with that - makes things much easier and when we need to buy something we both just put in half the cash.

    Don't get why you need a joint account really - what I earn I can choose to spend as I like and he does likewise.

  2. Quite often when I catch the bus to work in the morning there is this woman with her young daughter, who must be about 6/7ish. The daughter is an absolute horror. Last week she had obviously been told off for making them late but was shouting at her mother stuff like " it's your fault, whay are you blaming me, you made us late and you aren't sorry enough" I mean wtf? Where does a kid learn to speak to its mother like that?

    Anyway this morning I was on the bus and they were both sitting upstairs, the mother got up whilst the bus was moving to get her ready to get off and the kid refused to get up whilst the bus was moving, the mum tried everything bar just picking her up and the kid was almoist screaming about not standing whilst the bus was moving. The bus stopped and the lassie stood up but they took so long that the driver drove off and they missed the stop. The kid totally sat down and refused to move again!

    I couldn't help but laugh - those i felt a bit sorry for the mum its clearly her own fault for raising such a brat and being scared of her own kid.

  3. Charity muggers. The same 3 folk stand in the area next to my work and everyday when I go out of the building for meetings etc they catch me and likewise when I'm going back in. Fucking annoying, how many times do they need told - I happily give to charity but not to random c***s on the street - I set up the direct debits myself when I decide I want to, no being guilt tripped by arseholes calling me 'darling' one even started walking up the street with me!

  4. I used to travel between Edinburgh and Glasgow for uni 3 times a week. The service was always pretty good to be honest, the only complaints being that some of the trains coming back were a bit overcrowded to start with and that for some reason they'd never put up what platform the train was leaving from until about 2 minutes before it was due to go. This always resulted in a mad scramble along the platform from folk who wanted a seat - I suspect the staff were watching this and betting on who'd get to the train doors first and who'd fall off the platform under the train.

  5. Today my PTTGOYN is fucking horrible wankers who know when they are right about something and go on and on to get as much milage out of it as possible.

    The person previously in my job has fucked something up, and unfortunately we have now discovered it a year later. The person whose work it relates to already hates what we do and has to be the worst kind of arsehole imaginable. Despite it not having any impact on him he's going on and on about how awful it is and what massive issues it causes (it doesn't) and generally trying to be as big a dick about it as possible when in reality its not the biggest deal in the world. I have to fucking deal with him.

  6. Pubs are much better to be in now that the smoking ban has been in place for a while.

    You can go out, get up the next day and not be utterly stinking of fag smoke and feeling like you were smoking them yourself.

    It's especially much better when you are eating in a pub.

  7. Nonsense.

    As has been posted several times already, if you are an employee it is the responsibility of your employer to deduct the correct tax and NI and ensure it is paid to HMRC. If they do not do so the Revenue will pursue the employer. And rightly so. They won't pursue the employee as they've done nothing wrong. If your present employer goes bust and hasn't paid your PAYE to HMRC for six months would you be happy for HMRC to come after you for it?

    The only potential for chasing individuals would be if it could be proven they were complicit in agreeing a scheme they knew to be illegal to evade tax. It would be near impossible to prove and it's doubtful how much benefit there would be even if it could be proven. Almost certainly less than the costs of pursuing it.

    Actually where it is PAYE, officially the burden does still lie with the taxpayer. The employer does deduct the tax but where there is an error the responsibility for repayment is with the taxpayer - usually I think they adjust the figure and reclaim it over the next tax year however where that can't be done then the employee can be hit with a bill.

    Whether they do that in this instance it's not possible to tell but I can't imagine they have gone to all this trouble not to bother.

  8. Watching Cologne v Ingolstadt on BT. It's an ok match and made quite funny by the utter misery that is co-commentary by Nigel Spackman.

    He's so miserable and negative I can't stop laughing, the best part was the "he's really let us down with his passing" comment about a Cologne player.

    I reckon his half-time pies are washed down with a pack of anti-depressants and supervised by a nurse who'll take back his belt and shoelaces after the match.

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