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Posts posted by Jambomo

  1. Were the finances under Murray's tenure any better than they are now? It sounds like Murray was shifting money about all over the place behind the scenes to keep the Big Hoose open. No one had the slightest idea who owned what.

    So this whole thing really boils down to the fact that if Rangers had bulldozed their way through the leagues and had won a few major Cups on the way then Ibrox would be full tonight; and Sports Direct and Ashley would be the best thing since William of Orange.

    Their finances were probably as bad, if not worse than now. The difference these days is that back then, information was mostly received from the media and we can see how bad they are at reporting the true nature of things at Ibrox. We have the internet now and information is much more accessible and it is now possible to get, if not the truth then at least both sides of a story.

    TBH back in the Murray days who really knew or considered the financial state of their clubs to the extent we do now? I think being burnt has made some of them take more notice of all thats happening. I'm not sure that its all quite linked to performance on the pitch, though i don't doubt they'd be a bit less upset if it was much better.

  2. Why would it rule out liquidation? A new club would spring up, calling itself Rangers only this time they'd be renting their properties instead of owning them.

    It's probably been the plan all along and the SFA have been cornered into changing their rules to facilitate this very scenario.

    Shrewd work by Chucky and his gang. Between severance payments, share handouts, loan securities, exuberant wages etc they have tied up everything.

    The only question would be who would want to buy them after liquidation? Unless they want them truly for the club, the lack of assets the shell of the club actually has, means that there is no money to be made by anyone coming in. It would be costly to get these things back.

  3. Correct ...

    Newcastle FC and Sevco will not meet in English or Scottish competitions. Ergo his ownership is not a problem until the meet in UEFA competitions which has it's own rules governing those ...

    Further down it states:

    Under the FA Premier League rules an owner of a football club or a director of a football club must adhere to the fit and proper test and must sign a declaration that they comply with this test. The fit and proper test applies to all directors and individuals holding over a 30% shareholding.

    Accordingly anyone who owns or has the power to own a football club in the FA Premier League is regarded to fall outside the remit of the fit and proper test and unable to own another club.

    Also whilst not in the same league it would have some impact as they cannot both qualify for Europe in the same year (UEFA confirmed this already). So what happens if they qualify in their domestic league? Is the place given to another team? Winners of the cup? Loaning players between teams, is that allowed?

    It'll have more effect in the future (if they are still about) than it does now but I'd be surprised if the FA isn't interested at all.

  4. Newcastle FC has nothing to do with Scottish football. The English FA don't give a fig about SEVCO as his involvement does not impinge on their competitions or fall within their jurisdiction.

    If Ashley owned Hearts, Aberdeen or QotS then I could see their point.

    The SFA are making themselves a laughing stock.

    As I said previously it's a win/win for the P&B ...

    They fine/punish Sevco/Ashley and he walks away ... great.

    If they don't, Ashley implements austerity measures that will make the bears greet.

    As for poor Fivestars .. backing the SFA on a rule that possibly contravenes Ashley's rights to do business. It's not even as if it helps his new club :blink::lol:

    The SFA, I fear, is on a hiding to nothing.

    As for Tonev ... nothing has changed. I fully expect that Celtic and he will appeal the decision.

    Poor Tedi .. dragging other thread topics around ...

    The list of threads he's made an arse of himself on are endless ... Tell us all about the fivestars Tedi ... the offside rule ... how the IPO money is secured and the FSA will protect you ... how you're going to boycott the season tickets ... how you you will not give the spivs a penny more ... The share price ... How your club is debt free ...

    You're priceless son.

    I'm not sure that's true. The English FA do have rules on dual ownership - I had a look last night. This kind of sums up the position


  5. "If both teams qualify for the same competition, the one with the higher Uefa co-efficient ranking would be allowed to enter at the expense of the other. As things stand, Newcastle are ranked 65 and Rangers are down at 101.

    In the short term, it is Rangers who will suffer as they have the lower ranking. In the long term, Rangers have a far greater chance of playing in the Champions League than Newcastle, which would mean the Magpies would not be allowed to compete in the Europa League, even if they won a domestic cup competition or finished fifth or sixth in the Premier League"


    Going by this in the long term it could benefit Rangers but i still can't see why Ashley would favour Rangers over one of the largest EPL clubs.

    Presumably it holds if one or other qualifies for the Europa league as well? They still can't play each other in the same competition and there's a fair chance of Newcastle qualifying for Europa league. I doubt he'd be happy if both teams qualify and one of them are sitting at home.

    Also the Newcastle fans wouldn't be that happy either.

    I wonder if the English FA are having a look at this, breaking their rules as well, no?

  6. Such a move seems likely to be approved, albeit cautiously, by many in the game, because while Ashley plans to use Rangers as a branding vehicle for his sportswear chain Sports Direct, a healthy, competitive Rangers – in the Champions League with the Old Firm rivalry renewed – would attract more interest, sponsors and broadcast revenues across the board.

    In the Champions League? Haven't UEFA established that if Newcastle are in Europe that Rangers can't be? I'd have thought that he wouldn't like one being at the mercy of the other really.

  7. This is where I just do not get The Plastics and Diddies and my thesis is extraordinarily simple:

    If we are such a complete joke then stop posting about us.

    Don't make excuse like "Oh it's the gift that keeps giving" or "Oldco died and Sevco will go the same way" shite. You are in control of your own keyboards.

    You're mixing up the idea of rangers being a joke and that the joke is something unpleasant. People keep posting because it's bloody entertaining and they are quite enjoying it.

  8. My only problem with Naismith is he is a Rangers lad and was one of the first out the door. I want him to state why he chose to leave while others...Bedoya..Bocanegra...Goian and Edu all tuped over. I just want to understand why the so called 'Rangers men' all left to further their careers but the foreign lads didn't.

    Do you honestly think that the likes of naismith and McGregor want to waste the best years of their footballing careers in the Scottish lower divisions? I can actually believe that for these guys its not just about the money, they will want to be playing well at as decent a level as they can for as long as they can, not just for the wages but also for the challenge, playing for Scotland and genuinely becoming better players. They could never have got that with Sevco and you must recognise that they should and would put their careers before any sentiment to Sevco.

  9. Possible, but I doubt it will benefit their team going forward as the cash is being pished away on mediocre stars and a manager (edit: plus his flunkeys). Most of their fans recognise Macleod as someone to build their future team around given his correct role in midfield.

    Does anyone (bar the fans) really care about the club going forward? As long as he's getting money out of the fans I'm not sure Ashley will be all that bothered about the actual team and whilst the owners/directors can still get cash out of the club I doubt they care much either.

    They all know it won't go on forever so they are probably thinking in the short term.

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