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Posts posted by Jambomo

  1. Watching Bayern v Wolfsburg and it's an excellent game.

    Wolfsburg winning so far but it's only half time. A brilliant shot on goal from Wolfsburg when Neuer made a mistake rushing out from his goal, a shot from their own half came off the post.

    Looking forward to the rest!

  2. I think misogyny by women towards other women can occur, but it's probably not that common.

    It's been said that Thatcher was misogynist - yes she managed to be one of the most powerful woman in the world but she pulled up the ladder behind her and made it harder for the others. Similar to making it hard for everyone else in the country!

    I think sexist comments or dislike of one or more women can be mistaken for misogyny, I think that's the case for most of the comments on this thread.

  3. Actually why does she keep linking this to SNP supporters? Is all criticism of her now just dismissed as that?

    It's perfectly valid to be questioning her appointment to the role and to her use of tax schemes. It has f**k all to do with independence, yes voters or no voters - It's to do with her unsuitability for the job she has been given.

  4. also that they want to renegotiate the deal.i would guess that magic mike will give them a big gtf as it takes more than one side saying we want to renegotiate.

    That's the bit that makes me laugh. They are voting to renegotiate a deal that isn't up for negotiation. If they didn't like the deal then they shouldn't have signed the paperwork (and it is noted that it was Somers doing the signing for Rangers and not Ashleys men). I think its unlikely that Ashley will negotiate the deal with them, unless he can possibly find someway of making it even more lucrative for himslef.

  5. and who are Sportsscotland. ? Is this something to do with Charles green ? Or even better Mr whyte ?

    No, Sportsscotland are a national sports body in Scotland. One of the things they do is to provide funds for training facilities - meant to be for things that will contribute to sports partcipation in Scotland so I wonder if thats why they are involved? Grant for the training facilities, maybe on the proviso that local clubs could train there as well etc. Thats just speculation on my part though :)

  6. https://www.justice.gov.uk/courts/court-lists/list-chancery-judges

    What? Sports Direct v rangers in court tomorrow ?


    This office issues and lists the following applications:

    applications for injunctive relief

    applications to vary or discharge a Judge's order

    applications to commit

    applications referred by the Master to the Judge in charge of the list (or Interim Applications Judge)

    applications to adjourn trial dates

    summary judgment

    Companies Court Applications:

    originating application

    ordinary application

    admin application

    discharge admin and wind up application

    Patents Court Applications and Patent matters that cannot be dealt with by a Master:

    case Management Conferences


    They deal in winding up applications?

    Oh my.


    So Rangers are back where they belong then - in court.

  7. It's bewildering in the extreme.They spent so wildly they got liquidated.The re-birth then lost staggering sums of money very quickly.They then get the regime change they wanted who then commit to a policy of overspending.You could not, nay would not, make this stuff up.

    Spending more than everyone else is the Rangers way, has been since Murray's time. I think that's why none of the Bears on here are remotely concerned.

  8. I'm not sure if the problem is necessarily for Black managers to get managerial jobs, its probably more that it's difficult for anyone outside of the "old boys" network to get jobs. The question is why do the same old failures end up getting jobs again and again, and its probably because they have friends or connections to help them, which if you don't have (and equally white, black, chinese etc players may not have them) makes it harder for you to get in the door. The instances of a chairman taking a chance on an inexperienced manager aren't high and it takes a brave chairman to appooint and back one - regardless of what colour he is.

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