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Everything posted by Ignoramus

  1. There’s part of me that thinks this is all just another worked shoot that they love to do to hype up the drama but the backstage fights, biting etc might take it up a notch I accept. It will be interesting to see how Punk not being around would affect their ratings. It’s obviously a big loss but I don’t actually think it would be too damaging.
  2. How do they actually do this then? The chat is it’s still Rock for Reigns at Mania but Cody is winning the Rumble and taking the belts? Both can’t happen so not sure how they can play it. I’m now worried they’re gonna rush a feud for Cody to ensure they get the belts on him and it’ll be a crap payoff. I think my reticence is because I was - and still am - far from the biggest fan of Cody. I see a lot of people on socials talking about how the fans would turn on Drew within a month and that justifies the call but Cody has just as much potential to turn the fans off as quickly. It seems a hell of a lot to put on a guy who hasn’t hit those top of the card main event heights too much in his career. Would still be better than doing a title match with Rock, which I still haven’t totally ruled out as their plan either.
  3. Does anyone else find Liv a bit…meh? That match was OK but it kind of passed me by
  4. And if we didn’t realise how much trouble we’re in this season, we do now.
  5. We’ve got the current top three coming after this so could be doing with putting the losing skid in the rear view mirror before we hit that stretch. I agree that Allan should be up there with Cunningham, they linked up well in the Peterhead game before Allan got his red card. Wonder if Thicot will get a start given the reports last week - wasn’t there myself - if he does, I’d imagine it’ll be for Sula although P Grant seemed to be the one struggling by all accounts.
  6. Between this and the stuff about him not needing any more money from golf, Smith looking like an absolute snake now
  7. So bloody close, I had that trip scouted out
  8. Scullion for Roberts is fine for me in terms of performance, he’s looked bright off the bench. Allan should be in our starting XI however, we don’t have many players with his established quality and he offers more than Cameron, who I do like as a bright sub.
  9. He’s been pretty average this season tbh. It’s understandable with the money and the ranking points boost you get, but I wonder if heading on to the PGA Tour for a few events so quickly after coming through was the best idea. He seemed to lose some momentum that he had been building up and never really got the tournament wins behind him that he should have.
  10. Looks as if we’re deservedly behind here, updates don’t suggest we’ve offered much.
  11. With the injuries we’ve got today, this would be a good point if we could get it. I know we always go on about this, but is it really that disarming to the opposition to reveal some injury news? Duthie has now been out since the tackle on the opening day and we’ve not actually heard what’s wrong with him and when he’s likely to be back. And there’s the Thicot stuff, which we could really do with a bit of clarity about.
  12. There’s that “remorse” coming out again.
  13. First game back against the Texans? How I wish I was at NRG for that one, he’s gonna get absolutely roasted. Literally the worst game from an atmosphere point he could return on, the city hates him.
  14. My understanding from a distance is that McGowan - the chap we seem to be dealing with - is still around running the commercial side of things and also has some control over the stadium. You’d imagine all agreements with Hamilton would be written in a contract as well so I can’t see anything happening on that front tbh.
  15. Allan will be back next week, barring injury of course, it was a one game suspension.
  16. On this point, I have no doubt this is the reason why the focus has so clearly shifted recently but it’s absolutely fanciful that Rangers fans are gonna suddenly start listening to Sportsound now. They’ve only just let the BBC back in to actually provide coverage on their games and they - as well as Celtic - are just waiting for the next grievance to play up to their fans about.
  17. Just to echo the comments about OAM yesterday, it was so poor. I got in the car at 1:45 to head to the Clyde game and heard almost nothing about any other game other than Rangers and most of the discussion wasn’t even about the St J but about Europe in midweek, with McIntyre extensively interviewing De Boer for about 15 minutes. After the football and a five minute walk back to the car, there were a few lines on games just finished - they were rounding up Aberdeen/Motherwell - but then it was on to the midweek games and discussion on Hearts and Celtic again. I actually got the results from the other Scottish games - and a brief line on table toppers, form etc - on Five Live, a UK wide broadcaster. I’ve noticed the lack of attention paid to the lower leagues since the opening OAM of the season and it’s really quite dreadful that it’s now turning into effectively another midweek edition of Sportsound, which I don’t listen to because I don’t care about hearing yet more chat on the OF.
  18. Did think that might be coming despite them announcing a new line up after Vicky Wright’s retirement. She was doing a lot of media work and charity stuff and the thought of going back to the grind after claiming the Olympic gold must’ve been quite difficult to get up for. Going out on top is never a bad idea.
  19. Between that and the non-answer at the Open, this is a done deal (and I’d suggest has been for a while). Matsuyama and a few others to follow post FedEx Cup?
  20. I know his ambitions will be higher, but I could see Thomson going back to Kelty if Potter is punted early in the season.
  21. We’re coming back tomorrow to finish this, aren’t we?
  22. I was at the OG -EK game as well (a pal of mine works for one of the sponsors so got in for free) and agree the atmosphere was a bit sterile despite a decent crowd numbers wise, although that’s to be expected. I thought it felt like a bog standard game in the lower reaches of L2, the sort of games Clyde have hosted at Broadwood ourselves in the recent past. I was just surprised by some of the big names (by LL standards) and how poor they were. Miller looked the same as he did at Falkirk - despite playing two levels below - and McHugh was really poor as well and was outshone by Elliott next to him all night. The Arbroath poster earlier talked about Ferry’s principles with his style of play and my pal spoke about this as well (I don’t really follow OG so don’t know about Ferry’s chat) but it doesn’t work with these players and again Broadfoot was lumbering about up front by the end. I also found his antics on the touch line quite odd, he was pretty quiet and then burst into random periods of histrionics for quite minimal things. There wasn’t anyone on him as far as I could see but it almost felt like he was managing for a camera. OK fare all in but I agree that the challenge is sustaining that against Edinburgh Uni in December. They might get above average crowds by issuing loads of sponsors comps and free tickets but even at £9, getting a decent paying crowd to that at Broadwood will be tough.
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