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Everything posted by lanky_ffc

  1. The 8/10 American asked me along to an art gallery this wkend (I was at Tate Modern on Fri night and now she thinks I'm all cultured). I played it cool and said I had a few things on but she should text me and let me know what day she's going. #keepherkeen
  2. Thinking about going to the Emirates Cup in a few weeks if there's still tickets left. Last time I looked you could get them for £28 which isn't too bad for 2 games and a chance to see the stadium. The other teams are Napoli, Galatasary and Porto.
  3. I hadn't actually seen the post that started the "Magee caught a phone" chat. Top work Mikey.
  4. V. v. excited about the booze cruise on the prvt yacht. #champers #cocktails #hotties
  5. That, along with "Ross Kemp on toast", are my favorites of his.
  6. I also #lift, drink #md2020 and #cocktails and pull 8/10 wenches in real life. #nolies
  7. I'm wearing shorts, t-shirt and plimsolls at work cause it's dress down Friday. Might go and get an ice lolly to complete the summer feel.
  8. My (male) friends call me a slut sometimes. I take it as a compliment tbh. #sexualprowess
  9. Just got my hair done at lunch there. Two back and sides with a bit left on the top to style. I'd say I'm comfortably an 8/10 now. #reem
  10. Surely it's time someone took Old Man Danger on a "holiday" to Switzerland. #1wayticket
  11. Was meant to have work drinks last night but patched it because I was feeling tired. Worth it though, cause I got up at 7 and beat my #5repmax on the bench and deadlift. Now munching on a bowl of porridge and #protein shake. #carbsformarbs #benchtostaydench
  12. Dece effort from SVD. Don't like it quite as much as l liked Nothing Inside this time last year but a solid summer tune nonetheless.
  13. Here's the recipe of a #cocktail I'm going to make this weekend: http://uktv.co.uk/food/recipe/aid/643824 #pimmsdeuce #summertimedeceness
  14. Someone who was still at school would probably construct a better sentence(s) than that. #grammar
  15. Just had a special filling (ham, cheese, bacon, mayo and spinach) on facoccia and a packet of doritos for my lunch. #cheatday
  16. Our boi C. Harris dropping a v. dece set at T. #standard http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0377y50/T_in_the_Park_2013_Rihanna_and_Calvin_Harris/
  17. Yeah, he doesn't take it well. Still not as I entertaining as I'd hoped when I first started following him. Needs a new TV series like Britain's Hardest Men or The Real Football Factory IMO.
  18. Not sure how this is going to help her ETA: Just realised this is an admission that I follow Danny Dyer. Oh the shame.
  19. When you crack a football related joke on Facebook and the bird doesn't get it.
  20. Don't worry m8, Marbs will sort you out. #yolo
  21. Did some upper body #lifting after work and played 5s later on for #cardio. Thought I'd be knackered at football but was pretty pumped and we won 7-6. thisGRAEME pulled off a double wondersave at the end. #someboi
  22. Cheers for the vote of confidence bois. Know a couple of v. cool and secret #cocktail places so will take her there. She did specify somewhere non-touristy so she'll be suitably impressed. #wishmeluck
  23. Needing some advice from you #decelads. Got a 7.5/10 (8 IMO, as I'm a sucker for the accent) American bird working for 6 months in our office. Bumped into her the other day and she said we should "hang out" sometime as she doesn't know many ppl in London. Was busy last weekend but gave her my no. and said I was around this weekend. Not sure how to play it now though. Do I assume she's just being friendly or take it as a sign she's keen? #guidance
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