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Everything posted by lanky_ffc

  1. Had a 5.6K race with my company last night. Hadn't done any serious training for it and still clocked 22:24. #cardio #naturallyfit
  2. Totes loving the colour of G. But's jacket here. A full suit in that shade would look v. v. v. smart IMO.
  3. Haven't heard that much of their older stuff but have they moved from trance more towards "EDM"? Quite liked their remix of This Is What It Feels Like and The Code (with Umet Ozcan) is a banger.
  4. Haven't listened to Anjunabeats in ages but this looks a v. dece album: http://soundcloud.com/anjunabeats/sets/anjunabeats-in-ibiza-2013/
  5. How credible are they as a source? Don't see why our board would turn down 100K just to hold out for another 30K a week later. There's still 7 weeks until the transfer window closes and, as far as I know, we're not desperate for cash. Sit tight and wait for a suitable offer to come in. Any money we get offered needs to be weighed up against the potential cash we could earn from promotion. Sure, we wouldn't get any transfer fee at the end of the season, but with him in the team we've got a realistic shot at getting to the SPL.
  6. Cheque Centre is where I normally use. There are two on Argyll Street and one on Bothwell Street.
  7. I'm pretty confident that it was the cleaner(s) as they are the only people who have access to the flat other than us and have been known to come round on a Friday. I don't have insurance, on my iPad individually or home contents, so I'm going through the fine detail of the lease contract to see if I have a case against the letting agent. Any legal eagles or anyone that's gone through similar? I've already submitted a police report and they're coming round tomorrow for an inspection.
  8. Congrats to everyone who made it in to #clubdece. There's a bottle of vodka (#belvedece, obvs) chilling at our booth. Help yourselves lads, it's on me. Unlucks to anyone who didn't make the cut. You can give my name on the door and the bouncer will let you in.
  9. Just clicked onto the workout section of bodybuilding.com and this was the first picture that came up: #getswolegethole
  10. Had my iPad stolen out my flat on Friday at some point. Went out for dinner and drinks after work and didn't get home until 11.30pm so it could have been taken at any point between 8.30am and then. There were no signs of a break-in and nothing else was taken from my room or flatmates' so it was clearly someone with access to the flat. I was seething when I got in.
  11. Top work. Always good when you've spent time laying the foundations. #patiencepaysoff
  12. Good effort, m8. #toplad Went home with a solid 6/10 last night. Dece effort considering how #MWI I was.
  13. Was on the bus earlier and it was absolutely packed so I just stood right at the door. When it got to my stop I asked the driver if he could open the front door but he was having none of it. Called him a w****r then had to force my way through to the middle door. Seething.
  14. Didn't realise it was yesterday. Just had 5 people share it in the past hour.
  15. This is causing a fair bit of outrage on Facebook tonight.
  16. A girl on mine is travelling SE Asia and posted earlier about how excited she is about celebrating 4th July tonight. She's currently in Vietnam
  17. Hadn't heard of this. Definitely worth a look next I'm driving down from Aberdeen.
  18. Smasing IBZ at the end of Aug. #deuce (Spanish for #dece)
  19. Heavy remix of my favourite Tiesto tune: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmpnsNomY_8
  20. The seagulls in Aberdeen are scary fuckers. Once saw one pecking away at a dead pigeon that was lying at the bus stop. Nothing like a bit of bird cannibalism to brighten up the walk home.
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