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Everything posted by lanky_ffc

  1. A lot of it is due to body type: http://www.muscleandstrength.com/articles/body-types-ectomorph-mesomorph-endomorph.html I'm probably somewhere between ecto and meso; I'm tall and lean but struggle to put on a lot of muscle. I have quite a low body fat % and still look #reem though.
  2. 1001 tracklist is a worth a try as well.
  3. I took a break from topless selfies to 8s to Snapchat my #MDece dilemna. Strawb won.
  4. Just had pork burgers and chips (both homemade), and now I'm heading to a beach party with a bottle of pimms to share and a bottle of MDece for myself.
  5. I've just purchased two bottles of #MDece2020 and can't decide which to drink tonight. O. Jub or Strawb? Help me out bois.
  6. I swalled a cherry stone earlier today. Will I be ok?
  7. See you in there, m8. We'll get the #mojitos, you get the #decebombs. Heard we're getting an exclusive warmup set from Sander van Dece b4 he goes on the Main Stage.
  8. Got my finest gear sorted for #marbs but eyeing a few casual outfits for raving in IBZ. Thinking of this (XS vest to show off the #gainz, obvs): Just to remind everyone how us #dece bois roll.
  9. Looking forward to the O. Jub and banging tunes already. It's day before I go to #IBZ so I'll be going #tapsaff at every opportunity to show off my #gainz.
  10. I should have posted a better pic, but I'd rate her about a 7/10. Getting bored of smashing your average G. Street 8s so wouldn't mind dropping a mark for a bird who's foreign and a minor celeb. #Marbs can't come soon enough.
  11. Could have chosen a better picture of her but I'm on my work PC so just took the first half-decent one. Didn't want people walking past and seeing me being a creep. Still wid tbh.
  12. Personally, I'd avoid 1) and 2) as they seem a bit dishonest to your current GF. 3) would be the least awkward situation for all involved but 4) has the most potential for 3some.
  13. You should also refer to him as "lazy dick" in the email IMO.
  14. Here's a picture of Fatmire Bajramaj from the German Woman's football team:
  15. He's turned down a coaching role at Killie and a player/coach role with Oldham, so it seems like he's still keen to play: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/23016260 My uncle speaks highly of him. A solid, if unspectacular, player who gave his all for the club. Not sure how he'd do for us as he's 35 now and seems like a position we're not desperate in.
  16. Hardwell On Air is v. v. v. dece. Might buy his new album, Revealed Vol. 4.
  17. I'm seething that Dumbarton played a full strength team against our youngsters. Seething.
  18. Escape is a glorious tune. Can't wait to hear Hardwell dropping that when I see him in IBZ. #gohardwellorgohome
  19. More 9s for the rest of us. #everycloud
  20. Other people will know better than me (probs, mhak) but I tend to do the exercises I'm weaker at at the start of my routine - bench, military press and pullups. I just find I have more energy to do these first and can still hit it hard enough on the squats and deadlifts at the end of a workout. I used to do a fair bit of cycling and currently play football 3 times a week so that may be why legs are more used to being worked. This could be completely wrong but it seems to work for me.
  21. Looking to get a bit more scientific with my eating. I currently eat healthy (plenty protein and veg, and good quality carbs) but my portion sizes are just done by eye. Are there any good websites where you can calculate your exact dietary needs based on certain goals and level of activity?
  22. Currently rocking 4 days worth of stubble. Was going to have a shave this morning but then I remembered this movie poster I keep seeing on the Tube: R. Gosling looking #reem with a designer beard. Some boi.
  23. Loving TJR at the moment: Ode to Oi has been my going out tune for the past couple of months. Abso buzzing after a bottle of MDece and a few plays of that. What's Up Suckaz is more of the same.
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