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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. Yeah, surely to f**k that's a 4-4-2. Unless Jim's managed to crowbar Erwin in at left wingback in a revolutionary 3-6-1 formation.
  2. It's fine: regardless of the outcome, we won't have been papped out the cup by a team with a fraction of our operating budget.
  3. Getting nervy about this tonight now. Really hope it's not our last meaningful game of the season. I wonder which Saints team will show up tonight.
  4. Fakes have definitely smelt blood here. Very good performance.
  5. Imagine them having to pay for four semis and two finals without the OF in the same season. Glorious.
  6. Just had to Google that. 700 notes and they look like fucking trainers off Wish.com.
  7. Nah, the done thing is for Calum Davidson to bump his gums about what we pay our players, and for the tedious Fakes fans* on here to tell us what they earn. * I realise "Tedious Fakes fans" is a tautology.
  8. Jay Henderson signed on till 2023. Great news. Hopefully lots more to follow now.
  9. Eamonn Brophy is famously on 10k a week, but no bulldog clause.
  10. I'd say that's more down to circumstances and the individual players; I'd judge each case on its merits and what the player can offer. Being the size of club we are, it's inevitable that we'll tend to have players on their way up, or on their way back down again. It therefore follows that the 'return' visit is likely to be disappointing. The exceptions are those where someone might have left at a young age and since turned into a better player - Paul McGinn, for example. In Naismith's case, his injuries have obviously hampered his career. He was out for a long spell before leaving us, and has clearly wrecked his chances elsewhere. If he appears to be over it, I'd be happy to take him back. To be fair, if County stay up, he may not want to leave; he's always spoken very fondly of his time in the Highlands and that was obviously a factor in going back there. He's only 26, so if his fitness is aceptable, and it appears to be, then I think there's enough reasons to try it.
  11. I'd have Naismith back, too. Just Googled him and he's only 26! I'd have guessed at 30 at least.
  12. *11th, but yeah. 12th was ruled out a game or so ago; there was still an outside chance of a freak 11th place, but we can officially relax now*. * We can't relax, obviously: this is St Mirren. Chances are teams will start circling for Jim now or something equally shite like that.
  13. Gave the OP a greenie for using 'infer' correctly. You just don't see it that often.
  14. Pleased we've done our bit to help deliver the County Vs ICT/Raith playoff final that we all want to see. This relegation race is fantastic, though. Well done to all involved.
  15. Important to see we're helping to uphold sporting integrity, too
  16. People eating words all over the shop in this thread
  17. Sure we'll manage to canter to a draw against United.
  18. What a signing he's been for them. *Sideways glance at Lee Erwin.*
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