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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. I think we all are Regardless of what happens, it's not going to be pretty on here come 5pm Saturday.
  2. I didn't mind it when we used to be a yo-yo team, tbh. As long as yo-ing doesn't represent an existential threat to the club, it has its merits. Obviously the seasons when you yo are way better than the ones when you yo, but over the piece it's not too bad, and Motherwell will learn to love it, I'm sure.
  3. Yeah to be fair we may yet not make it, but I think the fact we've been very competitive for the place still shows what an idiot Stubbs is. Bear in mind Stubs was making those comments to defend his own position - he maintains the expectations on him were unreasonable, and Goodwin has completely blown him out the water on that front.
  4. I keep accidentally clicking on this thread. Force of habit, I guess.
  5. It has felt really weird having not played for just over a week. I'd quickly become used to the two-game-per-week cycle. Shame we couldn't have turned a couple of those draws into wins as we would be home and hosed already, but we were dead on our feet and, besides, taking things down to the wire when it seemed easier not to is truly the St Mirren way. I honestly can't call this game at all. The 1-1 draw at SMP was appalling to watch; I can barely remember our win at the start of the season (though notably Sheron, Foley and Morias all started that, so we're now a much better side on paper.) You can barely slide a cigarette paper between the teams in terms of form, too: Insurance bet fans: a tenner on the only outcome that see us dropping out the top six - St Johnstone win and double chance Accies win/draw - pays about £30.
  6. Will this be the first time he's played there since he played a key role in the incredible Cammy Smith goal the other year?
  7. It's been noted before, but the sensation of getting to this stage of the season and rooting for an Accies win is fucking weird.
  8. Euphemism? I always find the 'your town's a shithole' chat a bit tedious, tbh*. Nearly everyone's town's a shithole from certain angles. We can't all live in York or Bath. I've lived in South Shields for over six years and have been to the town centre about five times. The beaches and clifftops and green spaces are where it's really at. * Acutely aware of my username at this point. Yes, I've got you whacked in shit town top trumps.
  9. This is all a very bittersweet experience for me. It's all well and good gloating about Hearts going down, but if you look at what then happened to St Mirren FC last summer - the cashflow crisis, the lack of transfers, the subsequent administration and liquidation, scrambling for entry into the junior leagues - then it all goes to show we shouldn't have been so fucking smug about everything. I, for one, have certainly been handed a massive taste of my own medicine.
  10. OK, there are always going to be exceptions. Our recruitment policy was a utter shitshow - at club level it was basically non-existent (by which I mean it came and went with different managers and there was no consistency). It took a marked improvement when Gus came in as DoF. There will always be fans who question Gus' impact at Saints during that period, and it became clear Goodwin didn't want/need him. He utterly divides Saints support, despite his inarguable achievements for us, so I'd imagine Ton fans' patience with him would be relatively thin. I happen to be in the pro-Gus camp, even though his downsides are fairly clear to see. I guess the key question is, having been a DoF with us (always seems a cushy gig), and 15 years on since he got us promoted, whether or not he still has the energy. If he is hungry for it, I don't see why he couldn't be a success for you, perhaps even beyond this season.
  11. I actually think this is a decent appointment for you. But then again, I thought Hopkin was too so I clearly know fucking nothing. Conflicted, though: I have a huge soft spot for Gus and now I wouldn't find it as funny if you went down. On the plus side, the guy is well connected and can spot a player (though that may be a moot point if he's out the door before the window opens). He knows your league. He plays, erm, 'effective' football. If you keep him beyond the end of the season you can look forward to a squad absolutely riddled with hard-working central midfielders. I am 100% sure that he'll keep you up now, and comfortably. It's an eminently sensible appointment.
  12. He signed one last Monday on his 16th birthday. Haven't seen any details as to the length. Hopefully 12 years. Didn't realise that. Great news.
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