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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. Running distance is a bit of a waste of time if you want to get fit. There are better ways of doing it. And as you say it destroys your joints.
  2. Hopefully pre rubber bumpers. They looked like shite after that.
  3. I got absolutely horsed off the court tonight playing squash. And then I barfed when I got home. Good times.
  4. Good to see Pakistan unearth a couple of quality bowlers again. And it was lovely to see them ruffle the Australians too. It was a good test match actually, I've enjoyed watching both of them so far.
  5. Banks are acting like utter c***s right now. I wouldn't get too stressed about anything regarding them. If they have defaulted you so what? It buggers off your credit rating in no time anyway. As for bankruptcy, my mate did that a few years ago when he split with his wife. It took him a couple of years before he could borrow money again, but he has a mortgage now and all the rest of it. Its a game, play it.
  6. Just back from A&E with my squash partner. He completely fucked his ankle on the court tonight. Dislocation and ligament damage. Bad bad bad
  7. Whenever I see you have just posted on here I'm expecting it to be you announcing that your wifes pregnant again.
  8. It's definitely an age thing! It is fine this morning thankfully, I just overstretched playing a shot at the squash last night. My front foot slipped a little bit and thats what caused it.
  9. tweaked my hamstring tonight, not enough to stop me finishing a match but its tightened up now. I iced it up when I got home so hopefully it will be ok. Thats the first muscle injury I've had in years so I'm hoping it's nothing much. It isn't a tear or I'd have collapsed in a heap probably but it was still annoying.
  10. Went for a slash this morning when I woke up. Pished like a racehorse for what seemed like an eternity and then dropped my watch down the pan. So I had to fish it out and wash it and dry it and I don't want to bloody wear the thing now.
  11. It could be something from a kids show for all I know, it made me laugh anyway.
  12. I can imagine myself pumping Nigella all ways. But I can't imagine even looking twice at Sophie, and she is trying to use her sexuality to sell this show it deserves to be commented on. It's a rip off of Nigellas efforts and Nigella just looks like a dirty ride whereas Sophie would be the type of girl that has a proper picnic hamper. Too much effort for little reward. Her cooking looks fucking shit too.
  13. She was called Shelley when we got her from my dads friend. My daughter renamed her. I quite liked it. Not bad for a three year old.
  14. I had a couple of hours looking for the fucking tortoise in our garden today. She managed to escape from her run in the garden and got herself under the summer house. And a stubborn tortoise that doesn't want to come out from under it won't come out from under it! So I need to make the fence a bit higher for her as she can obviously climb over it. Should change her name from Fluffy to Steve McQueen
  15. Diet coke with no caffeine in it.... WTF? It's vile.
  16. This is sound advice. It's refreshing to have someone like you around here to give out help to those who need it.
  17. Isn't that what he's doing already with the Partick fans?
  18. Got a squash league game tonight against a pretty good player. I haven't been feeling all the great all weekend, nothing major, just a bit off colour. And I can't be arsed playing really. I'll get horsed. He's a complete bellend as well and he doesn't speak very good English either. At least he will be able to treat me if I take a seizure on the court as he's a doc.
  19. We had some melon a few weeks ago and my daughter wanted to plant some seeds. So now we hae twelve melon plants in grow bags in the greenhouse. Hope they come to fruition as I love melon/s
  20. Graham Norton taking over Johnathon Rpss's show on saturday mornings. Great. The poofyfication of the BBC Saturday schedule is almost completed. All we need is fucking Peter Tatchill presenting Match of the Day and we are there.
  21. It's incredible how many times you'll have to repeat this.
  22. Ben Lui, Ben Oss, Ben Dubhcraig. Theres a car park and you walk up along the cononish river. It's a long walk in to Ben Lui but it's a fantastic looking mountain from that approach. I walked Ben Oss and Ben Dubhcraig the other week and found it great as well. You get to walk through the remnants of the caledonian forest as well. Its beautiful. Well worth it. Interesting enough not to feel like a total slog.
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