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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Seems a bit harsh for people to take a shot at someone pointing out that your cup final exploits didn't really bring bums to seats the following seasons.
  2. I'm surprised Stephen Pressley hasn't been mentioned.
  3. If I had to give my opinion, it'll be someone who is not currently employed.
  4. Got to say, not surprised at the timing. Brown has been very clear that the finances weren't great before Covid, add that into the mix and it makes sense.
  5. Not even an eye twitch. It's not as if I've been blaming Hearts for 40 odd years because we never beat Dundee.
  6. I'll let you into a secret, it doesn't really bother me that much. I'd preferred if it hadn't happened but in the grand scheme of things it put money into our coffers and we are in no way the only team to host the OF. You can ask anyone from Thistle to Morton. As for whether it's us going bust? I mean it's a fair question. We've done well to cut our cloth (unlike some) but situations like this are the classic Black Swan. If it was a case that 15 or 20 were going to the wall, yeah, maybe we could in that number, but if it's one or two, I don't think it's going to be us.
  7. Now if you are making the case that the Record isn't worth the paper it's printed on, I'd happily agree with you. My main concern is that I am agreeing with Findlay. I get that a broken clock can be right twice a day, but jinkies.. that's one hell of a broken clock.
  8. Sorry, I appreciate you need something to cling to! That said, he's no Jack Hamilton mind.
  9. Nah, all a charade. All the money has been funnelled out to Budge's brother, while the club is on it's uppers. That's why she's so frightened about relegation..
  10. Interesting you are happy to provide sources for some things, yet when asked about this so called "being told by insiders" about Burrows you seemed to have remained somewhat tight lipped.
  11. Interestingly, all the horsemen ride different coloured horses. Pestilence, War, Famine and Death according to bible entries rode white, red, black and "pale" (although you'll have to work out what pale actually means) respectively. Not related to this thread, just an interesting bit of pub quiz trivia.
  12. I believe this could be a signal of the end times. If we start seeing a rise of locusts in Aberfeldy and it raining frogs up in Wick then expect to see those four horsemen soon....
  13. I don't tend to post on this thread, so apologies if this has been posted already, but... https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/donald-findlay-rounds-rangers-over-21955321 ..clearly the 'rona is having an affect on me as I'm finding myself agreeing with Donald Findlay. Donald fucking Findlay? Nurse... I need medication.
  14. Considering there are a different number of teams and a different number of games played (and yet to be played) then it is quite uncanny as you say. Taking Toulouse out of the picture, you have very similar points/spread at the bottom and pretty much the same gap at the top.
  15. So, just for clarity here is French League 1 as they called it.. 18th would normally be a playoff, but as far as I am aware that is not happening. And this is the current Scottish one..
  16. I'd read "yes" but not the rest of it. I'm an idiot. That is all ..
  17. I'll also second @The DA here, as the c**t McCluskey is a die hard Brexiteer yet the majority of the union members are against it. He still used the Unite block vote to handcuff Labour. Who themselves were being led by a liar.
  18. Right, but to be an employee you don't need to be a member of a union. That's the subtle difference here.
  19. The literal translation is badger (and I could be wrong with the gender, I always am with French), but it's got a more pejorative meaning "with the kids on the street" (or les enfants dans la rue, as it were)
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